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這首曲子在1954年由George Cory譜曲,Douglass Cross寫詞,
1962年由東尼班奈特(Tony Bennett)灌成唱片,也變成他的代表曲。
東尼班奈特和法蘭克辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)
<b>I left my Heart In San Fransisco </b>
The loveliness of Paris
Seems somehow sadly gay
The glory that was Rome
Is of another day
I've been terribly alone and forgotten in Manhattan
And I'm coming home to my city by the bay
I left my heart in San Francisco
High on a hill, it calls to me
To be where little cable cars
Climb halfway to the stars!
And the morning fog will chill the air
I don't care
My love waits there in San Francisco
Above the blue and windy sea
When I come home to you, San Francisco,
Your golden sun will shine for me!
<embed style="LEFT: 100px; WIDTH: 300px; TOP: 15px; HEIGHT: 45px" src="http://www.musicwebtown.com/mushiner/playlists/25082/479551.mp3" width="320" height="45" volume="100" loop="0" autostart="true" /> (冥王星MusicWebTown 網站)</embed /></p>
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