把這個說法 換成數理問題 可證嗎??
----- 0 -------------- 0 -------> the train direction
t1 t2
Is it possible T is negative (時間是倒退)?
Getting a message from nothing special today, and I also cannot find anything from OK...Can anybody show me??
As for the statement, I don't think it should be a "well proved question".
It is well known that time is a one direction ray(just like NS tell us). we usually regard"me" as the original point. When we move from t1 to t2, we may find out that t1 belongs to negative part for t2 origin(just like Dr. o.m tell us).
-----negative part ----- 0 -------------- 0 -------positive part
t1 t2
If somebody just want to prove the statement, just regard time will never be negative for anything origin. And try to find if there is opposite to time is a one direction ray. Gee trust that you can easily get the result.