suggest 用法
suggest 的用法有三種,而三種會有相同或相似的意思。用法的結構可能會有點複雜、不好掌握,因此請注意細節。
(1)suggest 可以直接在後面接動名詞,或接所有格形容詞 + 動名詞,而這裡的動名詞就不是指句子的主詞了。
- He suggested going to Tainan.
- He suggested my going to Tainan
- I suggested visiting your grandmother.
- I suggested your visiting your grandmother.
(2)suggest 也可以接 that + 主詞 + should + 動詞的句型,但在這些子句中,that 和 should 都可以省略不用,直接將主詞接在動詞 suggest 後即可。
- He suggests that I should go to Tainan.
- He suggests that I go to Tainan.
- He suggests I should go to New York.
- He suggests I go to New York.
(3)如果語境已經清楚地表達意思,suggest 後面就可以接名詞。
- What kind of ice cream are you having? I suggest chocolate
- I suggest Jim for this project.
- He suggested the Toyota Prius instead of another hybrid car.
- If you are allergic to hair, I suggest a bird or a fish as a pet.
(4)最後,suggest 可以接疑問詞 + 不定詞。
- He suggested where to go
- I suggested what to see.
- You suggested when to leave.
- They suggested which coat to buy.
本文於 修改第 8 次