送你這對翅膀 (Take These Wings) 我看到有隻麻雀落在地,I found a spar-row ly-ing on the ground; 看牠的生命似已到盡頭,Her life I knew would soon be at an end. 我跪下將牠捧在手心中,他輕聲對我說,「朋友, I knelt be-fore her as she made a sound,─ and lis-tened as she said. "My friend.─
送給你這對翅膀,學習飛翔越過最高山。 Take these wings─ and learn to fly─ to the high - est moun-tain in the sky; 送給你這對眼睛,學看世上的美事。 Take these eyes─ and learn to see─all the things so dear to me. 送給你歡欣的歌,歌頌春天來臨的喜悅 , Take this song─ and learn to sing,─fill your voice with all the joys of spring;─ 送給你跳躍的心,翱翔在﹝翱翔在,翱翔在﹞ Take this heart─ and set it free,─ Let it fly─﹝Let it fly, let it fly﹞ 海的那邊。」 be-yond the sea." 送你一對翅膀,這是偶像劇「綠光森林」中史賓塞小學音樂比賽時候唱的那首歌。
中文版則是在台中惠明學校製作的DVD中,片尾有幾位視障的小朋友,圍繞著鋼琴唱這首歌,那用心的表情因身體的障礙更讓人動容,感受到他們雖有小小的障礙 ,卻能用信心的翅膀飛越重重的山巒與溪谷,聽完後有大大感動喔~
I found a sparrow lying on the road, Her life, I knew, would soon be at an end. I knelt beside her as she made a sound And listened as she said, My friend! Take these wings, and learn to fly To the highest mountain in the sky. Take these eyes, and learn to see All the things, so dear to me. Take this song, and learn to sing. Fill your voice with all the joys of spring. Take this heart and set it free. Let it fly, beyond the sea.
I found another sparrow on the sand. A tiny bird whose life had just begun. I picked him up and held him in my hand. And smiled at him and said, My son! Take these wings, and learn to fly, To the highest mountain in the sky. Take these eyes, and learn to see All the things, so dear to me. Take this song, and learn to sing. Fill your voice with all the joys of spring. Take this heart and set it free. Let it fly, beyond the sea
網路上看到貼這歌的作者對的小小說明,覺得寫的很貼心~ 認識這首歌,是在高中的合唱團裡,很有趣的,其他認識這首歌的人,幾乎也都是在合唱團。 這首歌曲,相信伴隨著許許多多人的回憶,就如同我一樣,樂音跟記憶都飄蕩在腦海裡。 帶給人們幸福的東西還是要讓大家一同體會到它的感動,這就是一種幸福,不是嗎?
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