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Foreign guys’ opinions about Taiwanese girls (外國男人 看 台灣女人-E週刊的問券調查)

文章推薦人 (2)


taiwan girls with foreign guy

雄心 ambition · a strong desire for success, achievement, power or wealth
脾氣不好的 bad-tempered · describes a person who becomes angry and annoyed easily
愛指揮他人的 bossy · describes someone who is always telling people what to do
胸部 breast · either of the two soft, rounded parts of a woman’s chest that produce milk after she has a baby
平等的 equal · the same in amount, number or size, or the same in importance and deserving the same treatment
平坦的 flat · level and smooth, with no curved, high, or hollow parts
溫和的 gentle · calm, kind or soft
博學的 knowledgeable · knowing a lot
瘋子 lunatic · someone who behaves in a foolish or dangerous way
自戀狂 narcissist · someone who has too much admiration for themselves
公主 princess · an important female member of a royal family, especially a daughter or granddaughter of a king and queen, or the wife of a prince
女王 queen · a woman who rules a country because she has been born into a royal family, or a woman who is married to a king
領悟 realize · to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly
下垂 sag · to drop down to a lower level in the middle
人渣 scum · a very bad or immoral person or group of people
熟練的 skilled · having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well
小氣的 stingy · unwilling to spend money
崇拜 worship · to love, respect and admire someone or something greatly, often without being aware of their bad qualities

Q1:Taiwanese women… (台灣女人....)
A are too easy to get into bed. (太容易搞上床)
B don’t have any of their own ideas.  (沒主見)
C worship Westerners too much.  (太崇洋)

C- Taiwanese girls worship Westerners too much.

The truth is, a lot of foreigners in Taiwan are scum, but they live like kings. Are Taiwanese men that bad? I think these Westerner worshippers are sick in the head!

Q 2:Taiwanese women are too… (台灣女人太....)
A bad-tempered. (脾氣不好)
B bossy.  (愛指揮他人)
C stingy. (小氣)

B-I used to think that Asian women were very kind and gentle, but after I came to Taiwan, I found out that I was wrong.

Taiwanese women say they want men and women to be equal but they still expect their boyfriends to pay for everything when they go out. They act like princesses, always telling their boyfriends what to do.

Q3:  Taiwanese women don’t have… (台灣女人沒有)
A big enough breasts. (夠大的胸部)
B big enough butts.  (夠大的臀部)
C enough ambition. (足夠的野心)

B-Taiwanese girls have one big problem: they have no butt!

Most of the girls here only care about their breasts, but not having a nice butt is really terrible. Taiwanese girls don’t seem to worry at all about what their butts look like. They just let them stay flat and start sagging. Sometimes they even wear pants or skirts that show just how bad their butts look, without even realizing it. Even though your butt is in the back so you don’t see it much yourself, please don’t forget about what it looks like to other people!

Q4:  Taiwanese women think… (台灣女人認為...)
A a foreigner in Taiwan should be able to speak Chinese well.(外國人在台灣應該要能說英文)
B if I am their boyfriend it means I have to teach them English. (如果我是她們的男友,我必須教她們英文)
C saying “I love you” means “I want to marry you" (說我愛你意思是我要跟你結婚)

C-For foreigners, saying I love you is very normal, but things are different in Taiwan.

I used to say I love you to my girlfriends, but when they heard that, they would start thinking about getting married.

Q5: Taiwanese women…(台灣女人....)
A are narcissists. (是自戀狂)
B spend too much time shopping. (花太多時間買東西)
C worry too much about losing weight. (在減肥上花太多心思)

C-Taiwanese girls are really too thin.

And all they talk about is how they want to lose weight. They all want to be the thinnest, but why? It’s sick!

Q6: In bed, Taiwanese women act like they’re…(台灣女人在床上表現的像..)
A dead fish.(死魚)
B lunatics. (瘋子)
C queens.  (女王)

A-Taiwanese women don’t know much about sex.

When you’re making love to them, you have to show them what to do. Also, Taiwanese girls don’t make much noise or even move around very much.

When you’re having sex with them it’s like being in bed with a dead fish!

This particular post was translated from an article in a Taiwanese magazine (壹週刊). The opinions (and quotes) are those of six different foreigners who were interviewed for the article.

It’s actually in quiz form, and the answers are 1C, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5C, 6A.

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