cAmilla Childern's Literature LLC
Exhibition Time 展覽時間 : 10am to 5pm
Once we know each other, we are friends forever!
通關密語: 一朝相識,一輩子相知相惜!
* You will be able to get a free gift and CICLM if you can say the password!
於會場當天說出通關密語: 一朝相識,一輩子相知相惜!Once we know each other, we are friends forever! 即可得到精美禮品和卡密拉國際兒童文學月報一份!
Taipei Time Speaker
10:00am - 10:20am cAmilla Children’s Literature
12:15pm - 12:35pm Kindermusik
12:40pm - 01:00pm WhisperPhone Taiwan
PIE in TaiChung on July 13th
TaiChung Time Speaker
10:00am - 10:20am cAmilla Children’s Literature
12:15pm - 12:35pm Kindermusik
12:40pm - 01:00pm WhisperPhone Taiwan
地址:臺中市愛心家園 (臺中市南屯區東興路一段450號)
Free Admission!免費入場
臺中場 Taichung
July 13th, 2013/9:30am~5:00pm
2nd Annual
Guerrilla Teacher Publishing Whisperphone Taiwan
Interactile Learning
This year P.I.E is expanding. We are taking the event to Taichung as well as Taipei. Building on the success of last year's event, this year will be bigger and better. As with 2012, teachers and families will be admitted for free. Those who came last year, had a chance to make new contacts, listen to speakers and buy materials to make their jobs easier.
This year, both events will have 2 different speakers and a room for vendors to introduce their materials in addition to the sales arcade.
13:00 ~ 14:30 Brenda Yu
15:00 ~ 16:30 Matt Bronsil
Many reading experts have determined that early
literacy skills are the building blocks for later
reading and writing. The early literacy skills begin to
develop in the first 5 years of life. However, the
focus is not on teaching, but on the interactive
literacy-rich environment.
This workshop will give you more detailed
information about the six early literacy skills. It will
also demonstrate how to provide a fun, verbal and
stimulating environment in the classroom.
Speaker Introduction
Brenda Yu has been teaching English for
kindergarteners and toddlers since 1998. She has
ten years experience in conducting teacher-training
workshops for local publishing companies.
1 Brenda Yu/ 10:30 ~ 14:30
Synopsis: The normal classroom environment is
quite different from a Montessori setting. In
Montessori, children are moving freely, choosing
their own work, and working independently from a
teacher. But what is Montessori? How did it start?
Does it work and why? Join Matt Bronsil as he
guides us through understanding this very different
educational experience.
** Who was Maria Montessori?
** Maria Montessori's influences in education.
** The first classroom.
** The materials.
** A typical day.
** The very different role of the teacher.
** Montessori today
About the Speaker: Matt Bronsil has been in
Montessori his whole life. Both his parents are
Montessori teachers and he has been working in
Montessori classrooms for over 10 years.
2 Matt Bronsil / 15:00 ~ 16:30
Early Literacy Experiences
among Young Learners
Montessori Education
Welcome to our speeches! 歡迎蒞臨講座!
Publishers International Exhibition Workshop and Materials Exhibition
1、 展覽目地
2、 主辦單位:天馬行空出版有限公司Guerrilla Teacher Publishing
協辦單位:多角度英語教育出版社Interactile Learning, Whisperphone
3、 展覽時間:2013年07月06日 (六) 上午9:30點至下午5點
4、 展覽地點:台大校友會館,臺北市濟南路一段2-1號
5、 英語教學經驗分享時間與演講者:
10:30 - 12:00 – To be announced
13:00 - 14:30 – To be announced
15:00 - 16:30 – To be announced
6、 參展報名辦法:
1 請於6月25日前回傳本報名之電子檔至petevasil@gmail.com。
2 每展示單位報名費用新台幣六千元(含稅),去年曾參展之出版社可享五千元優惠價,若同時報名台北場(7/6)與台中場(7/13)可享一萬元優惠價。
3 匯款截止日:6月29日。請於匯款完成後將
「參展報名表Registration Form (附件一)」
「銀行轉帳收據影本Copy of Bank Transfer Receipt」
天馬行空出版有限公司 收 (註明:書展報名表)。
7、 其他服務
8、 策展單位聯絡資料
天馬行空出版有限公司Guerrilla Teacher Publishing
統編: 53747371
地址: 106 台北市大安區樂業街108巷27號5樓
負責人: 范彼得Peter Vasil
連絡電話:0914 023 530
匯款帳號:兆豐銀行 敦南分行 (銀行代號017) 031-09-00999-1
9、 本辦法如有未盡事宜,本單位得隨時修正。
The Official Language of cAmilla Children's Literature: The official language we speak and write follows THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE, which is English at the present stage, so that we will be able to make friends with people around the world. In the meantime, we also encourage our club members to speak local languages while discussing literature and cultures from local areas. Thus we will be able to build up human knowledge and profound thought, create a pleasant environment with the excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities and embrace the positive attitude and values toward life.
Love, Peace, Hope & Future!
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