Reading and Drama Club B 0913
Instructor : Ms. Madeleine Hsueh
Club : Reading and Drama Club
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Date: Saturday, September 13th, 2014
Edited by Miranda Yen
Members: Ashly, Brian, Eva, Jason, Nancy, Sandra, William, Yvonne
* The Value of Life : Love has the power to overcome difficulties.
* The Living Habit : We shall have our tissue or napkin ready before eating and make sure that our eating area reamains clean and tidy.
* Holes by Louis Sachar
△ evaporate : To disappear quickly.
* Newspaper : The Wall Street Journal, USA Today Weekly, USA Today
* Spectrum Science Grade 4 : Lesson 2.1 On the Move
I 1 VI 6 XI 11 XVI 16
II 2 VII 7 XII 12 XVII 17
IV 4 IX 9 XIV 14 XIX 19
V 5 X 10 XV 15 XX 20
* What Your Fifth Grade Needs to Know
◎ Poetry (Page 4 - 5)
A Wise Old Owl
The Eagle
From Opposites
The Arrow and the Song
* How Does the Show Go On : Styles of Theaters (Page 15 - 17)
Please keep How Does Show Go On clean and the studio will buy it back with TWD 800.-
* Grammar :
1. I, my, me, mine, myself
2. Frequency Adverbs
* Next club date is on Saturday, September 27th, 2014 and the time is from 1pm to 3:30 pm.
Love, Peace, Hope & Future!
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