Every breath you take 妳的每一次呼吸 Every move you make 妳的一舉一動 Every bond you break 妳掙脫的每一個束縛 Every step you take 妳踏出的每一步 I'll be watching you 我都在注視著妳
Every single day 每一天 Every word you say 妳說的每一句話 Every game you play 玩的每一個遊戲 Every night you stay 留下來的每一夜 I'll be watching you 我都在注視著妳
Oh can't you see 難道妳還不明白 You belong to me 妳就是屬於我 How my poor heart aches 我可憐的心在抽痛 With every step you take 隨著妳離去的每一步 ( With every breath you take ) (隨著妳的每一次呼吸)
Every move you make 妳的一舉一動 Every vow you break 妳違背的每個誓言 Every smile you fake 妳偽裝的每個笑容 Every claim you stake 妳的每一個聲明 I'll be watching you 我都在注視著妳
Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace 妳離去後,我茫然無依 I dream at night, I can only see your face 夜裡入夢,只夢見妳的容顏 I look around but it's you I can't replace 我環目四顧,全是揮不去的妳 I feel so cold and I long for your embrace 我全身冰冷,渴望妳的擁抱 I keep crying baby, baby, please 我不停的哭泣,寶貝,求求妳
<div align=center><font color=#a040ff></font> </div> <div align=center> <div align=center> <table cellPadding=15 align=center background=http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/oo349/winnie777777/b45.gif border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p align=center> <table bgColor=#000000 background=http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/oo349/winnie777777/37.gif border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#a040ff size=4><a id=uimedia title="click to go back" href="http://share.ovi.com/media/ju0428.mymedia/ju0428.10217"></a></font></font></p> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#a040ff size=4><img style="FILTER: Alpha(opacity=100,style=3)" height=650 src="http://blog.roodo.com/winnie777777/9a7e6b79.jpg" width=550 /></font></font></p> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#a94a76 size=4><font color=#000000></font><font color=#ff80bf> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#ff80bf size=4>Every breath you take <font color=#ffbfdf>(妳的每一次呼吸)</font></font></font></p> <p align=center> </p> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#ff80bf size=4>Every breath you take<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳的每一次呼吸<br></font>Every move you make<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳的一舉一動<br></font>Every bond you break<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳掙脫的每一個束縛<br></font>Every step you take<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳踏出的每一步<br></font>I'll be watching you<br><font color=#ffbfdf>我都在注視著妳</font></font></font></p> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#ff80bf size=4>Every single day<br><font color=#ffbfdf>每一天<br></font>Every word you say<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳說的每一句話<br></font>Every game you play<br><font color=#ffbfdf>玩的每一個遊戲<br></font>Every night you stay<br><font color=#ffbfdf>留下來的每一夜</font><br>I'll be watching you<br><font color=#ffbfdf>我都在注視著妳</font></font></font></p> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#ff80bf size=4>Oh can't you see<br><font color=#ffbfdf>難道妳還不明白<br></font>You belong to me<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳就是屬於我<br></font>How my poor heart aches<br><font color=#ffbfdf>我可憐的心在抽痛<br></font>With every step you take<br><font color=#ffbfdf>隨著妳離去的每一步</font><br>( With every breath you take )<br><font color=#ffbfdf>(隨著妳的每一次呼吸)</font></font></font></p> <p align=center><img style="FILTER: Alpha(opacity=100,style=3)" height=650 src="http://blog.roodo.com/winnie777777/5394ac3f.jpg" width=550 /></p> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#ff80bf size=4>Every move you make<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳的一舉一動<br></font>Every vow you break<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳違背的每個誓言</font><br>Every smile you fake<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳偽裝的每個笑容<br></font>Every claim you stake<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳的每一個聲明<br></font>I'll be watching you<br><font color=#ffbfdf>我都在注視著妳</font></font></font></p> <p align=center><font face=標楷體><font color=#ff80bf size=4>Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace<br><font color=#ffbfdf>妳離去後,我茫然無依<br></font>I dream at night, I can only see your face<br><font color=#ffbfdf>夜裡入夢,只夢見妳的容顏<br></font>I look around but it's you I can't replace<br><font color=#ffbfdf>我環目四顧,全是揮不去的妳<br></font>I feel so cold and I long for your embrace<br><font color=#ffbfdf>我全身冰冷,渴望妳的擁抱<br></font>I keep crying baby, baby, please<br><font color=#ffbfdf>我不停的哭泣,寶貝,求求妳</font></font></font></p> </font></font></font></td></tr></tr></tr></tbody></table></p> </td></tr></tr></tr></tbody></tr></tbody></tbody></table></div></div> <div align=center> </div>