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一則中國媒體低調,西方頭條的新聞: 中東群眾紛紛掀起大規模反腐敗反獨裁示威

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Egypt has extended its curfew to all cities as anti-government demonstrators in Cairo besiege key buildings, including the foreign ministry and the state broadcaster.

The headquarters of the governing NDP party has been set ablaze.

President Hosni Mubarak, facing the biggest challenge to his authority of his 31 years in power, has ordered the army onto the streets of Cairo.

He is due to make a statement, his first since protests began on Tuesday.

Across the country, tens of thousands of protesters turned out after Friday prayers and clashed with police.

The curfew is now in effect, but live television pictures from Cairo continue to show large crowds on the streets.

BBC Arabic correspondent Khaled Ezzelarab, in Cairo, says despite the curfew, demonstrators are surrounding the building of Egyptian radio and television and trying to break into it.

The building is guarded by armed forces and the demonstrators are cheering for the army, while the latter is not getting into confrontations with the people, he says.








  目前居住在奥地利首都维也纳的埃及改革派代表、下届总统大选的热门人物穆罕默德 巴拉迪26日在接受采访时表示,他希望尽快返回埃及加入这场声势浩大的抗议活动。






  对此消息,埃及驻美国大使馆发言人卡里姆 哈格各进行了坚决否认,他说目前穆巴拉克和他的全部家人都在埃及国内,有关他们家中有人已经逃往他国的报道都是“毫无根据的”。




  英国外交大臣威廉 黑格也发表声明,敦促穆巴拉克向示威者“做出妥协”。


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French jets have begun a second day of operations over Libya to enforce a no-fly zone against Col Muammar Gaddafi's forces.

The 15 planes patrolled Libyan airspace but did not open fire because they met no resistance, a spokesman said.

France also says Qatar is to about to deploy four planes to the operation.

The move would make Qatar the first Arab country to play an active part in the campaign against Col Gaddafi, who has been battling a month-long revolt.

Spain, Italy, Denmark and Norway have also committed more military assets, after more than 120 missiles were fired overnight against Libyan targets.

The head of the Arab League appears to have criticised the severity of the bombardment.

His comments are significant because the Arab League's support for the no-fly zone was a key factor in getting UN Security Council backing for the resolution authorising the move.

"What is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone, and what we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of more civilians," said Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa.

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新華社對反對陣營的描述: 反政府武装的坦克部队20日在西方支持下向卡扎菲的部队以起反攻。

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嚴震生:配合禁航 符合美國利益
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利比亞動亂/配合禁航 符合美國利益…








【2011/03/20 聯合報】

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戈 特尼當天在五角大樓舉行的新聞發佈會上說,打擊行動於當天下午早些時候展開,美英兩軍一共發射了110枚至112枚戰斧巡航導彈,打擊目標主要是利比 亞整體防空系統的關鍵節點,總數超過20處。他說,這些目標包括地對空導彈陣地、預警系統和重點通訊節點。他說,利比亞的防空系統主要為俄制系統,盡

戈 特尼說,這次打擊的目標主要位於利比亞西部沿海地區和首都的黎波里附近。具體而言,這次打擊的目標包括利比亞的SA-5型遠端地對空導彈陣地。戈特尼 說,去除這些導彈之後,利比亞的領空在最大程度上洞開,便於西方國家執行關於禁飛區的聯合國決議,美方全球鷹無人偵察機也可隨之進入。不過他





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Libya: UK forces prepare after UN no-fly zone vote


UK forces are preparing to help enforce a no-fly zone over Libya after the UN backed "all necessary measures", short of an invasion, to protect civilians.

Downing Street has cautioned against earlier suggestions that British planes could be in action "within hours" and declined to put a timetable on it.

The UN resolution rules out a foreign occupation force in any part of Libya.

The cabinet is meeting now and Prime Minister David Cameron will make a statement to Parliament at 1100 GMT.

The Cabinet will decide if there is to be a vote in the House of Commons prior to any UK military action.

When he was in opposition, Mr Cameron pledged to give MPs the final say over sending UK forces into action.

Ceasefire call

There will be a Commons debate later on Friday, following Mr Cameron's statement, with a further debate likely, and a possible vote, next week.

Labour have said they back the no-fly zone - meaning the government would be likely to carry any Commons vote.

The UN resolution imposes a "ban on all flights in Libyan airspace", with aid flights the only exception.

It authorises member states to "take all necessary measures" to "protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack", including in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, short of an putting an "occupation force" on the ground.

It also calls for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the violence, measures to make it more difficult for foreign mercenaries to get into Libya and a tightening of sanctions.


Contingency planning in the UK, France and Nato has been going on for weeks, but will now be accelerated.

The UN resolution is so broad it allows military action against all threats to civilians - so could even involve bombing Col Gaddafi's forces on the ground if deemed necessary.

Britain could contribute Tornado GR4 ground attack aircraft as well as reconnaissance and early-warning aircraft and tankers for air-to-air refuelling.

The resolution means they could also attack Libyan helicopter gunships as well as Libya's fixed-wing aircraft, most of which are Soviet-era fighters as well as some more modern French Mirage F1s.

However, many of the crucial final details still need to be worked out between the nations contributing to the mission to ensure that all the necessary means are in place.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said it was a "positive response to the call by the Arab League" for measures to protect Libyan civilians and was the culmination of "a great deal of hard work in the last few days" by France, the UK, Lebanon and the US.

"It is necessary to take these measures to avoid greater bloodshed," Mr Hague said.

Ten UN Security Council members backed the resolution while five abstained - nine votes were needed for it to pass.

France, the UK, Lebanon, the US, South Africa, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Colombia, Portugal, Nigeria and Gabon all voted in favour, while China, Russia, Brazil, India and Germany abstained.

Libyan reaction

Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi's forces have recently retaken several towns seized by rebels in an uprising.

Rebel forces in Benghazi reacted with joy to the passing of the resolution but Said Gaddafi, the Libyan leader's son, said the resolution was "unfair" as the regime had "proved to everybody that there have been no air strikes against civilians".

In response, Libya has also closed its airspace to all traffic, according to EU air transport authorities.

Loyalist forces are bearing down on Benghazi, home to a million people. Forces loyal to Col Gaddafi have reportedly launched their first air attacks on the town, targeting the airport at Benina.

 Col Gaddafi had earlier warned the rebels there that his troops were coming and to expect "no mercy".

Senior UN sources had said British and French warplanes could be in the air within hours of the UN vote to carry out initial air raids on Libyan positions, possibly with logistical support from Arab allies.

But No 10 sources have declined to put any timetable on possible British military engagement - or whether action could begin this weekend. The BBC's Defence Correspondent Caroline Wyatt said the UK and its allies had to decide what their initial targets would be and who would conduct the missions.

In New York, the 15-member Security Council voted 10-0 in favour, with five abstentions.

Russia and China - which often oppose the use of force against a sovereign country as they believe it sets a dangerous precedent - abstained rather than using their power of veto as permanent members.

The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said: "This resolution should send a strong message to Colonel Gaddafi and his regime that the violence must stop, the killing must stop and the people of Libya must be protected and have the opportunity to express themselves freely."

But Germany, which abstained, will not be contributing to the military effort. Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said his government sees "considerable dangers and risks" in military action against Col Gaddafi.

The Russian military also said it would not participate in any military action, Russian news agency Interfax reported.

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said Beijing had "serious reservations" about the resolution but did not veto it "in view of the concerns and stance of the Arab countries and African Union and the special circumstances that currently apply in Libya".

The Libyan military has warned that civilian and military activities in the Mediterranean would become "the target of a Libyan counter-attack" following any foreign operation.

新华网联合国3月17日电(记者危玮 顾震球)联合国安理会17日通过决议,决定在利比亚设立禁飞区,并要求有关国家采取一切必要措施保护利比亚平民和平民居住区免受武装袭击的威胁。











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Lying low no longer an option for Beijing
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By David Pilling

Published: March 2 2011 22:04 Financial Times

People are starting to grasp how China is shaping the world. Its ravenous appetites for oil, iron ore, coal, copper, bauxite and countless other minerals are invigorating economies from Australia to Chile. Its huge carbon emissions are altering the debate about climate change. Its ever-shinier collection of military hardware is worrying generals in Taipei, Hanoi and Washington. Less understood, however, is the way that China, ever more integrated into the global economy, is itself being shaped by the world.

That was evident this week in Libya. So far, Beijing has scrambled to evacuate 32,000 of the 35,000 Chinese working in the oil, rail, telecommunications and construction industries. In addition to 20 civilian aircraft, it sent four military transport planes to rescue thousands of stranded workers in what the Shanghai Daily said was the first deployment of the air force in such an operation. It also dispatched a 4,000-ton missile frigate, the Xuzhou, to waters off Libya, 5,500 miles from its own capital.

Linda Jakobson, programme director on China and global security at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, says the Libyan deployment marks a profound shift. It puts China on a par with the US, the UK and other advanced nations that can protect citizens far from home. One could view Beijing’s rescue effort as a display of its rippling power. But equally, it is evidence that, as China is sucked more deeply into the affairs of distant – and sometimes unstable – lands, its ability to stay out of trouble is diminishing by the day.

Chinese foreign policy experts have long been worried about the vulnerability of increasing numbers of foreign nationals abroad. In 2007, 16 Chinese oil workers were kidnapped in Nigeria and nine were killed by rebels in Ethiopia. Before that, Beijing watched nervously in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami as governments of various nations, including Sweden, were criticised over their rescue efforts. In that crisis, China sent a cargo ship. The US dispatched the Seventh Fleet.

The question of how to protect Chinese citizens abroad goes well beyond Libya. According to La Chinafrique, a book by French journalists Serge Michel and Michel Beuret, there are 50,000 Chinese workers in Nigeria, 20,000-50,000 in Sudan, 40,000 in Zambia, 30,000 in Angola, 20,000 in Algeria and thousands more scattered throughout Africa. Now Chinese state-owned companies are pressing into South America, another resource-rich region far from home.

China has been bolstering its consular security, building up its intelligence-gathering capacity and training its military in evacuation drills. But the big question, says Jonathan Holslag, head of research at the Brussels Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies, is whether Beijing will feel compelled to try to shape the political realities of the countries in which its companies operate.

It may be years before China has the military capacity, or indeed the will, to embark on such a course. Any overt action would contravene its self-proclaimed doctrine of non-intervention and sully its narrative of a peaceful rise. 時殷弘, professor of international relations at Beijing’s Renmin University, plays down the possibility. “China doesn’t have the knowledge or the resources to prop up authoritarian governments in faraway places.”

Events in Libya do demonstrate Beijing’s ability to reach across the globe. But equally, they also suggest China is being buffeted by events. Last weekend, Beijing, one suspects unwillingly, took the unprecedented step of voting for a UN Security Council resolution referring Muammer Gaddafi to the International Criminal Court. Like the US, China does not recognise the court's jurisdiction. “This decision must have been a very difficult one for Beijing and something of a milestone in China's passage to becoming a more fully fledged and participating member of the international community,” says Orville Schell, head of the Asia Society's Center on US-China Relations.

But as Bill Emmott, former editor of The Economist, points out in a Times opinion piece, backing the ICC – however reluctantly – exposes a tender flank. The suggestion that national leaders be judged by international norms undermines its non-interventionist doctrine, a sacred cow of foreign policy. Worse, it raises awkward questions about its own use of force at home. “In effect,” Mr Emmott writes, “China has just voted to refer Colonel Gaddafi to the ICC for having acted against his opponents in pretty much the same way as it did in 1989 with the Tiananmen Square revolt.”

Ms Jakobson, who will shortly join Australia’s Lowy Institute, a think-tank, says the parallels between events in Libya and those in China in 1989 are precisely what induced Beijing to go along with the international consensus. “It doesn’t want to be the nail that sticks up. It wants to deflect attention and keep a low profile,” she says. But if events this week proved anything, it is that the days of China keeping its head down are over.

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1. 基於阿拉伯聯盟與非洲聯盟對利國政府的譴責?

2. 基於利國在聯合國代表的反叛?

3. 基於鞏固安理會權威以防美歐單邊主義?


中評社北京3月6日電(作者 喬新生)2011年2月26日聯合國安理會第6491次會議通過了一個史無前例的決議。該決議“斥責嚴重、有系統地侵犯人權,包括鎮壓和平示威者,對平民死亡深表關切,並明確反對阿拉伯利比亞民眾國政府最高層煽動對平民的敵意和暴力行為”。決議明確無誤地將2011年2月15日以來阿拉伯利比亞民眾國局勢問題移交國際刑事法院檢察官,並且決定對利比亞實施武器禁運、旅行禁令、資產凍結等措施,聯合國安理會還決定設立一個由聯合國安理會全體成員組成的安全理事會委員會,作為新的制裁委員會。這是聯合國安理會成立以來,對一個主權國家採取的最為嚴厲的強制性措施。













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撤僑也撤的一塌糊塗,William Hague還為此致歉(Times的網站必須訂閱,Australian是轉載)

SAS unit, diplomats bungle secret mission into Libya

James Hider and Deborah Haynes

  • From: The Times
  • March 07, 2011
  • THEY flew in at night by helicopter: six SAS soldiers and two diplomats, armed and apparently carrying explosives and false passports, with a mission to find Libya's revolutionary leaders and establish a way to help the pro-democracy movement.

    The team could have come in with HMS Cumberland, a British frigate that was openly docked in Benghazi port on Sunday, and caught a taxi a couple of miles to the court building where the revolutionary council's representatives meet the press and conduct their daily business.

    That way, they might have avoided being captured.

    The rebel council, which declared itself this weekend the sole legitimate authority in the country, expressed surprise and annoyance at the British delegation's "James Bond" antics.

    "If this is an official delegation why did they come with a helicopter? Why didn't they [inform the revolutionary council] that 'we are coming, we'd like to land at Benina airport', or come through Egypt like all the journalists have done," Mustafa Gheriani, a spokesman for the revolutionary leadership, asked.

    "There are rules to these things. Now they landed on Libyan soil and they got captured. We did not know whether they were for or against us."

    The council, led by the former justice minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, is receiving delegations sent by the Arab world. The EU was sending its own fact-finding mission on Sunday. Britain, however, chose to land its men on Friday at Soluch, several kilometres from Benghazi and the site of a World War II US bomber base.

    Senior rebel leaders had given the Foreign and Commonwealth Office permission to send in the small team to make contact before a larger, more prominent British delegation was dispatched, a diplomatic source said.

    However the SAS "chanced across" a group of rebels who did not like the look of them and put them under "house arrest". Their movement was controlled and all forms of communication were confiscated, the source said.

    The BBC reported that the Britons had been approaching an agricultural compound when the mission went wrong. They were confronted by Libyan guards who searched the soldiers' bags and found weapons, ammunition, explosives, maps and passports for at least four different nationalities.

    The SAS soldiers and the diplomats were held 9km from Benina airport, which serves Benghazi. Their unexpected and embarrassing detention led to a volley of urgent phone calls between London and senior rebel leaders to try to resolve the matter.

    Adding to the humiliation, Libyan state television broadcast an intercepted recording of Richard Northern, Britain's Ambassador to Tripoli, talking to one opposition member. Mr Northern, who is in Britain because of the unrest, stutteringly explains that the team was merely trying to find a hotel and there had been a misunderstanding.

    The rebel leader tells the ambassador that the SAS unit had made a "big mistake" by swooping in by helicopter. "Oh, did they?" Mr Northern is heard saying. "I didn't know how they were coming."

    Word finally filtered down the rebel chain of command, however, and the British team, all in good health after being well treated, were allowed to leave. The men boarded HMS Cumberland, which was in port to pick up remaining civilians wanting to leave Libya, and were last night (Sunday) heading for Malta.

    Once on the island, the British team will be able to convey in greater detail what went wrong. "We want to understand the lessons that can be learnt," the source said.

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    中國在格達費問題上的立場: 反對外國干涉+尊重阿拉伯國家與非洲國家意見
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    新华网北京3月3日电(记者刘畅 刘东凯)外交部发言人姜瑜3日在例行记者会上回答有关中东局势问题时说,希望有关国家按照国际法准则处理相关问题。





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