在我國一般所謂的代理商即是指銷售代理商,係在輸入國接受國外廠商或供應商的委託,代理該國外廠商或供應商向國內進口商推銷貨物,從而收取佣金作為報酬的商號· 由於銷售代理商係以委託人(國外廠商或供應商)的名義而從事貿易業務,是故本身並不負盈虧之責·
代理商是指代理商品的整個行銷作業, 依雙方合約可能必須涵蓋品牌, 區域訂價, 文宣, 銷售等行銷活動, 供應商對代理商的約束力較大.
「總代理商」英文翻譯 : Sole Agent
經銷商主要負責商品的銷售販賣, 對於供應商對經銷商的約束力較小, 但若經銷商在通路上有很大的實力, 則另當別論
「總經銷商」英文翻譯 : Sole Distributor , Chief dealer
(工廠) Factory 或是 (製造商) Manufacturer -->
(代理商) Agent -->
如果是獨家代理,就要用:exclusive agent
代理商下來,還有大盤商:whole saler
(經銷商) Distributor -->
(店家) Retail Store -->
(消費者)Consumer 或是 (顧客) Customer
Distributor : Performs the function of distribution using various channels of distribution. These may include wholesales, retailers and to end users(Consumers). He may or may not take physical delivery of the product and may not invest in inventory. He plays a very key role in the Distribution chain connecting Manufacturers and cunsumers.
A Distributor Imports, stores and distributes the products.
Wholesalers : Buy in bulk directly from the manufacturers or distributors and earn their profits because they can get volume discounts that is not available to retailers or end users. They need to invest and have the goods closer to the point of consumption.
A Wholesaler collects the goods from the Distributor and sells.
Retailers : The perform a very important role of bringing the product in physical proximity to the consumer and providing a variety of choice to the consumer.
Agent : He could be a buying Agent or Selling Agent or Double agent or a Diabolic Agent (Resembles our Mr.James Bond). What an agent persforms is verymuch defined by the Agency agreement that he/she contracts with the Buyer or Seller. He earns his money either from the Buyer or from the Seller or sometimes from both by marking up the prices or taking a "Cut" of the profits. Some times he/she does nothing other than a simple introduction between the buyer and seller and collects what is known as "an introduction fee".
Agent is a middleman who must earn his keep by adding value. With the advent of internatioanl communciation and sites like Alibaba Agents are dying out in large numbers and can be called an "Endangered Species"
An agent is a company or person who finds the buyer and the seller, and perceives a commission.
An agent directly makes the arrangement from the exporter or his assigned distributor and then makes his own arrangement to sell and market the goods
Manufacturer - Distributor - Wholeseller - Retailer - Final customer
Whereas the Agent is a middleman can take his margin anywhere in between, i mean he can act as a bridge between any of the two i.e.
Manufacturer -trader
trader -retailer
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