The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0719
Date: Saturday, July 19th, 2014
Club Time: 8AM-11PM
Instructor: Camilla Wu and Tristan Valentine
Assistant: Alma Lu 8 AM - 12 PM
* The Value of life:
Perseverance is the key to our future life.
* The living habit:
Please leave the washroom door open after using it, and keep the floor area clean and dry.
* Newspapers
Taipei Times , MX , TaiWanese News , Page 4
Circle the Date
Circle the Website
Circle the Price
Circle the Jourmalist / Author
Circle the Headlines
Facilitate (Verb.) - To make something easier
Facility (Noun.) - A place to make something easier
Methane (Noun.) -
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary - a colorless odorless flammable gas produced by decomposition of organic matter or from coal and used esp. as a fuel
Oxford American Dictionary - a colorless, odorless flammable gas that is the main constituent of nature gas
Immature (Adjective.) - lacking complete development
* Magazine : Page 4 Conversation
Olympic Dream , Cases in Point , Power Couple , Might Over Right , Poignant Portraits , Gun Culture , U.S.-Centric Praise
appalling (Adjective.)- to overcome with horror
* Spectrum Science : Taking a good lock at the world Page 8
The Scientifi Method , Observe , Experiment , Verify
Technique (Noun.) -
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary -1. the manner in which technical details are treated or basic physical movements are used 2. technical methods
Oxford American Dictionary - 1. a method or skill used for carrying out a particular task. 2. a person's level of skill in a particular field. 3. a skillful or efficient way of doing or achieving something.
* Theater - How does the show go on?
Broadway Page 12-13
* Don Quixote Page 118-119
Final paragraph - the last paragraph
Courtesy (Noun.) - politeness
Solitude (Noun.) -
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary - 1. the state of being alone: seclusion 2. a lonely place
Oxford American Dictionary - 1. the state of being alone. 2. a lonely or ununhabited place.
* What Your Sixth Grader Needs To Know
If - by Rudyard Kipling Page 7-8
* Grammar:
1. I my me mine myself
2. Frequency Adverbs: 0% to 100%
Always 100%
Usually 80%
Often 60%
Sometimes 50%
Seldom 30%
Rarely 10%
Never 0%
3. Axiliary Verbs: Past, Present, Future
May - might
Can - Could
Will - Would
Shall - Should
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