with + 受詞 +現在分詞 (表主動)
with + 受詞 +過去分詞 (表被動)
with + 受詞 +介詞片語 (表位置)
with + 受詞 +不定詞片語 (表未來要做的事)
with + 受詞 +形容詞
With you sitting beside me, I can't concentrate on my work.
With my job done, I can go any time.
The bad guy was walking toward me, with a knife in one hand.
With two more jobs to do, I don't think I can go to the movies now.
With the large number of projects on the drawing board, we need to allocate our limited personnel more efficiently.
on the drawing board 在籌畫中
It's just one of several projects on the drawing board.
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