*A wall that prevents you from disappointments prevents you from happiness.
Dear Ms .Ivy Ballard,
We were given your contact by one of your clients Rita Bowers, who highly recommend we use your service.
We have been experiencing quite a torment ever since our second child was born, with both my husband and I having to strike a balance between work and family.
Most of time, we have to leave home before 8 A.M., and by the time we get home from work, it is around 8 P.M. or so on the weekdays..
Just last week Samantha, who had been taking care of Bernard, our oldest son, met with an accident and has to stay in bed for at least a month..
Hence, we are in desperate need for someone to replace her and take care of our children Bernard and Many on the weekdays while my husband and I are at work. Please kind reply us as soon as possible regarding your availability..
- KK[ˋdɛspərɪt]
- DJ[ˋdespərit]
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