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If you can't do the small things right, you will do the big things wrong.



Hi,all. Please give me a progress update on the Whitestone work. We won't want to be anywhere behind schedule.



Bad news here. I'm afraid we experiencing some delay in getting the steel bars we ordered. We are going to be held up until after the 23th of this month..



That’s two weeks later than originally planned! Have you communicated this to client? We should get them prepared for a very likely delay.



I beg to differ. I think we should find the second source. We can check for availability from Man Iron. Remember they supplied us with quite a big quantity of steel bars the last time we were in the same situation?



Kino 8:42 A.M. Although they are of a smaller scale as compared to our original vendor Iron Steel, let me try to reach out to them and see if this works. Abby 10:55 P.M. Alright all, let's play it by ear.


1. At 8:44 A.M., what does Abby mean when she says “let’s play it by ear”? (A) She wants to act according to how things turn out. -(O) [Go go ! Do it !] (B) She wants to figure out how much quantity of steel bars Man Iron can provide. -(X) (C) She is very upset about the whole situation. -(X) [It's real me ! but not this sentence meaning] (D) She wants to test the others’ hearing ability. -(X) [check check one two three one mic test!] 2. Which of the following is stated about the message chain? (A) The speakers have worked with Man Iron before. -(O) [他們和Man Iron以前有合作過!從Q318得知] (B) The order of steel bars was initially scheduled to arrive after the 23rd of the month. -(X) [23rd是延遲兩周的日期] (C) The order Man Iron will be two weeks behind schedule. -(X) [Man Iron是他們第二個資源!然後準備要去連絡的廠商,會落後進度的是original vendor Iron Steel] (D) Iron Steel is a smaller company as compared to Man Iron. -(X) [Man Iron小於Iron Steel才對] 3. What most probably will the speakers do next? (A) Contact their client to inform them about the potential delay. -(X) [有詢問是不是有做這件事情,但是沒有人說要去做這件事情,所以客人就不管他了XD] (B) Contact their second source of steel bar provider. -(O) [是的!如主管的我本人,請大家就這麼辦!] (C) Give Abby a progress update. -(X) [但是這也是需要地說XD但是訊息裡面沒有提到!] (D) Reach out to other departments for a second opinion. -(X) [應該是沒有那麼多second opinion,我喜歡當機立斷]





































































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