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Studio BanChiao--The Young Adult Club Record 2014 板橋青少年俱樂部課程記錄


Studio BanChiao

The Young Adult Club Record 2014

2014 板橋青少年俱樂部課程記錄

Love, Peace, Hope & Future!

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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 板橋青少年俱樂部課程記錄 1122
    回應給: cAmilla Wu(camillawu2004) 推薦0



The Young Adult Club

Date: Saturday, November 22nd,2014

Club Time: 9am-12pm

Instructor: Camilla Wu

Edited by Madeleine Hsueh

Next Club Date: Saturday, December 20th, 2014

Time: 9am-12pm

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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 板橋青少年俱樂部課程記錄 1108
    回應給: cAmilla Wu(camillawu2004) 推薦0


The Young Adult Club
Date: Saturday, November 8th,2014
Club Time: 9am-12pm

Instructor: Camilla Wu
Edited by Madeleine Hsueh

* The Value of Life :
△ content
* The living habit:

* The Giver by Lois Lowry : Chapter 10 to 11

△ articulate

△ intricate

* Newspaper : Page 5

* What Your Sixth Grader Needs to know

* Spectrum Science Grade 6 : Lesson 1.9

* How Does The Show Go On : Page 34

* Grammar

1. I

2. Auxiliary Verb

3. Frequency Adverb

4. 4 Tenses, 2 Voices

5. Wh- questions :

when, where, what, why, who, how, which and where

6. If clause : stating the truth that does not happen.

* Dictionary: p.670 Basic English Grammar

* Idioms : Air your dirty laundry in the public.

* TOFEL : Lesson 5

* College Admission: Miss X's plagiarism

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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 板橋青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0927



Date: Saturday, September 27th,2014
Club Time: 9am-12pm

Instructor: Camilla Wu

Edited by Miranda Yen


*  The Value of Life :

*  The living habit:

*  The Giver by Lois Lowry : Chapter 4 to 5

△  chastiseent

△  tabulate

△  narration (noun)

      narrate (verb)

△  serene

△  dosagee

*   Newspaper : Page 2

1. USA Today

2. Los Angeles Times

3. USA Todayrnal

4. The Wallstreet Jourrnal

5. China Post

* Magazine : Time    Page 12

@ Hovard / Icahn  Study

*  What Your Sixth Grader Needs to know

△ vindictive

*   Please search the information about Homer's Iliad and Odyssey in the library.

*  Spectrum Science Grade 6 : Lesson 1.6

*  How Does The Show Go On : Page 31 

*  Grammar

1.  I

2.  Auxiliary Verb

3.  Frequency Adverb

4.  6 Tenses

5.  Wh- questions :

      when, where, what, why, who, how, which and where

6.  If clause : stating the truth that does not happen.

*  Dictionary : The adjective

*  Idioms : Achille's heel 

△ invulnerrable

*  TOFEL : Lesson 2

*  College Admission


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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0823
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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0823

Date: Saturday, August 23th,2014
Club Time: 9am-12pm

Instructor: Camilla Wu and Tristan Valentine
Edited by Mina Wu 8:30am - 12:30pm
Members: Jeffery Lo, Alan Lin, Kyle Hu, Irene Chu, Zoe Chen

* The Value of Life : I hope to have the patience to accept the things I cannot change, the fortitude to change the things I cannot accept,and the wisdom to know the difference

*The living habit: Succesful people make lists and write things down,and then complete them.


TaiWan News--Amazon:FTC on kids

China post--Equal opportunity employer

MX--Don't want a bar of gay jail

mx--HIV player bunced out

mx--Got plastered and looked a rex in the morning

*Magazine : Let the Games Begin (page 8)

*Novel:The Giver by Lois Lowry

page4,paragraph 2

Chapter 2 ,page 11

*Spectrum Science:The Case of the Wet Windows (page 12)

Condensation plays an important role in Earth's water cycle.

Eventually the amount of water condense into a droplet becomes too hea

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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0809
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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0809

Date: Saturday, August 9th, 2014
Club Time: 9am-12pm

Instructor: Camilla Wu and Tristan Valentine
Edited by Miranda Yen  9am - 12pm
Members: Jeffery Lo, Alan Lin, Kyle Hu, Irene Chu, Zoe Chen, Joseph Ke
                 and Eric Ho

* The Value of Life
* The Living Habit
* The Newspapers
* The Magazine: Time
* The Novel: The Giver by Lois Lowry
* The Spectrum Science: Grade 6 : Lesson 1.3 On the Rise
* How Does the Show Go On?  Page 15
* What Your Sixth Graader Needs to know?  Page 9
    Mother to Son by Langston Huges
* Gramer :
   -- I, my, me, mine, myself, we, our, us, ours, ourselves 
   -- 100%  always
   -- 80% usually
   -- 60% often
   -- 50% sometiimes
   -- 30% seldom
   -- 10% Rarely
   -- 0%   never 

  Every Saturday Evening From 6pm to 9pm
  Tuition : TWD 10,000 for 10 times
  Date of Payment is on August 23rd, 2014 
  The Club starts from September 13th, 2014.

Next Club Time : Saturday, August 23rd, 2014 from 9am to 12pm  

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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0719
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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0719

Date: Saturday, July 19th, 2014

Club Time: 8AM-11PM

Instructor: Camilla Wu and Tristan Valentine

Assistant: Alma Lu  8 AM - 12 PM

* The Value of life:

Perseverance is the key to our future life.

* The living habit:

Please leave the washroom door open after using it, and keep the floor area clean and dry.

* Newspapers

Taipei Times , MX , TaiWanese News , Page 4

Circle the Date 

Circle the Website

Circle the Price 

Circle the Jourmalist / Author

Circle the Headlines

Facilitate (Verb.) - To make something easier

Facility (Noun.) - A place to make something easier

Methane (Noun.) -

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary - a colorless odorless flammable gas produced by decomposition of organic matter or from coal and used esp. as a fuel

Oxford American Dictionary - a colorless, odorless flammable gas that is the main constituent of nature gas 

Immature (Adjective.) - lacking complete development

* Magazine : Page 4 Conversation

Olympic Dream , Cases in Point , Power Couple , Might Over Right , Poignant Portraits , Gun Culture , U.S.-Centric Praise

appalling (Adjective.)- to overcome with horror

* Spectrum Science : Taking a good lock at the world  Page 8 

The Scientifi Method , Observe , Experiment , Verify

Technique (Noun.) - 

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary -1. the manner in which technical details are  treated or basic physical movements are used   2. technical methods

Oxford American Dictionary - 1. a method or skill used for carrying out a particular task.  2.  a person's level of skill in a particular field.  3. a skillful or efficient way of doing or achieving something.

* Theater - How does the show go on? 

Broadway  Page 12-13

* Don Quixote    Page 118-119

Final paragraph - the last paragraph

Courtesy (Noun.) -  politeness

Solitude (Noun.) -

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary - 1. the state of being alone: seclusion  2. a lonely place

Oxford American Dictionary - 1. the state of being alone. 2. a lonely or ununhabited place.

* What Your Sixth Grader Needs To Know 

If - by Rudyard Kipling  Page 7-8

* Grammar:

1. I my me mine myself

2. Frequency Adverbs: 0% to 100%

Always 100%

Usually 80%

Often 60%

Sometimes 50%

Seldom 30%

Rarely 10%

Never 0%

3. Axiliary Verbs: Past, Present, Future

May - might

Can - Could

Will - Would

Shall - Should


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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0705
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The Young Adult Club Record 2014 青少年俱樂部課程記錄 0705 

Date: Saturday, July 5th, 2014

Club Time: 9AM-12PM

Instructor: Camilla Wu and Tristan Valentine

Assistant: Sean Pai

* The Value of Life: 

Being a confident person is a way to win your life.

* The Living Habit:

Please hlep with recycling wherever you are.

* The Newspaper:

Mx, The Wall Street Journal, The China Post, Taiwan News  page 3.

A: We always focus on the things we know and do our best to express ourselvs clearly for people to understand.

a. Fast Forward

b. Comic fair to feature Taiwanese, Japanese artists

c. South Korea leader 

d. Wave of Wall street (about Leonardo Dicaprio)

e. President Obama sends apology notes to art history comment

Don Quixote by Cervantes  page 114-page 118

a. Allay:(verb) to calm, alleviate

b. Phlegmatic: (noun) having or showing a slow and stolid temperament

A. The way the author writes is to show how bad the accent and English of the character is.

* What Your Sixth Grader Needs to Know: page 5 - Apostrophe to the Ocean by Lord Byron

a. We respect the power of the Ocean and Nature.

* Spectrum Science by Spectrum: Lesson 1.1 - Rules to remember

* Magazine - Time: Airport Confidential page 3

* How Does The Show Go On by Thomas Schumacher

* Grammar

1. I, my, me, mine, myself

2. Auxiliary Verbs 

3. Frequency Adverbs 

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