適合雨天聽的音樂 ~~ 丹佛格柏(DAN FOGELBERG),民謠詩人,是很多民歌愛好者喜愛的藝人,他的風格橫跨民謠、搖滾和鄉村,不論是歌曲的內容或是音樂的表現,都極為精緻、而且充滿了詩意。 專輯「Phoenix」,其中的單曲「Longer」更以詩情畫意的抒情風格,為他首次奪得兩週亞軍,使丹佛格柏一舉成名。 2007年12月16日,被譽為“民謠詩人”的歌手丹佛格伯(Dan Fogelberg)在緬因的家中逝世,終年56歲。他2004年患上前列腺癌,與病魔進行了3年多的搏鬥,終未逃出死神魔掌。 丹佛格伯1951年8月13日生於美國伊利諾州,自幼學習鋼琴和夏威夷吉他,十四歲開始組織樂隊,後來又進一步學習作曲,是美國歌壇最富浪漫氣質的詩人歌手。他的作品具有明朗和諧的旋律及溫柔纏綿的歌詞,風格橫跨鄉村、民謠和搖滾。而1979年,更以這首《Longer》而引起全球歌迷注目。 (資料來源:中新網與Dan Fogelbrg的官方網http://www.danfogelberg.com/ ))

丹佛格伯的音樂透著純樸,他不依靠音量來表達自己的情感,而是傳遞溫柔和諧的韻律以及纏綿動人的歌詞,如歌曲講述一名男子對假日裡與昔日女友約會後記憶的《情景依舊》(Same Old Lang Syne),這些歌曲能成為經典之作不光是因為他的演唱功夫,還與歌詞本身迷人的故事情節有關。
丹佛格伯的鼎盛時期是20世紀70年代和80年代早期,當時,他的很多唱片獲得白金和多白金銷量。成名曲如《The Power of Gold》和《樂隊指揮》(Leader of the Band),後者是他獻給身為樂隊指揮的父親的感人頌詞。1972年,佛格伯發行他的首張專輯。其他流行專輯包括含單曲《舞鞋》在內的《Nether Lands》和《鳳凰》(Phoenix),後者是佛格伯最成功的專輯之一,還有講述不朽愛情的《長長久久》--Longer。 ( 以上資料來自網路)
呵~ 這便是我愛極了的Longer,不過我比較喜歡稱它為天長地久........... Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean Higher than any bird ever flew Longer than there've been star up in the heaven I've been in love with you (I'm in love with you) Stronger than any mountain cathedral Truer than any tree ever grew Deeper than any forest primeval I've been in love with you I'll bring fire in the winter You'll send showers in the springs We'll fly through the falls and summers With love on your wings Through the years as the life starts to mellow Burning lines in the book of our lives Through the binding cracks and the pages start to yellow I've been in love with you 比海洋裡有魚兒還久 比任何鳥而飛翔還高 比天空裡有星星還久 我已與你相戀 ( 我與你相戀 ) 比山上的大教堂還堅固 比樹木的生長還真實 比原始森林更深邃 我與你相戀 冬天時我會帶來火 春天時你會送來甘霖 我們會飛過秋天與夏天 以你的翅膀負載著愛 隨時光流轉.生命開始甘醇 我們生命的書本在燃燒 雖然裝訂破損而書頁開始泛黃 我仍與你相戀
而這是《情景依舊》--Same Old Lang Syne。 Same Old Lang Syne 昔日的驪歌 ( Dan Fogelberg)  Met my old lover in the grocery store 在雜貨店裡遇見了舊情人 The snow was falling Christmas Eve 大雪紛飛的聖誕夜裏 I stole behind her in the frozen foods 在冷凍食品區,我悄悄繞到她身後 And I touched her on the sleeve 輕輕的碰了一下她的袖子 She didn't recognize the face at first 起初她並沒有認出我來 But then her eyes flew open wide 然後她張大了眼睛 She went to hug me and she spilled her purse 她伸手擁抱,灑落了她的錢包 And we laughed until we cried 我們就這樣笑到流淚 We took her groceries to the checkout stand 我們一起把她買的東西拿到櫃台結帳 The food was totaled up and bagged 所有的食物都已裝袋妥當 We stood there lost in our embarrassment 我們站在那兒有些困窘 As the conversation dragged 講起話來斷斷續續的 We went to have ourselves a drink or two 我們想去喝幾杯 But couldn't find an open bar 卻找不到一家有營業的酒吧 We bought a six-pack at the liquor store 於是到店裡買了六罐裝的啤酒 And we drank it in her car 在她的車子裡喝了起來 We drank a toast to innocence 我們為過去的天真乾杯 We drank a toast to now 又為此刻乾杯 And tried to reach beyond the emptiness 我們試著超越這份空虛 But neither one knew how 卻無能為力 She said she'd married her an architect 她說她嫁給一個建築師 Who kept her warm and safe and dry 讓她生活飽暖無虞 She would have liked to say she loved the man 她很想說她愛這個男人 But she didn't like to lie 但又不想說謊 I said the years had been a friend to her 我說歲月未曾在她身上留下痕跡 And that her eyes were still as blue 她的眼睛碧藍如昔 But in those eyes I wasn't sure if I saw 但我不確定從她眼裡看到的 Doubt or gratitude 是懷疑還是感激 She said she saw me in the record stores 她說她在唱片行裡看到了我(的專輯) And that I must be doing well 說我一定過得很好 I said the audience was heavenly 我說歌迷使你如置身天堂 But the traveling was hell 但旅行演唱的日子卻彷若地獄 We drank a toast to innocence 我們為過去的天真乾杯 We drank a toast to now 又為此刻乾杯 And tried to reach beyond the emptiness 我們試著超越這份空虛 But neither one knew how 卻無能為力 We drank a toast to innocence 我們為純真乾杯 We drank a toast to time 為時光乾杯 Relived in our eloquence 在彼此強顏歡笑中再次度過 Another old lang syne'... 猶如重回昔日美好時光---- The beer was empty 啤酒罐已空 And our tongues were tired 嘴也累了 And running out of things to say 再無話題可聊 She gave a kiss to me as I got out 下車時,她給了我一個吻 And I watched her drive away 我目送著她開車離去 Just for a moment I was back at school 剎那間我彷彿回到了校園 And felt that old familiar pain 感覺到那熟悉的痛楚 And as I turned to make my way back home 當我轉身踏上回家的路上 The snow turned into rain--- 飄雪轉變成了雨-
多麼美麗動人的一段相遇,歌曲最後薩克斯風奏出的驪歌,卻又讓人心酸莫名......... 最近忙也懶,不太作美編了,請見諒喔~
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