總是擔心著那個 ...... 和我一樣愛睡的傻傻 ..... 會睡昏去 ....
這兩天太陽又發威 ~ 躲在家睡也會昏
記得以前看過小帥哥介紹過這首英文版 , 那時就忍不住做了美編
聽了許多人用這首做配樂 , 看了踩女市長今天的文 ~~認識更多
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<center><embed src="http://yhjmp1.com.ne.kr/sw1/let77.swf" width="550" height="670" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"/><div style="LEFT: 100px; POSITION: relative; TOP: -690px"><div id="layer1" style="Z-INDEX: -1; LEFT:-330px; WIDTH: 330px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 244px; HEIGHT: 455px"><pre><font style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt" face="新細明體" color="brown"><marquee id="marq1" scrollamount="1" scrolldelay="100" direction="up" width="100%" height="280"><ul><p align="right">
<b>Tears ---- 齊豫</b>
All alone I have started my journey
To the darkness of darkness I go
With a reason, I stopped for a moment
In this world full of pleasure so frail
Town after town on I travel
Pass through faces I know and know not
Like a bird in flight, sometimes I topple
Time and time again, just farewells
Donde voy, donde voy
Day by day, my story unfold
Solo estoy, solo estoy
All alone as the day I was born
Till your eyes rest in mine, I shall wander
No more darkness I know and know not
For your sweetness I traded my freedom
Not knowing a farewell awaits
You know hearts can be repeatedly broken
Making room for the harrows to come
Along with my sorrows I buried
My tears, my smiles, your name
Donde voy, donde voy
Songs of lovetales I sing of no more
Solo estoy, solo estoy
Once again with my shadows I roam
Donde voy, donde voy
All alone as the day I was born
Solo estoy, solo estoy
Still alone with my shadows I roam
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