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sophomore year

In my sophomore year , I take two more of his courses. We go beyond the classroom, meeting now and then just to talk. I have never done this before with an adult who was not a relative, yet I feel comfortable doing it with Morrie, and he seems comfortable making the time.

"Where shall we visit today?" he asked cheerily when I enter his office.

In the spring, we sit under a tree outside the sociology building, and in the winter, we sit by his desk, me in my gray sweatshirts and Adidas sneakers, Morrie in Rockport shoes and corduroy pants. Each time we talk, he listens to me ramble. then he tries to pass on some sorts of life lesson. He warns me that money is not the most important things, contray to the  popular view on campus. He tells me I need to be "fully human." He speaks of the alienation of youth and the need for "connectedness"  with the society around me. Some of these things I understand, some I do not. It makes no difference. The discussions give me an excuse to talk to him, fatherly conversations I cannot have with my own father, who would like me to be a lawyer.

Morrie hates lawyers.

"What do you want to do when you get out of college?" He asks.

I want to be a musician, I said. Piano player.

"Wonderful," he says. "But that's a hard life."


"A lot of sharks."

That's what I hear.

"Still," he says, "If you really want it, then you'll make your dream happen."

I want to hug him, to thank him for saying that, but I am not that open. I only nod instead.

"I'll bet you play piano with a lot of pep," he says.

I laugh. Pep?

He laughs back. "Pep. What's the matter? They don't say that anymore?"



春天,我們坐在社會學大樓外的一棵樹下,冬天,我們坐在他的辦公桌旁,我穿著灰色運動衫和阿迪達斯運動鞋,莫里穿著 Rockport 鞋和燈芯絨褲子。每次我們談話時,他都會聽我絮絮叨叨。然後他試圖傳授一些人生教訓。他警告我,錢不是最重要的東西,這與校園流行的觀點相反。他告訴我我需要成為“完全的人”。他談到了青年的異化以及與我周圍的社會“聯繫”的需要。這些事情有些我明白,有些我不明白。沒什麼區別。這些討論給了我一個與他交談的藉口,我無法與我自己的父親進行父親般的談話,他希望我成為一名律師。




“太棒了,”他說。 “但那是艱難的生活。”








他笑了回來。 “Pep。怎麼了?他們不再這麼說了嗎?”

pep n. 活力  銳氣   v. 激勵 使精力充沛
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