It was after the failure of this attempt that he resorted to force. 是這次嘗試失敗之後他才訴諸武力的。
2. 經常去[(+to)]
The beggar resorted to the restaurant for some soup. 這個乞丐常去該飯店要湯喝。
1. 常去的休閒度假之處;名勝[C]
There are many summer resorts in the mountains. 在山裡有許多避暑勝地。
2. 常去[U]
A park is a place of popular resort in good weather. 天氣好的時候公園是人們愛去的地方。
3. 訴諸,憑藉,依靠[U][(+to)]
Resort to force is forbidden in this school. 該學校禁止動武。
4. 依靠的東西,憑藉的手段[the S]
If I can't get the money any other way, as a last resort I could borrow it from Dad. 如果我沒有其他辦法籌錢,最後的辦法就是向父親借。Books are her resort when she is lonely. 當她寂寞的時候就看書解悶。