<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="25" width="500" background="http://sakai.ivyro.net/icon/flower/61.gif"><tbody><tr><td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="500" background="http://nxm.16789.net/s-helpSite/domName/nxm/200412121653578088.gif"><tbody><tr><td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="13" width="560" background="http://www.byneo.com/icon/gif/back023.gif"><tbody><tr><td><table height="452" width="550" background="http://kr.img.blog.yahoo.com/ybi/1/9f/22/yangonen/folder/229/img_229_1937_10?1179619321.gif"><tbody><tr><td><embed src="http://imgfree.21cn.com/free/flash/9.swf" width="540" height="442" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" invokeurls="false" allowscriptaccess="never" wmode="transparent" /></td></tr></tbody></table><span id="style" style="LINE-HEIGHT: 25px"><pre><font color="#800080" size="3"><ul>
Oh my love, you hold my hand
Make me feel the beauty of the world
The shining stars in your eyes
Tell me what love is really like
Like a bird flies in the sky
Nothing's gonna make it cry
Like a fish swims in the sea
Living every day a happy dream
I really wanna be a butterfly
Fly with you in my life
Every day and night
Every word you say
I try to cherish it all my life
I really wanna be a butterfly
Fly with you in your life
When you have to go
We'll have to say goodbye
But I'll keep on dreaming of your smile
<embed src="http://f1.mymedia.yam.com/upload2/new/7/5/4/75497298eddc0e8d7850f6a3237da49b.mp3" width="80" height="30" type="audio/mpeg" loop="1" autostart="1" volume="0" />