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Egypt has extended its curfew to all cities as anti-government demonstrators in Cairo besiege key buildings, including the foreign ministry and the state broadcaster.

The headquarters of the governing NDP party has been set ablaze.

President Hosni Mubarak, facing the biggest challenge to his authority of his 31 years in power, has ordered the army onto the streets of Cairo.

He is due to make a statement, his first since protests began on Tuesday.

Across the country, tens of thousands of protesters turned out after Friday prayers and clashed with police.

The curfew is now in effect, but live television pictures from Cairo continue to show large crowds on the streets.

BBC Arabic correspondent Khaled Ezzelarab, in Cairo, says despite the curfew, demonstrators are surrounding the building of Egyptian radio and television and trying to break into it.

The building is guarded by armed forces and the demonstrators are cheering for the army, while the latter is not getting into confrontations with the people, he says.








  目前居住在奥地利首都维也纳的埃及改革派代表、下届总统大选的热门人物穆罕默德 巴拉迪26日在接受采访时表示,他希望尽快返回埃及加入这场声势浩大的抗议活动。






  对此消息,埃及驻美国大使馆发言人卡里姆 哈格各进行了坚决否认,他说目前穆巴拉克和他的全部家人都在埃及国内,有关他们家中有人已经逃往他国的报道都是“毫无根据的”。




  英国外交大臣威廉 黑格也发表声明,敦促穆巴拉克向示威者“做出妥协”。


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19 May 2011 Last updated at 16:55 GMT

Barack Obama: New chapter in American diplomacy

US President Barack Obama says a "new chapter in American diplomacy" has been turned after the Arab Spring uprisings.

In a speech at the State Department, Mr Obama said the future of the US was bound to the Middle East by forces of economics, security, history and fate.

"It will be the policy of the US to promote reform, and to support transitions to democracy," he said.

Analysts say the speech is Mr Obama's first comprehensive response to revolts sweeping the Arab world.

Mr Obama said the top US priority across North Africa and the Middle East was to promote reform, and oppose the use of violence and oppression.

"We face a historic opportunity. We have a chance to show that America values the dignity of a street vendor in Tunisia more than the raw power of the dictator," he said.

"As Americans have been seared by hostage taking, violent rhetoric, and terrorist attacks that have killed thousands of our citizens - a failure to change our approach [in the Middle East] threatens a deepening spiral of division between the United States and Muslim communities," Mr Obama added.

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“Start Quote

Ultimately, it is up to Israelis and Palestinians to take action. No peace can be imposed upon them, nor can endless delay make the problem go away”

End Quote Barack Obama US President

The US president also defended new sanctions on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"President Assad now has a choice - he can lead that transition or get out of the way. The Syrian government must stop shooting demonstrators and allow peaceful protests," Mr Obama said.

He announced aid packages to Egypt and Tunisia - countries that are embracing democratic reforms.

He also touched on the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

"Ultimately, it is up to Israelis and Palestinians to take action. No peace can be imposed upon them, nor can endless delay make the problem go away," Mr Obama said.

"But what America and the international community can do is state frankly what everyone knows: a lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples.

'Carrot and stick'

President Obama delivered the long-awaited speech at the state department in Washington.

The BBC's Kim Ghattas, in Washington, says that following the death of al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, President Obama wants a new start with the Muslim world, although polls show opinions of the US are low.

Mr Obama said that Bin Laden, who was killed by special forces this month, was a mass murderer, not a martyr, whose ideas were being rejected even before he was killed.

"Bin Laden and his murderous vision won some adherents. But even before his death, al Qaeda was losing its struggle for relevance, as the overwhelming majority of people saw that the slaughter of innocents did not answer their cries for a better life," Mr Obama said.

"By the time we found bin Laden, al Qaeda's agenda had come to be seen by the vast majority of the region as a dead end, and the people of the Middle East and North Africa had taken their future into their own hands."

Unprecedented change

Egypt and Tunisia - where popular revolts overthrew long-standing rulers - also figured largely in the address.

Mr Obama was expected to write off part of Egypt's huge debt to the US to boost job-creation efforts. He was also expected to unveil an economic incentive package aimed at Tunisia.

Mr Obama's address comes during a time when the Middle East is undergoing unprecedented change.

The push for democracy began with the overthrowing of Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in January. Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak was later toppled in Egypt, with demonstrators in Libya currently working to overthrow dictator Moammar Gaddafi.

Similar uprisings are also taking hold in Bahrain, Yemen and Syria.

On Wednesday, the White House imposed sanctions on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

A US state department official said it was time for the Syrian president "to lead a political transition or to leave".

It was the first time Washington had personally penalised the Syrian leader over the actions of his security forces. More than 850 people have died since the uprising began in March.

Mr Obama is set to meet visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday.

Analysts say Mr Obama's speech is an attempt to convince his US audience that the fate of countries in the Middle East and North Africa is worth the money and effort even during difficult economic times at home.

To his wider audience, Mr Obama wants to underline that Washington stands behind those seeking greater human rights.

The BBC's North American editor Mark Mardell says Mr Obama faces the challenge of trying to set out a coherent US strategy for the region.

This is because Washington's reaction has varied wildly from place to place - from military action against Libya to a ticking off for Bahrain.


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BBC:Is al-Qaeda still relevant?
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Rebel rockets fired in the Libyan desert, near Brega, on 6/4/11 Al-Qaeda seems not to be playing much of a part in the battle for Libya


As uprisings challenge the old order in the Middle East and North Africa, one organisation which for many years claimed it was at the vanguard of toppling authoritarian regimes has so far played almost no part. So is al-Qaeda still relevant? Do the uprisings represent a threat or an opportunity to its role?

In the short term, al-Qaeda has proved slow to respond and is struggling to make any impact, its ideology of violence undermined, experts believe.

But out of the current chaos and instability in the region, they warn, it could still be able to find new opportunities.

"Ayman Al-Zawahiri (al-Qaeda's number two) has been trying to overthrow Egyptian regimes for the last 30 years by violence, and a group of middle-class activists armed with cell phones managed to achieve it in under one month," argues Nigel Inkster, a former deputy head of Britain's intelligence service, now with the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

"This is hardly a resounding endorsement for the jihadist business model."

New alternative

The rise of popular protest has certainly undermined the notion that jihadist terror is the only alternative to current regimes, and the only way to confront them.

 "What we are witnessing now is completely against their methods or understanding of how to make change," argues Noman Benotman, a former Libyan jihadist who knew Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan but now works at the counter-extremist think tank, the Quilliam Foundation.

Although Nato's military commander talked of "flickers" of al-Qaeda in Libya, European officials say they see no signs of a significant presence for the organisation.

And while some Islamists, often former members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, are involved, they are seen as focused on confronting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi at home and not being subscribers to al-Qaeda's wider ambitions.

Mr Benotman also says he has seen jihadists whom he knows in Libya change the way they behave and talk in the past two months.

"The way they start to make statements or to understand the conflicts is unbelievable, beyond my imagination. The only explanation I can offer is because they have been affected - whether they like it or not - by the wave of democracy."

Yemen concerns

Al-Qaeda has struggled to respond to a rapidly changing situation and, like many, has appeared bewildered by the pace of change.

The latest issue of Inspire, its slickly produced magazine, argues that what it calls "the tsunami of change" will provide it with more freedom in which to operate.

And there are concerns that in some places, al-Qaeda will be able to exploit the chaos.

"Yemen in particular has the potential to evolve into a state with greater ungoverned space than already exists and that will have quite significant adverse security implications," argues Mr Inkster.

In the last year and a half, Yemen has risen to the top of the worry list for Western counter-terrorist officials.

The al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) franchise would be primarily only a regional threat to Yemen itself and Saudi Arabia were it not for the presence of a small, tight-knit group of individuals, including Anwar Al-Awlaki. This group is able to reach young, Western audiences using new media, as well as a number of expert bomb-makers who were able to manufacture the devices used on a plane to Detroit and in printer cartridges on cargo flights (which were of a level of sophistication not seen before).

While the US has worked closely with the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, he was not always the most effective partner in confronting AQAP, not least because he had to deal with all the other internal challenges the regime faced.

The key national security and counter-terrorist units that were being trained by the Americans were run by relatives of the president and have now been pivoted to help try and preserve his rule - a development which leaves the struggle against AQAP almost entirely sidelined for the moment and which also risks increasing anti-US sentiment.

The US now appears to have backed away from President Saleh, but it also knows that the chances of any future government being more willing and more able to assist in counter-terrorism than his administration are low.


Western intelligence officials are studying closely how durable the infrastructure they have built up will be, given a change of ruling elite (where some of those manoeuvring for power have a history of being closer to jihadists).

Authoritarian regimes in Egypt, Yemen, and to a much lesser extent Libya, had been partners with Western intelligence in the fight against al-Qaeda.

While some analysts hope that the transfer of power to new elites will allow old relationships to be replicated, Mr Benotman believes that the departure of these governments should open the way for a more sustainable relationship to be built on countering not just terrorism but extremism based on democratic values.

His worry for the longer term is that the failure for real, democratic change to come about, and instead for one set of elites simply to be replaced by others, will open a new avenue for al-Qaeda to exploit.

"This will be a huge opportunity for al-Qaeda to say: 'This is what we've been trying to let you know. It is useless. You've achieved nothing - just changed faces,'" he argues.

"If this is going to be the scenario, then the youth - which is the vast majority and the driving force behind the uprisings - will be more vulnerable to the al-Qaeda message."

In other words, even if al-Qaeda currently appears on the backfoot it may still be able to find new ideological and physical spaces in which to renew itself and continue its struggle.

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  1. 敦促象牙海岸各方和其他利益攸關方尊重人民的意願以及已獲西非經共體、非洲聯盟和國際社會其他成員承認的阿拉薩納·德拉馬納·瓦塔拉當選象牙海岸總統的事實,表示關切最近的暴力升級,要求立即停止針對平民,包括針對婦女、兒童和境內流離失所者的暴力行為;

  2. 呼籲各方奉行非洲聯盟的全面政治解決方案,並在這方面歡迎非洲聯盟和平與安全理事會首腦會議于310日決定任命一個負責執行全面政治解決方案的高級代表,並呼籲各方與其充分合作;

  3. 譴責洛朗·巴博先生決定不接受非洲聯盟成立的高級別小組提出的全面政治解決方案,並敦促他立即讓位;

  4. 敦促象牙海岸所有國家機構,包括象牙海岸國防和安全部隊,服從象牙海岸人民賦予阿拉薩納·德拉馬納·瓦塔拉總統的權力,譴責象牙海岸國防和安全部隊、民兵和雇傭軍對聯合國人員實行襲擊、威脅、阻撓和暴力,阻礙他們保護平民,監測和協助調查侵犯人權行為和暴行,強調必須追究根據國際法應對這些罪行負責者的責任,並呼籲各方、特別是洛朗·巴博先生的支持者和部隊,與聯合國象牙海岸行動(聯科行動)全面合作,停止干擾聯科行動為執行任務開展的活動;

  5. 重申堅決譴責所有針對平民,包括針對婦女、兒童、境內流離失所者和外國公民的暴力行為以及其他侵犯和踐踏人權的行為,特別是強迫失蹤、法外處決、殺害和殘害兒童以及強姦和其他形式的性暴力;

  6. 回顧其授權並強調全力支持聯科行動在不偏不倚地執行任務的同時,採用一切必要手段執行任務,在其能力範圍和部署地區內保護面臨迫在眉睫的人身暴力威脅的平民,包括防止對平民使用重型武器,請秘書長隨時迅速向安理會通報就此採取的措施和作出的努力;

  7. 呼籲各方充分配合聯科行動和向其提供支持的法國部隊的行動,特別是保證其安全、保衛和行動自由,使其隨時在象牙海岸全境暢通無阻,以便能夠充分執行任務;

8. 呼籲各方與人權理事會2011325日設立的獨立的國際調查委員會充分合作,對20101128日總統選舉後象牙海岸境內發生嚴重暴行和侵犯人權行為的指控的相關事實和情況進行調查,並請秘書長將此報告轉交安全理事會和其他有關國際機構;

  9. 譴責利用象牙海岸廣播電視局和其他媒體煽動歧視、敵意、仇恨和暴力,包括針對聯科行動的歧視、敵視、仇恨和暴力,並對記者施以恐嚇和暴力,呼籲在象牙海岸解除對行使言論自由這一權利的一切限制;

  10. 表示深為關切象牙海岸危機導致流離失所者和象牙海岸難民不斷增加,在利比理亞境內尤其如此,呼籲象牙海岸各方與正在為更好地向難民和國內流離失所者運送人道主義援助做出努力的聯合國機構和其他行為者全面合作;

  11. 重申其長期以來的要求,即洛朗·巴博先生毫不拖延地解除對高爾夫酒店的圍困;

12. 決定對符合1572(2004)決議及隨後決議所定標準的個人,包括阻礙象牙海岸國內的和平與和解、阻礙聯科行動和其他國際行為者在象牙海岸開展的工作以及在象牙海岸嚴重侵犯人權和嚴重違反國際人道主義法的個人,實行定向制裁,因此決定對本決議附件一所列個人採取第1572(2004)號決議第9段和第11段規定的金融和旅行措施,並重申打算視情況考慮進一步措施,包括對符合有關制裁標準,包括公開煽動仇恨的媒體行為者實行定向制裁;

  13. 決定繼續積極處理此案。


  1. Laurent Gbagbo(洛朗·巴博)




  2. Simone Gbagbo




  3. Désiré Tagro

  護照號碼:PD-AE 065FH08




  4. Pascal Affi NGuessan

  護照號碼:PD-AE 09DD00013




  5. Alcide Djédjé





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2011/4/1  蘋果日報






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BBC: 土耳其對法國的不滿: 聯軍已在干涉阿拉伯國家內政
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Libyan rebels jubilate on the front line outside of Bin Jawaad, 150km east of Sirte, central Libya (25 March 2011)

Amidst all the dramatic headlines about the rebel advances in Libya, two things are clear.

Firstly, that the rebel forces still have a very limited offensive punch; Libyan government units seem to have dissolved in front of them rather than being defeated in battle.

Secondly, the retreat of the Libyan government troops has been prompted by the damage that they have sustained from the air.

We do not know how extensive the air attacks have been but they clearly have dented the morale of Libyan government forces.

So far, according to coalition commanders, the air attacks have been motivated simply by a desire to protect civilians under threat from Libyan government troops - a robust interpretation of UN Security Council Resolution 1973.

But what happens if Libyan government forces decide to make a stand in a built-up area? What if the rebels begin to approach Tripoli itself?

Aiding the rebels?

Continuing air attacks will reach a point where they are no longer ensuring the protection of civilians but aiding the offensive operations of the rebels. Some might argue that point has already come.

Last week, a reader contacted me in response to a piece that I had written on the air campaign saying that some reports suggested that Libyan tanks had been hit from the air while they were heading west, away from Benghazi.

 How, he asked, could this be acceptable in terms of the UN Security Council resolution?

At the time, with Libyan government forces still very much on the front foot, it seemed clear that the coalition military authorities regarded the immediate goal as degrading Col Gaddafi's offensive capabilities across the board.

The logic was simple - what was pulled back from one city could be used to attack another town elsewhere.

But, with the rebels advancing, the picture changes significantly.

Some capitals may want to prosecute the air campaign for as long as possible; hoping that the Col Gaddafi regime will simply collapse from within. Others may believe that enough is enough.

Nato strains

Inevitably, this will cause strains within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato).

The Atlantic alliance is in the process of assuming command of all three missions demanded by the Security Council resolution: the maritime embargo, enforcement of the no-fly zone and the air strikes to protect civilians on the ground.

But in some capitals - Berlin and Ankara for example - there has been an uneasiness from the outset. No wonder then that diplomatic efforts are beginning to focus on how this crisis might end.

A major conference involving the coalition countries and the Arab League is to be held in London on Tuesday. The Italians are already talking about a potential exit route for Col Gaddafi himself.

Will the decision to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court so early in the crisis come back to haunt the coalition, effectively barring the door to Col Gaddafi's escape?

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is casting himself in the role of mediator to attempt to bring about a ceasefire.

Turkey may have been on the sidelines up to now, but it could be the country to watch as the diplomatic moves unfold.

Turkey is a member of Nato. Ankara is unhappy with the air strikes, believing that a no-fly zone is one thing, striking ground targets in a Muslim country quite another. It is also angered by the leading role France has played since the outset, having been excluded from the Paris summit a little over a week ago.

There is also simmering resentment in Ankara at the long-standing opposition of the Paris government to Turkey's EU ambitions.

Most of all, Turkey is fast becoming the key regional player. France may have had a key part in the opening moves of the Libyan crisis. But the Turkish government is positioning itself to play a leading role in the endgame.

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BBC: 利比亞政府報導首都平民傷亡其實是假
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Tripoli witness: Fear and uncertainty

People queue outside a petrol station in Tripoli. Photo: 25 March 2011 Long queues have built up at petrol stations

The uncertainties and fear over what is to come and what is happening at present remain rife in Libya, as the coalition air strikes on military targets continue. One Tripoli resident - who did not want to be identified for security reasons - describes the mood in the capital.

Who ever thought that an oil-rich country like Libya could face fuel shortages?

That is exactly what is happening as I write these words. People - including myself - have been scrambling to fill up the tanks of their cars in anticipation of what appears to be a looming threat of fuel shortage - or even worse - no fuel at all.

It is one of the few reports on state television you can take at face value. It is also physically visible in the long queues at petrol stations across the capital.

My relative and I spent two hours waiting our turn on Thursday, and in the end we succeeded only because the manager is a friend of a friend of a neighbour. As instructed, we reversed into the petrol station from the exit end and shamelessly re-fuelled as others stared us down with visible disdain.

I never thought I would live to see the day where you needed "connections" to get petrol here. My friends in other parts of the city tell me many stations are closed for business, which fuelled even further panic.

Whistlers on roof

A new public talent is on display these days.

Start Quote

They are making a mockery out of death... this is like an inferior version of Hollywood”

End Quote Tripoli resident

Every night in Tripoli, since the coalition air strikes began, people race to the rooftops of their buildings or houses at the first audible sound of anti-aircraft artillery shots or the rumble of an explosion.

A few minutes in, you will start hearing the men whistling, some are close, others from a distance, and - in the otherwise still and silent dead of night - the chorus of whistling echoes across the neighbourhoods and rises up.

No-one really knows what the whistling means - we're left privately assuming that there is an underlying tone of excitement in the choir and not of the type that would impress the regime.

Another new talent being enforced is stone-throwing. I have yet to see it for myself, but my friends excitedly tell me of the scenes they witnessed.

"Some people in Ben Ashour area and in Souk el-Jumaa district have been stoning the pro-Gaddafi, green flag-bearing cars that drivedown their streets; they throw the stones and sprint," they say.


However, it is not just opponents of the regime displaying new talents.

Some would argue that the country's state-owned television channels have recently lifted the "iron curtain" on directors and actors who have long been absent from the scene.

Libyan women hold pictures of Col Gaddafi. Photo: 24 March 2011 Col Gaddafi has vociferous supporters

They marvel at the footage being displayed claiming there have been civilian casualties in coalition air strikes in Tripoli.

There was one scenario on Wednesday night that seemed particularly suspicious. It showed one woman - with only her back in view shouting and screaming over the debris.

This was accompanied by other short scenes of security officials closing the doors of an ambulance and telling the driver to go. Look closer and you will notice the faintest of smirks edging across the face of one of the emergency personnel.

The scenes on television of the funerals have also come under scrutiny. What stands out the most perhaps is the absence of emotion - usually a key element of any funeral here.

"They are making a mockery out of death... this is like an inferior version of Hollywood. It's Lollywood!" one friend says in disbelief and anger as he watches the screen.

There is still no clear picture on whether there have been any civilian casualties as a result of the coalition strikes; but there certainly hasn't been any talk of any on the streets of Tripoli amongst the people.

Death is very public knowledge here: under normal circumstances, residents are not only told of people who have died in Tripoli - whom they have often never heard of - but even in cities farther afield.

The dozens of civilian casualties being claimed by the government would hardly go unnoticed.

'Group torture'

A friend of mine recently released from detention - where he was severely beaten - described the conditions in one prison facility, where he says hundreds of Libyans from Tripoli, Misrata, Zawiya and Zuwara were held.

"They have a tape that replays 24 hours a day in the cells on loud speakers - the audio of Col Gaddafi's first televised speech after the start of the uprising where he says he will 'sterilise' Libya house-by-house, street-by-street," he says.

He goes on to recount how security officers used what he believes were stun guns in one room where they carried out "group torture".

"We were all lined up against the wall and one security officer came in and shocked the detainees as he walked along - it was random, he somehow missed giving me a hit. I was still blindfolded and all I could hear was the sound of an electric shock and the men making a restrained painful sound through clenched teeth and falling to the floor.

"I kept praying in hushed tones. In the cell where I spent the night, there were countless men who told me they had been there for days or weeks, most were wearing pyjamas - which suggested they were dragged from their homes late at night - and many had urinated in their pants."

He saw families: one elderly man and his three grown sons for example, who were brought in because the fourth son had been grabbed during a protest in Tripoli on 22 February. They have not seen him ever since.

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