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陳淑華  Hold Me Now

文章推薦人 (5)

阿 默


Hold Me Now
演唱 陳淑華

Don't,don't close your heart to how you feel
Dream,and don't be afraid a dream's not real
Close your eyes pretend it's just the two of us again
make believe this moment here you stay

Touch,touch me the way you used to do
I know that I could be all I have with you
From now on,you'll be with someone's else in state of me
So tonight let's fill this memory

So for the last time hold me now
Don't cry,don't say you're words just
Hold me now
And I will know touth we're apart
we'll always be together,forever in love
What did you say when words are not enouth

Time,time will be kind once will apart
And your tears,tears will have no place in your heart
I wish I could say how much I'll miss you when you go
All my love for you will go on

Hold me now
Don't cry,don't say you're words just
Hold me now
And try to understand that

I hope the glass you found is what you've been searching for
And though I won't be there anymore
I will always love you

hold me now
Don't cry,don't say you're words just
Hold me now
And I will know touth we're apart
We'll always be together,forever in love
What did you say when words are not enouth
What did you say when words are not enouth


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<table background=http://album.udn.com/community/img/PSN_PHOTO/je0000g/f_1228637_1.gif width=550 height=380><tbody><tr><td><embed src="http://imgfree.21cn.com/free/flash/4.swf" width="540" height="370" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="never" invokeurls="false" /></td></tr></tbody></table>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" background="http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4669/img3149xk1.gif" border="0"><tbody><tr><td style="FILTER: chroma(color=#336699"><table width="500" align="center" bgcolor="#000000"><tbody><tr><td align="center"><font style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt" face="新明細體" color="#336699"><pre> <center>
Hold Me Now
演唱   陳淑華

Don't,don't close your heart to how you feel
Dream,and don't be afraid a dream's not real
Close your eyes pretend it's just the two of us again
make believe this moment here you stay

Touch,touch me the way you used to do
I know that I could be all I have with you
From now on,you'll be with someone's else in state of me
So tonight let's fill this memory

So for the last time hold me now
Don't cry,don't say you're words just
Hold me now
And I will know touth we're apart
we'll always be together,forever in love
What did you say when words are not enouth

Time,time will be kind once will apart
And your tears,tears will have no place in your heart
I wish I could say how much I'll miss you when you go
All my love for you will go on

Hold me now
Don't cry,don't say you're words just
Hold me now
And try to understand that

I hope the glass you found is what you've been searching for
And though I won't be there anymore
I will always love you

hold me now
Don't cry,don't say you're words just
Hold me now
And I will know touth we're apart
We'll always be together,forever in love
What did you say when words are not enouth
What did you say when words are not enouth


<embed src="http://pic62.pic.wretch.cc/photos/56/j/je0000g/22/1367783148.mp3"autostart=true loop=1 volume=0 hidden=true>

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粉好聽 也粉漂亮的圖 可素乖乖碼有貼嗎?
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