Schedule of Studio TaoYuan 2012 & 2013
2012 & 2013 桃園卡密拉兒童文學俱樂部時間表
Dates 日期 : Saturdays--Summer Vacation, 2012/09/08, 09/22, 10/13, 10/27, 11/10, 11/24, 12/08, 12/29, 2013/01/12, Winter Vacation, 2013/03/02, 03/16, 03/30, 04/20, 04/27, 05/11, 05/25, 06/08, 06/22
Dates 日期 : Fridays--Summer Vacation, 2012/09/07, 09/21, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9, 11/23, 12/07, 12/28, 2013/01/11, Winter Vacation, 2013/03/01, 03/15, 03/29, 04/19, 04/26, 05/10, 05/24, 06/07, 06/21
cAmilla Studio of Children's Literature TaoYuan
TaoYuan Full Seating Capacity: 16 Members 桃園滿額成員: 16人
Address of Studio TaoYuan: 2F., No. 10, Ln. 186, NanFu St., LuZhu Township, TaoYuan County 33845, TaiWan R.O.C.
(LuZhu Township near NanKan Interchange.)
TaoYuan Baby Club 桃園寶寶親子俱樂部
0~2yrs old babies & Families 0~2歲寶寶與家長
10:50am~11:50am / available for new members (Please register through the email.) 歡迎新會員加入(適合父母與寶寶,請透過電子郵件報名)
* NT 840 per hour for each baby and the baby's family. If you have the twins, triplets, or more lucky babies in your family, the payment is NT 1,050 per hour. 一次1小時新台幣 840 元整,費用包含一位寶寶以及家人。如家中有雙胞或三胞胎以上之幸運寶寶家庭則每小時皆為新台幣1,050元整
TaoYuan Story Club 桃園故事俱樂部
3~6yrs old(Kindergartners) 3~6歲幼兒與家長
NT 420 per class, twice a month 一堂1小時420元
Saturday--4:45pm~ 5:45pm // Friday--5:30pm~6:30pm
available for new members (Please register through the email.) 歡迎新會員加入(適合喜歡故事的大小朋友,請透過電子郵件報名)
TaoYuan Reading Club C 桃園閱讀俱樂部C
5~7yrs old: First & Second Graders 5~7歲國小一、二年級生
Saturday--3:00pm ~ 4:30pm // Friday--not available
TaoYuan Reading Club B 桃園閱讀俱樂部B
7~9yrs old: Second & Third Graders 7~9歲國小二、三年級生
Saturday--8:30am~10:30am // Friday--not available
TaoYuan Reading & Drama Club B 桃園閱讀與戲劇俱樂部B
9~10 yrs old and above 9~10歲國小三、四年級生
Saturday--12:30pm~ 2:30pm // Friday--7:00pm~9:00pm
TaoYuan Reading, Writing & Drama Club A 桃園閱讀、寫作與戲劇俱樂部A
10~12yrs old: Third~Sixth Graders 10~12 歲國小三~六年級生
Saturday--6:00pm~9:00pm // Friday-- not available
TaoYuan Young Adult Club 桃園青少年俱樂部
(Reading, writing, translating and drama 閱讀、寫作、翻譯與戲劇)
12~18yrs old and above 12~18歲 *for advanced members only 須具備表達與溝通之能力 Publication of own work is required. 須定期發表作品 Promotion of Taiwanese children’s literature and attending international conferences are a must. 須推廣台灣兒童文學和參與國際研討會
Saturday--6:00pm~ 9:00pm // Friday-- not available
TaoYuan Young-At-Heart Club 桃園赤子之心俱樂部
18yrs old and above 18歲以上之成人
* Panel discussion-- the theory of children's literature 兒童文學理論研討
* Panel discussion-- the knowledge of children's culture 兒童文化知識探究
* Children's literature reading: picture books, novels poetry and drama 兒童文學閱讀:繪本、小說、詩與戲劇
6:00pm~ 9:00pm
Love, Peace, Hope & Future!
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