2014 TIBE Spanish Children’s Literature Rights Forum
時間:2月6日 上午10:00-12:00 (請於 AM 9:30 攜帶名片報到)
地點:世貿一館二樓R4會議室 (台北市信義路五段五號二樓)
※ 論壇全程英文進行,現場提供逐步口譯。
Miriam Martínez / 墨西哥資深童書出版人
Pablo de la Vega /美國Indent Literary Agency的版權人
1. Miriam Martínez Garza / 墨西哥資深童書出版人
在編輯與出版界已有16年經驗,曾擔任Grijalbo、Plaza Janés及Random House Mondadori的編輯,在墨西哥最大的國營出版社Fondo de Cultura Economica擔任童書與YA書籍的出版人,並購入台灣插畫家幾米《藍石頭》一書的西語版權。後來在墨西哥文化部Conaculta負責童書出版部門。現在擔任墨西哥莫雷洛斯州文化部的童書及青少年國家節目的負責人,並自2009至2013年替墨西哥國家文藝基金會的大型出版計畫Alas y Raíces建立新書系。她已經出版了超過350本書,並得獎無數。
Miriam Martínez Garza / Counselor and Publisher for several foundations, publishing houses and Ministry of Culture in Morelos, Mexico / Curator at Children’s and Young Adults program, Festival Cervantino.
She has worked as editor and publisher for 16 years in several international publishing houses such as Grijalbo, Plaza Janés, Random House Mondadori as well as the most important publishing houses in the government of Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica (2004-2009), where she was the publisher for the children’s books and young adults books ; She also lead the national cultural program for children and teenagers in the Ministry of Culture in Mexico, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Alas y Raíces for 4 years (2009-2013) where she created new book collections. She has published around 350 titles so far and won numerous awards.
Pablo de la Vega / Indent Literary Agency, New York, U.S.
A native of Mexico, Pablo worked at the Guadalajara International Book Fair for eight years, where he was in charge of the Rights Center and several programs for book industry professionals. He has a B.A. in Law and a Master's in Cultural Management from the University of Rome. He is fluent in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian. A consummate reader, Pablo has a weakness for children's books—especially those that cross the borders of conventionalism. He specializes in children's literature. Founded in 2007, Indent is a full-service agency that represents Latin American and Latino authors for the U.S. market and throughout the world. The agency also represents a number of Spanish-language publishers for the U.S. market, as well as certain U.S. publishers for the Latin American market.