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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning

This book is for any one who gets interested in inline skating. It also can be a reference book for coach to check the tutorial.
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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 1 / Section 6



6. Turn Around While Sliding 

The last basic practice is to turn around from forward sliding to backward sliding.

The motion can be resolved in three steps:


a. Keep the balance while skating forward, and slightly shift your body weight stance on the right leg to prepare for turning left. (Or left leg, both are fine but now we take the left direction as the first step as an example. If you want to try another side, the steps would be the same just make the direction opposite.)


b. Turn left and step your left foot at the back of your body with your toe pointing backward and also on the line which is extended by your right foot. Remember to turn left your body and take the step at the same time. Now you should be facing the left side and keep sliding mainly with your right foot.


c. Lastly, shift your balance to your right foot and step your right foot in the same direction as your left foot. The third step should be taken right after the second step. The sooner it is taken, the higher the success rate.



Now basically you already know how to skate and keep practicing you will be able to skate very elegantly!

If you want to improve more skills, the contents of chapter two are the guidelines for a higher level of skating and also certain motions of inline freestyle skating.

Enjoy your skate learning!

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 1 / Section 5



5. Backward Sliding 

We already learned how to move forward. Now is the time to try backward. 

To get ready to step backward, we need to put our feet in the shape of the letter "A", like an arrow symbol pointing forward. 

But it is much harder to keep an “A” shape than “V”. That's because we barely use the muscles on the outer side of the feet, which can help us to control the “A” shape. 

Anyway, don't feel frustrated if you find it hard to do that at the beginning, the only thing you need is time to let your muscles get used to it.


“A” shape is the first step to move backward. 

For safety, we need to learn how to look at the back when we slide at the same time. 

For beginners, Raising the arms and turning them to one body front and one behind is necessary to check the balance.


Control the shoulders to keep the arms on the same level, then turn your neck to look at the back. Caution, don't look at the ground, chin up. and stare at the horizon area.


Let's review the steps of skating backward:


a. Put the feet in the shape of "A", like an arrow pointing forward.

b. Rise the arms and turn them to one in front and one behind the body.

c. Look at the back, don't press down the chin, keep the sight on the horizon.


Backward skating may take learners several days practice to get used to. Honestly, most of the skills do so. 

The most important thing is being patient and continuous practice. 


After backward stepping, we can try to practice backward circles. 

The easier way to start it is by doing a forward circle first and then back on the trace while your muscles still remember the feeling.


But be really careful to avoid bending over when moving backward, otherwise you may lose your balance and fall down immediately. Also, try to keep the head up to see the whole sight back instead of just looking down.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 1 / Section 4



4. Step in straight and slide

Practice stepping forward and remember to keep the shape of your feet as the shape of the letter "V".


After stepping practice, you can try to slide a little. First, four or more steps forward to gain the speed that allows you to slide when you make your feet parallel, like number 11.

Caution, try to make your feet as closed as possible when you step them parallel, and keep them like that when you slide.

You can even let them contact each other.


When you are stepping, you need to raise your knees, not just the feet, to move forward, and try to make your body follow the forging without bending over.

Sometimes, you may want to raise your arms to balance. But do not raise them higher than your shoulders, which may lift your body weight center, too.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 1 / Section 3



3. Stand with Stable Balance

Once you stand up, adjust your feet into a "V" shape.

It's a basic position for us to skate forward. 

Heels are closed to each other and tiptoes should turn towards right and left diagonal front. The optimal degrees between two feet shall be about 60° to 75°.


The "V" position helps us to stand stably. And if we hold our heels with enough strength, and make the last wheels against each other, we can stand so steadily that we will not slide backward easily.


After children can hold their feet as "V" by themselves, let them practice it:

Squat down to gain better balance and press the legs with hands till you feel no any swaying then stand up.

Repeat the process of squatting and standing up at least five times.

It can help the children remember how to gain balance immediately when they are swayed.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 1 / Section 2



2. How to Stand Up

After you put on and check all of your protective gears, you should sit on the ground and put both your legs on one side. Then turn your position into kneeling, one foot step in front of the body while another knee on the ground, like proposing position you might see on the TV.

To get ready to stand up, you will need more support. Put your hands on the thigh of that leg you step out. Press on the thigh a little to make sure the position is enough stable.

If you feel swaying, adjust the position. 

Remember, that foot you step out should be right in front of your body, don't let the wheels lean to either side.


Here is a little tip the teacher can check if the children are ready to stand up:

Push their shoulder then feel that they can hold the strength clearly, which means they are ready.

If not, check their feet positions are correct and also, they indeed push on the thigh and then try again.


After passing the pushing shoulder test, they can try to stand up.

The skill is to count to three in mind and then stand up at three.

Remember, don't just let your hands off your thigh right the way after standing up. Make sure the body is really stable then try to open the arms.

Especially rising hands high suddenly might lead you to fall down as butt hit on the ground, which is very dangerous.


The way to sit down is the same as standing up, but the process is the opposite.

First, lower the body and put both hands on one leg. Then, kneel another leg till you can sit down on the ground.

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Inline Skating: Teaching and Learning / Chapter 1 / Section 1



1. How to Put on Protective Gears and Skate Shoes?

Skating is an exciting sport. It is full of fun and challenges. It can even make you thrilled and addicted. However, the most important thing is always safety when we enjoy exercising.  

So we need to learn how to put on protective gears to protect our knees, arms, and head from hurt before practice. 

Here are the regular protective gears we need:



knee protective gears (bigger ones)

elbow protective gears (smaller ones)

palm protective gears


Remember to check your protective gears every time you take them out and put them back.

The knee, elbow, and palm protectors shall be in pairs.

So, there are always three pairs of protectors in your gears bag when you are ready to go home after finishing the skating.


Putting the protective gears on should follow the order: First ones are knee protective gears, then elbow, helmet, and skating shoes, and the final are palm protective gears. 

(Palm protective gears should be the last one because it may limit your hand motions.

And also knee protective gears must be before shoes because shoes would stick them.)


When you put on the knee and elbow protectors. you need to observe the piece of plastic cover on them. 

The plastic should be able to protect your joints.

So, look at the curved surface of the plastic piece, you may notice that there is one side rounder another is flatter. 

The rounder side should be upper when you put on the protector so that the protectors will not obstruct your bending.

You can also check if they are in the right position by bending your elbows and knees.


#↓ open the latches

↓ loose the belts

↓ put on the shoes

↓ adjust the belts

↓ buckle the latches


check your shoes are tight enough so they can support your ankles.

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