AFL Department
Picture Book Workshop 2007
Speaker: Camilla Wu
-- The definition of a story
a. “The definition of story, as a literary term, is the full sequence of events as we imagine them to have taken place, in their natural order and duration.”—E. M. Forster
b. “Picture books are a polyphonic form that embodies many codes, styles, textual devices and intertextual references, and which frequently pushes at the boundaries of convention.”—Peter Hunt
-- The function of a story
a. having fun and enjoying the art of life
b. cultivating the mind and creativity
*Why do I want to be a storyteller?
-- Self-identification and culture understanding
a. purifying the soul and seeking for the truth
b. the infusion of different cultures
-- Literature and language
a. storytelling & children’s literature
b. storytelling & language learning
-- Mutual learning
a. learning from stories
b. children learning from teachers
c. teachers learning from children
*What kind of story am I going to tell?
-- Topic choosing
a. holidays&festivals
b. daily life
-- The size of storybook
a. smallàhand-size
b. mediumàA4-size
c. bigàbigger than A3-size
*Who are the audience and how many of them?
-- Different ages need different attention
a. 3~6yrs
b. 6~9yrs
c. 9~12yrs/15yrs
*How do I interact with the listeners?
-- Free talking
a. making friends
-- Body language
a. hugs
b. kisses
c. smile
*Where and when am I going to tell a story?
-- Location
a. indoorà1.a public area such as a bookstore or a library
2. a private place such as home
b outdoor
-- Time
a. date
b. morning, afternoon or evening
*What difficult situations am I going to encounter during storytime?
-- Children’s crying & screaming
a. new environment
b. parents’ absence or scolding
c. being sleepy, hungry or tired
-- Monkey Business
a. throwing books
b. jumping around or climbing book shelves
c. fighting and quarrelling
* How am I going to interact with parents?
-- The role of parents
a. an observer
b. a partner
c. a protector
-- To understand parents’ thoughts—being a mind reader
a. sympathy
b. patience
*What else can I do to make the best use of a story?
-- Activities
a. games
b. musicàsongs, rhyme & rhythm
c. art&craft
d. drama&play
-- Life experiences and philosophy
a. social skills
b. little thinkers
*Being a happy and qualified storyteller!
-- Be prepared.
a. Material.
b. Mentallyà Mental preparation. Run the whole schedule again in your mind.
c. PhysicallyàGetting a good sleep. Sleep well.
-- Enjoy your show time!
Storytime -- 故事分享 -- 端午節快樂
發表者:camilla(2007/6/17 下午 12:47:16)
Theme Storybook –
The Baby Beebee Bird by Diane Redfield Massie
Pictures by Steven Kellogg
June 16, 2007
Dear parents and friends who love sharing stories with kids,
首先祝福大家端午節佳節愉快!Happy dragon boat festival!
在故事進行前,一如以往不可少的是暖身活動,這次為了讓小小孩們有更多的自信與參與感,我們先一起唱耳熟能詳的字母歌an ABC song。緊接著,大家便試著或寫或畫的將所指定的大寫或小寫字母big or small letters寫出,最後再將一個個的字母拼湊成一個個的字words,透過小手手的幫忙將許多字串連後put all the words together,我們得到一個漂亮的句子a beautiful sentence,己所不欲,勿施於人Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 咦?這透露出什麼玄機呢?一陣討論過後,引導出今天的主題故事,The Baby Beebee Bird。
當夜晚during the night所有動物園the zoo裡的動物 the animails沉浸在一片安靜而準備入睡ready to sleep時,一陣陣嗶嗶的吟唱聲 “Beebeebobbi, Bobbibeebee, Beebeebobbibobbi” 傳了過來。嗯,是誰在這大半夜不睡還在唱歌啊,大象an elephant、獅子a lion、蛇a nake、熊a bear、花豹a leopard、長頸鹿a giraffe和河馬a hippo全都受不了了。喔,原來是新來的嗶嗶寶貝鳥a new friend-- Baby Beebee Bird。為什麼嗶嗶寶貝鳥不睡覺呢?孩子們一個個舉起小手,”Maybe it is because she was born yesterday,” Aurora said. “Oh, maybe it is because she was sleeping during daytime. That’s why she couldn’t sleep during nighttime,” said Stephanie. “Good guessing!” 嗯,非常具有邏輯思考的能力!It’s quite a logical thinking. 沒錯,就是因為嗶嗶寶貝鳥日夜顛倒,才會晚上睡不著。He was awake during nighttime and he slept during daytime.所有的動物聚集商量一陣後,想出妙計they came up a good idea,決定開始執行計畫。當嗶嗶寶貝鳥在大白天想睡覺時,其他的動物們開始學嗶嗶寶貝鳥唱歌they started to sing the song “Beebeebobbi, Bobbibeebee, Beebeebobbibobbi”,這會兒換嗶嗶寶貝鳥抱怨被吵得無法入睡, “Be quiet! ” shouted the baby beebee bird. 直到太陽躲起來月亮高掛天際,所有動物唱著唱著也累得睡著了,猜猜嗶嗶寶貝鳥怎麼了? “She was asleep too,” said little Candy. ‘Very smart.’ 順著話題,我們也一起討論同理心。If you don’t like it, you don’t want other people suffer from it at the same time! Think for others and be considerate!
愉快的故事過後總是要搭配藝術的創作art and craft來作為美好回憶。適逢端午佳節,去年我們做了龍舟dragon boats,今年再度分享屈原Ch’u Yuan的故事,屈原是愛國詩人an patriotic poet,但皇帝聽信奸臣之言流放屈原The emperor took an advice from bad followers to chase away Ch’u Yuan,一日one day,當屈原又再度獨自散步到汨羅江時while Ch’u Yuan was taking a walk along Mi-lo river again,難過之際,憂傷國家,不忍親見國家滅亡He felt sad upon his country and didn’t want to witness his country from falling apart and to be taken by the enemy,便決定投河結束生命He decided to make an end to his life and jumped to the river。愛戴屈原的百姓知道後,不忍屈原的身體被魚蝦啄食,便將糯米包起後搭船投江餵魚蝦,同時還敲鑼打鼓驅趕。People who loved Ch’u Yuan didn’t want his body to be eaten by fish and shrimps took a boat to the river and threw sticky rice into the river to feed them; meanwhile, they even played the drum and cymbals to chase away fish and shrimps. 為了紀念屈原同時提醒後人忠誠愛國,這就是划龍舟和包粽子的由來喔。In order to memorize Ch’u Yuan and to remind people of their royalty to their country, Chinese people have started to have this custom to eat rice dumplings and to race dragon boats. 同時,端午節也表示天氣炎熱的開始,許多蚊蟲蟑螂孳生,環境清潔也是需要注意的重要事情。The weather starts to get hotter and sultry. It is important to keep the environment clean to prevent the mosquitoes, little bugs and cockroaches from breeding. 一番解釋之後,就是我們大小手共同合作包粽子making rice dumplings的時刻了。簡單介紹粽葉bamboo leaves和食材的成分the ingredients,這時許多細嫩的聲音紛紛表示意見,有糯米sticky rice、香菇mushrooms、蝦米dried shrimps、栗子chest nuts、豬肉pork……等,不過,另有稚嫩聲音說要把餅乾cookies 修改第 1 次