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To Subscribe CICLM 訂閱卡密拉國際兒童文學月報 注意事項


To Subscribe CICLM:
a. You may subscribe cAmilla International Children's Literature Monthly by emailing us your home address and your payment at cAmillaChiLit@gmail.com

Account: cAmilla Children's Literature Limited Liability Company

Mega International Commercial Bank: 017

Account Number: 08009-00131-3 

b. We currently take an order of a subscription for a year or more only. A one-year subscription is TWD $ 840. You may decide how many years that you would like to subscribe.

c. We would love to invite you to become our writer as well. You may email us your articles at any time. After we receive your email, we will inform you when the articles will be published once we decide to release them. Please be aware that your articles should remain unpublished in any form or by any means including facebook, youtube, blogs, paper or magazines..., and so on.

訂閱 卡密拉國際兒童文學月報 注意事項:
1. 請透過電子郵件附上姓名與郵寄住址。cAmillaChiLit@gmail.com
2. 目前僅接受訂閱一年或一年以上之訂戶,請註明欲訂閱之期數。
3. 一年訂購價為台幣840元整,請透過轉帳或親臨工作室以現金方式付款。
兆豐國際商銀代碼:017   /  帳號:08009-00131-3 
* 臨櫃轉帳請註明為月報訂戶,ATM轉帳請在付款後即刻以電子郵件附註轉帳代碼後四碼。
4. 完成付款受續後,請再次確認收到電子郵件信函回覆。
5. 我們亦鼓勵訂戶踴躍投稿成為我們的國際專欄作家,專欄作家作品經刊登後,我們便會郵寄稿酬以及當期的月報。請注意您的作品必須是未以任何形式公開發表之文,包含個人網誌、部落格、影音、期刊或雜誌等。

Once again, thank you for your warm-hearted support and cooperation. A world of happniess unfolds at the moment we make it possible! The staff of CICLM do appreciate your joining us!

再次感謝您的熱情支持與配合,卡密拉國際兒童文學月報 因為有您的參與,將引領我們邁向幸福世界!


Love, Peace, Hope & Future!

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