阿 默 霧半兩 浮雲 傻傻
So Goodbye So good bye I think I should have told you That I'm still yours So good bye my love So good bye I hear the birds singing It's time to go So good bye my friends I thought you would do but I was wrong Now I see myself still left alone Now I think I know where I belong Now I don't want to let this life go on No more, no more So good bye those bittersweet memories Once so lovely So good bye I'm gone So good bye those pretty starry eyes Once just for me So good bye I'm gone So good bye..
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傻傻 等級:8 留言|加入好友
Mini Christy
查了資料,這是一個韓國indie/dream pop團體,Sogyumo Acacia Band 05年的同名專輯, Sogyumo Acacia Band是韓國的Jin Min-hong和Song Eunjie一男一女二人團體 ,Sogyumo Acacia的意思是小海膽。
《So Goodbye 》 - Sogyumo Acacia Band
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So good byeI think I should have told you That I'm still yours So good bye my love So good byeI hear the birds singing It's time to go So good bye my friends I thought you would do but I was wrong Now I see myself still left alone Now I think I know where I belong Now I don't want to let this life go on No more, no more So good byethose bittersweet memories Once so lovely So good bye I'm gone So good byethose pretty starry eyes Once just for me So good bye I'm gone So good bye..</span></marquee></div><embed src="http://www.yova.com.tw/blog/blog_musfile/31513301540.wma" width="80" height="30" type="audio/x-ms-wma" autostart="1" loop="0" volume="0" />