KK [dɪˋsɛnd] DJ [diˋsend]
同義詞 decline, fall, drop , plunge
下來, 下降[(+from)]
You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot. 你可以搭電梯上去, 但要自己走下來。
下傾, 下斜
The mountain path descends to the lake. 山路下斜通向湖邊。
傳下來, 來自於[(+from)]
The custom has descended to our day. 這一習俗一直傳到今天。
突然襲擊; 突然拜訪[(+on/upon)]
Bob and his girl friend descended on us for the weekend. 鮑伯和他女友突然來我家過週末。
屈尊; 墮落[(+to)]
He is descended from Confucius. 他是孔子的後裔。
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