You reap what you sow.
Don't look at the harvests you reap.
Focus instead on the seeds you sow.
We would like to announce the upcoming department integration that is taking place at the end of the year.
The current duties of all 27 of our onsite customer representatives will merge with our online customer service personnel.
You need commitment to start anything
You need consistency to finish everything.
Both sales and marketing departments will then share a common office level on the 16th floor, which is where the original sales division is located.
Besides the transfer of a third of our original onsite customers service personal to the sales division,we are also opening up 5 more of these posts to transfer the total number of our sales team to 28 members.
We thank you all for enabling the smooth transition of this internal restructuring and integration. If you have any concerns, please feedback to your respective superiors..
1. How many members were there on the sales team originally? (A) 14 -O (B) 28 -X (C) 27 -X (D) 23 -X
2. Which of the following is stated in the memo? (A) There will no longer be customer service personnel -X [不對!只是現場的轉調而已,改成線上的] (B) The 16th floor office level is entirely new -X [不對!原本sales就在那裏了!] (C) Some onsite customer service representatives will be transferred to the marketing division -X [可惡!陷阱XD看到下一個選項想說怎麼了...不是marketing!!!這故事告訴我們考試記得四個選項都要看完!] (D) 9 original employees will hold different posts -O [摁....數學題...]
3. What is not true of the department integration? (A) It’s happening at year end. -X [對的所以不選] (B) No more onsite customer service representatives are required -X [對的所以不選] (C) Issues from employees are to be raised to their supervisors -X [對的所以不選] (D) There will be 5 new positions in the marketing department -O [不是marketing!!!這樣兩題都挖一樣的洞讓我有點擔心XD]
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