On April 27, 2006 "Remember Me" Rose Garden announced in New York City, “Forty Heroes”. “Forty Heroes” a beautiful golden yellow rose is named for the crew and passengers of United Flight 93. Courageously they fought back forcing hijackers to crash the plane in rural Pennsylvania instead of the intended target in Washington, D.C., changing the course of history.
“Forty Heroes” was hybridized by Ping Lim of Bailey Nurseries, Inc., www.baileynurseries.com. “Forty Heroes” will be available in the spring 2008 at local garden centers.
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The Finest
"The Finest" is a beautiful white hybrid tea rose that honors the 23 NYPD Officers lost in the line of duty on September 11, 2001. These 23 NYPD Officers, in their dedication to protect the lives of fellow citizens, gave the ultimate sacrifice-their lives. "The Finest" honors the NYPD.
Hybridized by world famous hybridizer Ping Lim of Bailey Nurseries, "The Finest" will be available at retail garden center in 2009. For more information see www.baileynurseries.com