ChiaYi Children's Literature Summer Camp 2012 嘉義兒童文學夏令營
Date: July 30th, 2012 ~ August 3rd, 2012 (Five Days & Four Nights)
日期: 民國101年07月30日 至 民國101年08月03日 (5天4夜)
Camp Fee: TWD 10,000 per camper
營隊費用: 每位台幣 10,000 元整
Due Date of the Payment: June 16th, 2012
繳費截止日期: 民國101年06月16日
Day 1: The Country Road
Day 2: The Traditional Puppet Show
Day 3: Being A One-Day Farmer
Day 4: Values & Manners of Being Ladies & Gentlemen
Day 5: The Local Culture & Sweet Home
Love, Peace, Hope & Future!
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