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Shayne Ward - Stand By Me 夏恩華德 - 伴我一生
( 中文歌名為官方翻譯)
Nothing's impossible 沒有什麼是不可能的
Nothing's unreachable 沒有什麼是做不到的
When I am weary 當我疲憊不已
You make me stronger 是你為我打氣
This love is beautiful 這份愛如此美麗
So unforgetable 如此刻骨銘心
I feel no winter cold 凜冽冬季也微不足道
When we're together 當我們同在一起
When we're together 當我們同在一起
Will you stand by me 你會在我身邊嗎
Hold on and never let me go 堅持著並且不放手
Will you stand by me 你願意在我身邊嗎
With you I know I belong 你知道我屬於妳
When the story gets told 愛的故事將傳頌出去
When day turns into night 在日夜交替之時
I look into your eyes 我凝視你雙眼
I see my future now 我看到未來
All the world and its wonder 看到全世界看到美好奇蹟
This love won't fade away 這愛情不會褪去
And through the hardest days 就算經歷千辛萬苦
I'll never question us 我從不曾懷疑
You are the reason 你是我走下去
My only reason 唯一的原因
I am blessed to find what I need 天憐我有幸覓見你
In a world losing hope 在希望漸消失之際
You're my only belive 你是我唯一信仰
You make things right 你讓一切變美好
Every time after time 一遍又一遍
Stand by me 陪伴著我吧
Stand by me 陪伴著我吧
Won't you stand by me 你願意陪著我嗎
Stand by me 陪著我吧
No my darlin I want you by my side 親愛的我只要你陪
I want you here with me 只要你在這兒陪著我
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