馬龍的一生崎嶇坎坷,雖然贏得球賽無數,在他3歲的時候父親就自殺了,母親拖扯大了9個孩子,馬龍說,母親是他最大的偶像。苦難的童年,成就了他堅強而偉大的人生,馬龍也許是不在乎的,就如他在自傳中所說: At the end of my life, I don't want to be remembered as the kind of person who just sat on his rear end and said, “ I've made it.” I don't ever want to have to say that I didn't give it everything that I've got. Sure there are days that I don't feel like working hard. . . but I do it anyway, cause that's who I am.(在我離開人世的那一天,我不願意在人們記憶中是這樣一種人,這種人只是一屁股坐在那裡對人說:“我功成名就了”,也永遠不想說對我所取得的一切沒有盡到自己最大的努力。當然,我也有過放鬆懈怠的日子...但無論如何我還是努力去幹,因為那畢竟是真實的我。)