Reading & Drama Club C 0927
Instructor : Ms. Camilla Wu
Club : Reading & Drama Club C
Time : 4:40 pm - 6:40 pm
Date : Saturday, September 27th, 2014
Edited by Miranda Yen
Members : Amy, Elaine, Jay, Ethan, Sam and Jason.
* The Value of Life : Love is to show consideration and care to people around you. To prevent tragedy from happening is the reason why we show our love.
* The Living Habit : It warrms people's heart by saying elegant words to express our feelings instead of using harsh sentences.
* Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll : Chapter 2
◎ The salty water is Alice's tear.
△ creature (noun) A lower animal and also a human being.
◎ Alice picked them up and began to fan herself.
* What Your Third Grader Needs to know : Page 151 Massachusetts Bay :
The Puritans
△ golbe : (noun) Ball, sphere, earth also a spherical representation of the earth.
* William Shakespeare : Chapter One : Home in Stratford
◎ Mr. Shakespeare is very happy because William Shakespeare is born.
* Newspaper : The Front Page
1. USA Today.
2. International Herald Tribute
3. T.G.I.F. = Thanks God It's Friday
4. ShangHai Daily
* Spectrum Science Grade 3 : TWD 450
◎ Please reeber to bring the total of TWD 779 to the studio next time.
* Grammer :
I my me mine myself
You your you yours yourself
He his him his himself
She her her hers herself
It its it its itself
We our us ours ourselves
You your you yours yourselves
They their them theirs themselves
* Next Club Date : Saturday, September 27th, 2014
Time : 4:40 pm to 6:40 pm
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