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一則中國媒體低調,西方頭條的新聞: 中東群眾紛紛掀起大規模反腐敗反獨裁示威

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Egypt has extended its curfew to all cities as anti-government demonstrators in Cairo besiege key buildings, including the foreign ministry and the state broadcaster.

The headquarters of the governing NDP party has been set ablaze.

President Hosni Mubarak, facing the biggest challenge to his authority of his 31 years in power, has ordered the army onto the streets of Cairo.

He is due to make a statement, his first since protests began on Tuesday.

Across the country, tens of thousands of protesters turned out after Friday prayers and clashed with police.

The curfew is now in effect, but live television pictures from Cairo continue to show large crowds on the streets.

BBC Arabic correspondent Khaled Ezzelarab, in Cairo, says despite the curfew, demonstrators are surrounding the building of Egyptian radio and television and trying to break into it.

The building is guarded by armed forces and the demonstrators are cheering for the army, while the latter is not getting into confrontations with the people, he says.








  目前居住在奥地利首都维也纳的埃及改革派代表、下届总统大选的热门人物穆罕默德 巴拉迪26日在接受采访时表示,他希望尽快返回埃及加入这场声势浩大的抗议活动。






  对此消息,埃及驻美国大使馆发言人卡里姆 哈格各进行了坚决否认,他说目前穆巴拉克和他的全部家人都在埃及国内,有关他们家中有人已经逃往他国的报道都是“毫无根据的”。




  英国外交大臣威廉 黑格也发表声明,敦促穆巴拉克向示威者“做出妥协”。


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By Shashank Joshi \


Associate fellow, Royal United Services Institute

Col Gaddafi's supporters remain defiant in the face of coalition air strikes

There is a familiar and worrying rhythm to humanitarian interventions.

First, intervening powers insist to sceptical electorates that the campaign will be wrapped up in days. Second, they pound the low-hanging fruit - obsolete air defences and tanks on desert roads - with expensive missiles. The regime slinks into the shadows, and safe havens are carved out under allied air cover.

What follows is usually less simple - in 1990s Iraq, a dozen years of constant air patrols costing $1.5bn (£915m) annually; in Afghanistan, a decade of ongoing loyalist insurgency; in Kosovo, a protracted air war culminating in the further vivisection of the Balkans.

Much of this experience suggests that it is crucial to understand the strategies employed by the targeted state.

In degrading Muammar Gaddafi's heavy armour and air power, the coalition can rightly claim to have stemmed both the assault on urban areas and the prospect of retribution against civilians that prompted the historic UN resolution.

Human shields

But sustained air strikes run into diminishing returns, and Gaddafi's strengths are not rooted in such easily crippled conventional forces.

In using human shields to protect key installations, for instance, Gaddafi emulates a favoured tactic of crumbling despots the world over.

It is worth recalling that Europe's worst post-war massacre - at Srebrenica in Bosnia-Herzegovina - occurred under a no-fly zone. ”

But their deeper purpose is strategic. In ratcheting up the risk of civilian casualties, Gaddafi is pitting the more committed members of the coalition against its warier participants.

Britain and France, convinced that military action must eventually point towards regime change, want to hit a wide range of targets. The United States insists that regime change, though desirable, is not the purpose of this attack.

This is a neat reversal of alliance dynamics during Nato's intervention in Serbia and Kosovo in 1999.

Washington grew increasingly frustrated by having to approve target lists with Nato's lumbering bureaucracy, and eventually began a virtually independent bombing campaign.

Today, it is French concern over American circumspection that explains their hostility to running the war through Nato channels.

But the dramatic imagery of missile attacks has already frayed Arab support, the sine qua non of America's involvement. All this means that a single stray bomb landing on a hospital or school will fracture the alliance along these fault-lines.

Gaddafi will seek to hasten that process. He will do so not just by placing military assets next to sensitive sites but also through using plain-clothes soldiers to attack civilians deep inside urban areas, out of the reach of ground attack aircraft.

In 1999, Slobodan Milosevic accelerated his ethnic cleansing in Kosovo after intervention began. That kicked off a bitter coalition debate over the need for ground forces.

Similar atrocities in Gaddafi-controlled areas would sow discord between those advocating for an expansion of war aims, and those - like the influential US defence secretary Robert Gates - fighting to tightly constrain the war.

It is worth recalling that Europe's worst post-war massacre - at Srebrenica in Bosnia-Herzegovina - occurred under a no-fly zone.

Gaddafi's forces continue to punish civilians in Misurata, and remain in striking distance of urban areas in the east. In short, Gaddafi's greatest strength is his ability to force an unwelcome choice between escalation and leaving civilians in harm's way.

Clan loyalty

The rebels, in turn, are not yet a viable military force.

Even if they can retake Brega and Ras Lanuf, it is unlikely that the rebels would sweep Sirt - let alone Tripoli and its surroundings.

Gaddafi's security forces - bound by ties of clan, family and history rather than professional obligation - show no sign of peeling away.

The asymmetry in forces has been lessened by the no-fly zone and degradation of the government's heavy armour, but rebels control minimal artillery and tanks of their own. Arms supplied by Egypt are likely to be lighter weaponry.

In any case, their severest problem was one of organisation.

In both Kosovo and Afghanistan that problem was eased by US-led special forces who fashioned rebels into proxy armies under the cover of American air strikes.

In Libya, the US is unsure of the opposition's intention and has no appetite for serving as the rebels' air force and high command. Rebel fighters are not civilians and do not therefore enjoy protection under the terms of the UN resolution.

One of their options is to engage in combat in built-up areas and tempt loyalis

ts to use artillery.

This might compel patrolling aircraft to supply "close air support". Additionally, subversion of oil installations could hit the government's purse strings, but this probably cannot be done on a meaningful scale.

What this suggests is that neither the rebels nor the "maximalists" in the coalition - those who see Gaddafi's departure as this intervention's endgame - have no good strategy to produce that outcome.

The best attainable conclusion may involve the irreversible degradation of the regime's firepower and the injection of Arab League and African Union peacekeepers.

Unless detailed planning for a managed stalemate begins now, Gaddafi may succeed in his effort to chip away at UN forces until the Franco-British rump collapses under the weight of its own contradictions.

Shashank Joshi is an Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a defence think-tank in London, and a doctoral student of international relations at Harvard University.

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作者:赵可金 2011/2/24



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中國外交部發言人: 各方應立即停火、反對以色列在巴屯墾
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新華社: 英國旨在擊斃格達費
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    唐宁街昨晚还坚持说,首相卡梅伦“无意” 下令部署地面部队。但是,福克斯、外交大臣黑格和财政大臣奥斯本都不排除动用地面部队的可能性。

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BBC: the shadow of Iraq
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There was something familiar in the night-time television images of broken concrete and twisted metal from Col Muammar Gaddafi's Tripoli compound - the shadow of Iraq.

The largest military intervention in the Middle East since the Iraq war is now well under way, and to many the goal looks the same - regime change.

Even as the Pentagon was saying the Libyan leader is not a target, American missiles had just struck his heavily protected compound - for a second time in 25 years.

Two weeks ago, US President Barack Obama made his objective clear. Col Gaddafi, he said, "must leave".

But now "Operation Odyssey Dawn" has begun, the US and its coalition allies say they are simply protecting Libyan civilians and enforcing the no-fly zone, as called for by UN Security Council resolution 1973.

The resolution would never have been passed if it had called for regime change.

But coalition leaders are going out of their way to say Col Gaddafi is not on their hit list - so far.

What they attacked inside his compound, they say, was a military command centre - not his home.

Questions raised

During the campaigns against Iraq in 1991 and 2003, the US and UK tried to keep Saddam Hussein guessing about their intentions.

 Now US officials have even acknowledged the mercurial Libyan leader could remain in power.

"That's certainly potentially one outcome," says America's senior military officer, Adm Mike Mullen.

It would not be "ideal", acknowledges US Gen Carter Ham, who is overseeing the no-fly zone operation, "but I could envision that."

Mr Obama now says there's a difference between enforcing the UN resolution and his own stated policy of putting an end to Col Gaddafi's 42-year rule.

The US, he says, can pursue that policy on its own - using economic sanctions.

This begs many questions.

Why did the US-led coalition intervene at all, if it's prepared to accept a messy stalemate?

Or did it intervene too late - it's almost a month since the Libyan rebellion began - so making it much harder to topple Col Gaddafi?

As many predicted, air power may not be enough now, especially with the fighting concentrating in urban areas.

Having ruled out ground troops, does this mean providing the rebels with heavy weapons to give them the edge?

Clearly, both Washington and London hope Col Gaddafi will be pushed out from the inside.

True intentions?

It is still early days. But this was supposed to be a quick operation.

With Arab and other voices already accusing the coalition of going beyond its UN mandate, it is understandable that Washington and London are now keen to portray their goals as more limited.

Coalition forces

  • US: B-2 stealth bombers; EA-18G Growler and AV-8B Harrier strike aircraft; destroyers USS Barry and USS Stout firing Tomahawk cruise missiles; amphibious assault ship USS Kearsage; command and control vessel USS Mount Whitney; submarines
  • France: Rafale and Mirage strike aircraft; refuelling and surveillance aircraft; aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and escort ships
  • UK: Typhoon and Tornado strike aircraft; refuelling and surveillance aircraft; Trafalgar-class submarine firing Tomahawk cruise missiles; frigates HMS Westminster and HMS Cumberland
  • Italy: Tornado aircraft; providing military bases
  • Canada: CF-18 strike aircraft; frigate HMCS Charlottetown
  • Spain: F-18 strike aircraft; refuelling and surveillance aircraft; frigate and submarine; military bases
  • Denmark: F-16 strike aircraft
  • Belgium: F-16 aircraft

The sight of scores of cruise missiles being fired at Tripoli gave Arab states second thoughts over their backing - despite plenty of prior US warnings that a no-fly zone meant it would attack first.

However much they dislike Col Gaddafi, many Arab leaders worry about the true intentions of Washington and London.

Yet again, they are taking the lead in launching air strikes against a Middle Eastern ruler they were happy to work with just a short time ago - while ignoring other rulers busily putting down their own protests.

However much Mr Obama wanted to be different, he has now joined a long list of American presidents who have resorted to force in the Middle East.

One other reason for caution in US statements about its intentions is the fact that, at least officially, presidents are prohibited from assassinating foreign leaders - because of an executive order issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

That did not, though, prevent him from bombing Col Gaddafi in 1986 - in the same compound hit this weekend - in retaliation for an attack on US troops at a Berlin disco.

Is history about to repeat itself in another way?

UK Prime Minister David Cameron keeps saying this is not another Iraq.

But if the conflict in Libya becomes a stalemate, that is what it could look like - perhaps not the Iraq after 2003, but the 1991 Gulf War.

It would leave the rebels controlling eastern Libya under the protection of Western warplanes and Col Gaddafi hanging on, bloodied but vengeful, in a rump state around Tripoli, pressed by international sanctions.

Twelve years of no-fly zones and sanctions could not dislodge Saddam Hussein - and in the meantime it was the Iraqi people who bore the cost.

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新华网巴黎3月20日电(国际观察)打击利比亚 法国缘何如此主动



















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     利比亞位於北非中心,向來是歐洲強權的競逐地區,中國以往在該地並不具地緣政治的競爭優勢。中、利雙邊關係亦非十分和睦, 2004年中國援助巴基斯坦核武發展技術,2006年前總統陳水扁專機降落利比亞,都曾造成雙方領導人心生嫌隙,格達費甚至下令禁止中國石油集團進入利比亞石油市場。




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China takes new tack in Libya vote .
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By BRIAN SPEGELE  2011/3/21, AWSJ p.16

BEIJING—China "expressed regret" over the use of military force in Libya even as it decided last week not to block authorization of the strikes at the United Nations Security Council. China's rare acquiescence moved it further away from its longstanding foreign policy based on non-intervention.

"The Chinese side has always opposed the use of military force in international relations," a government statement said after military strikes against Libya. The attacks are part of a European-led effort to establish a no-fly zone over the country and shake support for Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Gadhafi.

Analysts said the government's decision Thursday not to veto a Security Council resolution to approve the use of force in Libya reflects changes in Beijing's diplomatic strategy as its global interests become more extensive and complex.

China has in the past abstained or voted in favor of sanctions or military force only in cases where countries violated international nonproliferation rules or invaded another country. Beijing abstained, for example, in the vote on Resolution 678 in November 1990 authorizing the use of force against Iraq for its occupation of Kuwait in the Gulf War.

But Chinese analysts said they couldn't recall a previous instance where China had allowed the Security Council to pass a resolution based on humanitarian concerns alone. In fact, China has used its veto power frequently to block or dilute Security Council measures targeting countries like Zimbabwe, Myanmar and Sudan for human rights violations.

China signaled that its approach in Libya's case might be different in February, when it voted in favor of a Security Council sanctions resolution on Libya.

But its willingness to allow a resolution on the use of force was unclear, with Chinese officials emphasizing publicly the need for a "peaceful solution" to the crisis that respected Libya's "sovereignty and territorial integrity."

時殷弘, a scholar of international affairs at Renmin University in Beijing, said that the speed of recent events in Libya likely drove Beijing's acquiescence. As pro-Gadhafi forces secured a string of victories against rebels over the last week, China faced increasing pressure from other Security Council members not to block the resolution, diminishing its ability to bargain and forcing it to make a decision quickly.

Mr. Shi said China's role in last week's vote was part of an emerging pattern at the U.N. of succumbing to demands by other member states. "At first China is extremely reluctant" about a proposed measure, "then they have some consultations with...other countries, and China revises its position to some degree," Mr. Shi said.

Beijing's evolving behavior at the U.N. is driven partly by its rising economic power and its widening web of global ties as Chinese companies expand internationally, analysts say. That gives it a vested interest in the internal affairs of other countries.

Dozens of Chinese companies operate in Libya, where nearly 36,000 Chinese citizens lived before being extracted by China's government when the violence flared up. It is now more important for China to be seen as playing a constructive role in crises involving other major powers like the U.S.

"China used to have a rigid non-interference policy," Dennis Blair, the Obama administration's former Director of National Intelligence, said in an interview Friday in Beijing, where he has been meeting with Chinese energy officials last week. "Now, they are taking a more mature, sophisticated view of what their interests are."

Beijing risks being seen as having a double standard in the wake of the Libya vote, said 沈丁立, a professor of international relations at Fudan University in Shanghai, as it tacitly supports military intervention against Libya but continues to oppose it in matters closer to home. "China should have one principle," he said.

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