Reading Club C – Hansel and Gretel -- 1
Capital Letters / End Punctuation / Hansel and Gretel / History / Art
by cAmilla Wu
Date: October 3, 2009
1. Capital Letters (based on What your first grader needs to know, p. 10)
a. Use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and at the beginning of names, such as: Camilla Wu teaches children's literature in Taipei, Taiwan.
b. When you refer to yourself, capitalize “I.”
2. End Punctuation
. a period à to end a sentence
? a question mark à to ask a question
! an exclamation point à to show excitement
“ ” quotation marks à to repeat or copy the words of (another), usually with acknowledgment of the source
If you see quotation marks in picture books, they usually mean that the characters are talking instead of the narrator.
3. Hansel and Gretel illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky, retold by Rika Lesser
a. Discuss the pictures. à light and shadow / characters’ facial expressions
b. Discuss the story.
c. Reinforce the concepts of punctuation.
* Find the quotation marks and circle them.
4. History
History is everyone’s story.
5. Art
People have been making art for a very long time.
Love, Peace, Hope & Future!
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