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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2

This chapter is about more advanced skills and some freestyle slalom skating tricks.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 20



20. Crab Jump

Usually, we can call Crab Jump just Crab. To do Crab, you need to switch the position from “V” to “A” and from “A” to “V” quickly. If you can switch them fast enough, then you can jump from “V” to “A” or “A” to “V” instead.


Below here is the specific way to do Crab:


a.       After lining up the cones, stand in “V” position on the right side of the cone line, and face the right front.

b.      Upon the next cone is your target. Before you can jump there straight, you need to slide to there on only the right foot and turn to the “A” position instead. It is not quite difficult to move forward, but you need to hold the "A" position and quickly switch to move backward in the next step.

c.       The next step is to slide backward on theright foot singly to the bellow of next cone, and then turn to “V” position. While sliding back, be careful to keep your body straight.

d.      If you feel stable enough to do Crab, then you can try to jump to switch the position. the steps are all the same, you just need to jump a little before you arrive the next cone and turn to "V" or "A" position.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 19



19.One Foot Zigzag

One Foot Zigzag is a motion that requires lots of practice. But you can also gain experience from other skills, like Nelson or Snack. 

The methods for practicing one foot zigzag vary from person to person. But I would suggest you start with Snake. That’s easier to turn Snake into one foot for most people.

You can line up the cones and do Snake on them. But you need to set a goal and higher the goal every time you achieve it. For example, you can set the goal at six cones at the first. Do Snake first and lift up your forward foot at the fourth cone. Once you get success in balancing on one foot for the rest cones, you can add the cone to eight, then ten, then twelve till twenty. ( twenty is a set for regular performance.) The way to prctice backward one foot is the same. Backward Snake then lift up the back foot. 

However, remember when you lift up your foot, you need to life up it fron the knee. And make the knee turn to outer side of you body, and keep a distance between your both knees so that there will be a triangle framed by your legs. The position can help you slide more stably and easier to control the direction.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 18



18. Backward Snake

Backward Snake requires skaters’ high proficiency in backward skating. That is mainly because snake is do with a little swing and you may feel dizzy at the beginning to practice. However, keep drilling it, and soon you will find the fun in Backward Skating.


First, turn the back to the first cone and step in an “A” position. Turn your head left to look at the back. Against your right foot to push your body and left foot backward together. As soon as you slide, turn your right foot to follow your left foot in monoline. Then keep zigzagging backward.


After Snake and Backward Snake, you can start to learn skating on one foot. They are qiute similar and related.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 17



17. Snake

Snack is a trick that requires skater to slide in a zigzag route with the feet in a monoline. It looks just like a snake sliding. To do Snack fluently, you need to practice the start motion more to gain the speed to support you to slide easier later.


First, put the feet in a “V” position in front of the first cone. Against your left foot to push yourself forward to set out. Then turn your left foot in the same direction as the right foot and follow after it. Now, your feet should be on the same line while sliding, the left foot behind the right foot.


After you push yourself out and slide successfully, you need to let your right foot lead the sliding, zigzag through the cones.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 16



16. Stroll

Stroll is also called double crazy. To do Stroll, you need to start with Crazy from the outer side of the cones line. And progress in a zigzag route.


First, stand on the right side of the first cone. Next, heel up the right foot and slide it to the back of the left foot and toe it up as soon as it is the back. That is a Cross here, so open it to pass the first cone and move to the left side of the second one. When you open the cross, push your left foot a little to heel it up. Then slide the left foot back to toe up it and put it back on the right foot. Open the cross and move to the next cone. Then repeat the process about six or eight cones a set.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 15



15. Crazy

Crazy is a trick that requires the skaters to pass each cone with a Criss-Cross fast. The trick is not difficult but needs lots of practice to make it fluently.

To do Crazy, you need to face the left side and then make a "forward Nelson beginning". But turn to face the right side when you pass the first cone and open the Cross back to "V" upon the middle of the two cones. 

Then make a backward Criss-Cross pass through the second cone. The Criss-Cross is oblique because the body path is zigzag through the whole cones line.

Open the backward Criss-Cross and stop in an "A" shape of feet below two cones. (the two cones are the second one and the third one here.) That's a set so far. If you want to continue this trick, just repeat forward and backward Criss-Cross in a zigzag way.

After you can do Crazy fast and stably enough, you can try to add heel and toe skills into your Crazy trick. It will make your motion more beautiful and fluent. The specific way to improve your trick is to heel up your fett right after you open a forward Criss-Cross and toe your feet right after a backward Criss-Cross. The inertial effect of backing from heeling and toeing will support you extra propusion for the next step.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 14



14. Vine Climbing

Vine Climbing is an easy trick. The only thing you need to learn is to spin between a forward Criss-Cross and a backward Criss-Cross to make it.


First, do a forward Criss-Cross then stop before the third cone. Here, after you do a Criss-Cross, your feet should back to the "V" position. Then spin yourself clockwise around the cone. You can also open your arms to spin easier.


Then make a backward Criss-Cross with the right foot first. After Backward Criss-Criss, your feet will be in an "A" position. Spin yourself clockwise around the cone then you can start forward Criss-Cross again.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 13



13. Volt

Volt is very similar to Sunflower. The way to pass the first two cones is totally the same. But when you spin to pass the second cone, you need to turn more till you are facing the left side of the cons line, and your right foot goes through between the second and third cones.

Then let your right foot slide backward to the right side of the third cone, and toe it. Spin yourself backward to let your left foot go through the left side of the cone and back to "V" to end this trick.

If you get stuck on the volt spin, you can try to press more weight on your left foot and hip to let them lead your body to turn.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 12



12. Sunflower

Sunflower is my favorite trick, which is very gorgeous. It includes twice spinning and starts as a forward Nelson, and ends with a backward Nelson. Four cones a set.


Sunflower is an eye candy, and the good news is Sunflower is not even hard to do. If you already practiced Nelson nicely then you totally have reason to be confident in doing Sunflower.


Let's resolve Sunflower into four steps, each cone a step:


a.           The way to pass the first cone in Sunflower is the same with Forward Nelson. Face the left side and make a "V" position. Toe up the left foot then turn right to put the feet crossing. Then pass the first cone.

b.          Open the cross and push the right foot to heel up on the right side of the second cone. Then try to imagine yourself as a compass, fix your right foot heel on the ground, and spin yourself clockwise till you are facing the right side of the cone line. Make your left foot draw a circle with the cone inside in the process of spinning.

c.           Now, you should be facing the right side of the cone line and local between the second and third cones with your right foot heel up. Put down the right foot and heel up the other foot upon the third cone. And then fix the foot on the ground and make a spin again. This time turn backward, clockwise, to pass the third cone till you face the second cone. Keep your body straight while you are turning backward.

d.          Put down the left foot and make a backward crossing to pass the fourth cone. Like the end of a backward Nelson, but do not open the crossing. Squat down a little and toe up the right foot then turn the body to the right to back to the “V” position.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 2 / Section 11



11. Back Nelson

Just like forward Nelson is based on forward Criss-Criss, backward Nelson is based on backward Criss-Cross. It is two cones a set and starts with the facing-left-side "V" position.


Below here are four steps to do backward Nelson:


a.           Stand near the first cone and turn to the left. Start with "V" position.

b.          Heel up your right foot and turn your body back to the line of cones.

c.           Put down the right foot and make a backward Criss-Cross to pass the first and second cones. But do not open the cross when you pass the second one.

d.          Balance on the right foot then squat down a little. Toe up the left foot to turn your body to the right side. Finally, put the feet back to "V" position.

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