cAmilla New Zealand Camp 2024 - Auckland
August 13th - August 29th
The schedule might vary according to the actual weather, budget and need. Life offers us the ability to handle different situations and challenges with wisdom and humor.
Yes. We can survive.
Day 1 Airports: TaoYuan, Hong Kong, Aukland
Day 2 Hotel Manners & Auckland Life
Day 3 Art Gallery
Day 4 Viaduct Harbor: Devonport Ferry
Day 5 The Auckland Zoo
Day 6 The University of Auckland
Day 7 Auckland Botanic Garden
Day 8 The Auckland Library
Day 9 The Auckland Farm
Day 10 Matamata: Hobbiton
Day 11 Mountain Eden & Parnell Village
Day 12 MOTAT Museum of Transportation & Technology
Day 13 Aquarium
Day 14 Aukland War Museum
Day 15 Corn wall Park, One Tree Hill & Star Dome Observatory
Day 16 Pack & Go
Day 17 Sweet Home
Michelle found the shop to top up our AT metro card.
Abner did a great front flip in front of ge oldest church in Auckland.
Lucy offered an idea to go bowling so that we could meet local teenagers at the place.
Cynthia was feeling cold and sleepy the whole time but she managed to survive the day.
Chelsea and Jasmine shopped happily at the gift shops.
Sunny, Nini and Roger were doing their best to order food.
Well done, Campers.
Let's continue to do as KIWIS do!
Love, Peace, Hope & Future!