think highly of ph. 評價高
turn down
on one's own
by oneself
institution 公共團體,機構;
notification 通知
hardly /seldom / never
否定副詞 + 動詞
She hardly complains.
in an attempt to 試圖…,企圖…
hefty [ˋhɛftɪ] adj. 重的
whichever pron.(關係代名詞) 無論哪個;無論哪些
She'll buy whichever is cheapest. 什麼最便宜她就買什麼。
passage n. 通路;水路;出入口
stroll v. 散步,溜達;緩步走
debut [dɪˋbju] n. 首次露面;初次登臺
put up with
come up with
針對問題等)想出; 提供He could not come up with a proper answer. 他想不出一個合適的回答。
give in
ample 大量的,豐富的,充裕的
This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day. 這樣她就有充裕的時間準備一日三餐飯。
retention 保留;保持;記憶力
substantially 相當多地,大大地
The price may go up quite substantially. 價格可能大大上揚。
lightly 輕輕地,輕微地
If you walk lightly, your footsteps will not be heard. 如果你輕輕地走,別人就聽不見你的腳步聲了。
slightly 輕微地;稍微地;微小地
White wine should be slightly chilled. 白葡萄酒應稍微冰一下。
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