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Happy Lunar New Year and Some Thoughts 農曆新年快樂暨思緒分享

Happy Lunar New Year and Some Thoughts



Dear Members,

Happy Lunar New Year!

We hope that you are having fun celebrating the gleeful time with your dearest family!


Here are some thoughts that we would love to share with you and hope everything will go smoothly for us in the new year!


The reason why we have the studio is to help our people to increase our motivation of learning. The adults and children are alike. We have planned the clubs to raise the interest of members when it comes to reading, writing and acting for drama. What we get through learning things on our own and reading by ourselves is knowledge; what we have by discussing and sharing thoughts with teachers and peer groups is wisdom.


It is indeed unlike the afterschool program which focuses mainly on children's school work. Our clubs are to encourage children to find out who they are and what they have and what they like so that they will be able to know what they have to do in the future.


It is not our main target to know how many words or stories our members can remember. It is more important to know how they feel and how those stories help them to figure out a way of dealing their own emotions and to live their lives happily


We always encourage our members to do the reading spontaneously, which means that all our parents have to do at home is just listen to your children when they need you. The children will tell us things and share their thoughts with us spontaneously when they have a feeling. It is our duty to ask our members to read the stories and listen to the CDs; however, sometimes if they are not ready to do so, we will give them a certain time to get used to the situation that we hope them to achieve. There is no rush for learning and it is quite normal and natural for the situation like this. As long as we keep encouraging our members, they will improve. All you have to do for your family time is bring your child to the libraries and parks and join some cultural activities.


You are the great parents for your children and that is why they care so much about you as well. If you are not happy while children do not follow the things as you wish them to do, they will not feel pleasant either. Eventually, the relationship you have with the children will become tense and that is definitely not what we have expected. We value family relationship very much and do agree that it is the foundation of the basic education. It is our belief that a happy family will have the power to make things right!



No matter what happens in the future, we will be on your side to support you and respect your thoughts.

We will always be here whenever you need us! Please feel free to write us whenever you need someone to talk to!

Thank you for supporting our studio and making our reading, writing and acting possible! 


May the lunar new year bring you and your family happiness!

Happy Lunar New Year to us all!



Camilla and Madeleine with warm hugs and kisses


Love, Peace, Hope & Future!

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