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Reading & School Work Club in BanChiao 2015 板橋文學閱讀與學校課業俱樂部


 Reading & School Work Club in Studio BanChiao 2015


Copyright © 2015 cAmilla Children’s Literature Limited Liability Company


Organized & promoted by cAmilla Education, Culture & Arts Team

卡密拉兒童文學有限公司 教育與藝文服務推廣組承辦

Grade: 1st & 2nd 國小一、二年級


Day 上課日: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 週一、三、四、五  

Time 時間: 12:30-17:30

Day 上課日: Tuesday 週二   Time 時間: 16:30-17:30

Tuition學費: 5,000 / month

                                 Learning Schedule                         課程表

                         Monday: Story & Math                        閱讀與數學

                         Tuesday: Story                                        閱讀

                    Wednesday: Story, Arts & Crafts     閱讀與藝術創作

                         Thursday: Story & Science                  閱讀與科學

                         Friday: Story & Geography                 閱讀與地理


Grade: 3rd & 4th 國小三、四年級


Day 上課日: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 週一、二、四 

Time時間: 16:30-17:30

Day 上課日: Wednesday & Friday 週三、五   Time 時間: 12:30-17:30

Tuition學費: 3,500 / month

                          Learning Schedule                                課程表

           Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: Story            閱讀

           Wednesday: Story, Math & History           閱讀、數學與歷史

           Friday: Story, Science & Geography           閱讀、科學與地理


Grade: 5th & 6th 國小五、六年級


Day 上課日: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 週一、二、四、五 

Time 時間: 16:30-17:30

Day 上課日: Wednesday 週三   Time 時間: 12:30-17:30

Tuition學費: 2,500 / month

                             Learning Schedule                                        課程表

                Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: Story    閱讀

                Wednesday: Novel, Math & Science                  文學、數學與科學

Love, Peace, Hope & Future!

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Record for the Course of Grade 1 & 2--Monday--4
    回應給: cAmilla Wu(camillawu2004) 推薦0

Miranda Yen


Reading School Work Club 2015  文學閱讀與學校課業俱樂部

Schedule for Grade 1 & 2

12:30 - 13:00   Lunch

13:00 - 13:30   Rest

13:30 - 14:30   School Work

14:30 - 17:30   Reading Club Time

Record for the Course of Grade 1 & 2



DAY 4 Monday, March 2nd , 2015

A. Story : The Grasshopper and the Ants – Page 39 and 40

a. Story Time :

         1. Who are going to have the race?

 2. How many legs does the hare have?  ( How many / How much …….?  )

         3. Guess ….  Who can win the race ?  è  Who is faster ?  OR  Who is going to win ?  OR  Who is going to be the faster ?



b. Writing : Lower case "g" and "h" practicing.  



B. Maths : Plants and Plant Growth -- Page 196  




C. Notes :

   1. Remember to give children the time to think, and do not rush them to think or give the answer directly.   eg : when they write “day 4”, they need time to think or turn the page to find the word.

   2. Ask some questions, if the children can answer that means they understand totally, if they can’t answer the question, give them some clues, because it’s not a test.


D. Daily Language in the classroom




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Record for the Course of Grade 1 & 2--Thursday--3
    回應給: cAmilla Wu(camillawu2004) 推薦0

Miranda Yen


Reading School Work Club 2015  文學閱讀與學校課業俱樂部

Schedule for Grade 1 & 2

12:30 - 13:00   Lunch

13:00 - 13:30   Rest

13:30 - 14:30   School Work

14:30 - 17:30   Reading Club Time

Record for the Course of Grade 1 & 2



DAY 3 Thursday, February 26th, 2015

A. Story : The Hare and the Tortoise – Page 38 and 39

a. Story Time :

         1. Who are going to have the race?

2. How many legs does the hare have?  ( How many / How much …….?  )

         3. Guess ….  Who can win the race ?  à  Who is faster ?  OR  Who is going to win  OR  Who is going to be the faster ?



b. Writing : Lower case "e" and "f" practicing.  



B. Science : Plants and Plant Growth -- Page 244

   1. Introducing the contents first.

   2. What’s the plant ?

   3. Without plants, what will happen ?    No food, no paper, no clothes and no houses.



C. Notes :

   1. The living habit is more important than knowledge.

   2. If children have the behavior situation, e.g. yawning, sitting posture improperly, we always stop and talk to them how to do it in a proper way.



D. Daily Language in the classroom

   1. Today is Thursday, yesterday was Wednesday, the day before yesterday was Tuesday, two days before was Monday.

   2. When you yawn, you have to cover your mouth and say “excuse me.”

   3. Two hands on the table, please.






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Record for the Course of Grade 1 & 2--Tuesday--2
    回應給: Miranda Yen(yen1221) 推薦0

Miranda Yen


Reading School Work Club 2015  文學閱讀與學校課業俱樂部

Schedule for Grade 1 & 2

12:30 - 13:00   Lunch

13:00 - 13:30   Rest

13:30 - 14:30   School Work

14:30 - 17:30   Reading Club Time

Record for the Course of Grade 1 & 2




DAY 2 Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

A. Story : The Lion and the Mouse -- Page 38 

     a. Story Time :

         1. Do you think the lion is going to eat the mouse?

         2. If you are the lion, will you eat the mouse?

         3. Do you think the mouse can help the lion someday?


b. Writing : Lower case "c" and "d" practicing.  

c. Arts & Crafts :

B. Notes :

1. Teachers should pay more attention to children’s posture of sitting.

        2. How to make 28th ? We can teach kids from 1st, 10th, 20th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, then 28th.

        3. We use the markers to write. We use the crayons to draw.



C. Daily Language in the classroom


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Record for the Course of Grade 1 & 2 --Tuesday--1
    回應給: Miranda Yen(yen1221) 推薦0

Miranda Yen


Reading School Work Club 2015  文學閱讀與學校課業俱樂部

Schedule for Grade 1 & 2

12:30 - 13:00   Lunch

13:00 - 13:30   Rest

13:30 - 14:30   School Work

14:30 - 17:30   Reading Club Time

Record for the Course of Grade 1 & 2



Day 1  Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

A. Notebook :

    1. The notebook cover : student's name, birthday and phone number for home and parents.

    2. The students have to write the following information on the first page :

        * Day 1:

        * Day: Tuesday

        * Date : Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

        * Story :

           a. Aesop's Fables - The Dog and His Shadow -- page 37

               (Read the story word by word and ask students to use fingers to point to the words.)

           b. Drawing a picture

               (each picture with one color.) 

        * Lower case "a" and "b" practicing.  


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Schedule for Grade 1 & 2
    回應給: cAmilla Wu(camillawu2004) 推薦0

Miranda Yen


Reading School Work Club 2015  文學閱讀與學校課業俱樂部

Schedule for Grade 1 & 2

12:30 - 13:00   Lunch

13:00 - 13:30   Rest

13:30 - 14:30   School Work

14:30 - 17:30   Reading Club Time


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