日期:九十九年九月九日 上午九點三十分至下午四時
地點:華梵大學 薈萃樓 H401 (台北縣石碇鄉華梵路一號)
聯絡電話:(02)26632102 轉 4951 蘇小姐
線上報名表:On-line Registration Form
再訪Aldo Leopold 阿爾多‧李奧帕德 & 紀錄片觀賞及討論:原住民角色的重新定義與定位
Aldo Leopold Revisited and Talkback with Patricia Keith: An ASLE-TW Reading Club Meeting, September 2010
本次工作坊主題為:再訪 Aldo Leopold 阿爾多‧李奧帕德,討論土地倫理與二十一世紀環境教育之關係。下午場除放映美國路易斯克拉克州立學院資深教授 Prof. Keith 所製作之三部紀錄片精華外,安排部份時間提供與會學者討論原住民的重新定義與定位。
Workshop Schedule:工作坊議程
Date: September 9, 2010
Venue: H401, Huafan University
Shuttle Bus: 8:30 am at Mucha MRT Station
Transportation (Bus Schedule):
The workshop will be structured to encourage fruitful discussions and build connections between workshop participants. To this end, approximately half of the workshop time will be devoted to short presentations by each Panelist and Prof. Keith, with the remaining half devoted to focused discussions.
09:00 -- 09:30 Welcome 報到
Session 1第一場:
以再訪Aldo Leopold 阿爾多‧李奧帕德 為圓桌論壇主題,由數位學者引言。提供與會學者針對土地倫理提出與本世紀環境挑戰議題相關之討論。
Leopold Revisited: The round table session was designed for interaction between the speakers and other round table participants, focusing on Aldo Leopold's land ethic and its relevance to the 21st century global environmental challenges.
09:30 -- 10:00 Leopold's Land Ethics (Dr. Jien-Ming Jue 華梵大學朱建民校長)
10:00 -- 10:50 Leopold Revisited (Dr. Ted Yang 學會秘書長)
10:50 -- 11:00 Coffee Break
Documentary Films Session: Each beautiful film presentation will be followed by a talk back session where the audience interacts with Dr. Keith, one of the filmmakers.
播放三部原住民相關紀錄片精華,並由製作人Dr. Patricia Keith 講解並與學者互動
11:00 -- 11:30 Stewards of Hells Canyon of the Snake River
(Documentary Film 1)
11:30 -- 12:00 Land Ethics and a discussion about who IS indigenous
(Patricia Keith) 土地倫理、原住民角色的重新定義與定位
12:00 -- 13:00 Lunch 午餐
13:00 -- 13:20 Burman: Reflections on a Hidden Land (Documentary Film 2) and
13:20 -- 13:40 Tibet: A Light in the Darkness (Documentary Film 3)
13:50 -- 14:00 A Talk Back Session (Patricia Keith)
14:00 -- 16:00 Campus Eco Tour
討論綱要:請下載以下網址pdf檔案 Discussion Guide
線上報名表:On-line Registration Form
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