一則中國媒體低調,西方頭條的新聞: 中東群眾紛紛掀起大規模反腐敗反獨裁示威
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28 January 2011 Last updated at 18:09 GMT Egypt protests: Curfew in cities as army deployed http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ Egypt has extended its curfew to all cities as anti-government demonstrators in Cairo besiege key buildings, including the foreign ministry and the state broadcaster. The headquarters of the governing NDP party has been set ablaze. President Hosni Mubarak, facing the biggest challenge to his authority of his 31 years in power, has ordered the army onto the streets of Cairo. He is due to make a statement, his first since protests began on Tuesday. Across the country, tens of thousands of protesters turned out after Friday prayers and clashed with police. The curfew is now in effect, but live television pictures from Cairo continue to show large crowds on the streets. BBC Arabic correspondent Khaled Ezzelarab, in Cairo, says despite the curfew, demonstrators are surrounding the building of Egyptian radio and television and trying to break into it. The building is guarded by armed forces and the demonstrators are cheering for the army, while the latter is not getting into confrontations with the people, he says. http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2011-01/28/c_121034517_2.htm 综合外国媒体报道,埃及爆发的大规模反政府抗议活动当地时间1月27日进入第三天,已造成至少6人死亡、数百人被抓捕。在这一敏感时期,有消息称埃及83岁总统穆巴拉克的儿子贾迈勒已悄然逃亡英国,不过埃及官方否认了这一说法。 更大规模示威在即? 深受不久前突尼斯骚乱推翻政府的影响,埃及数万民众25日走上首都开罗的街头,抗议穆巴拉克长达30年的统治。示威活动很快演变成了大规模的警民冲突,警方动用橡皮子弹、催泪瓦斯及水炮等试图驱散示威者,后者则用石块和燃烧瓶等进行还击。 26日,示威者在开罗市中心点燃了汽车轮胎,在埃及东北部港市苏伊士,示威者还焚烧了一座政府大楼。他们还计划在27日发起更大规模的抗议活动,一名组织者在社交网站“脸谱”上留言说:“埃及的穆斯林和基督教信徒们将联合起来,共同反抗腐败和失业。”招集参加者的帖子发出以后,数小时内便有2.4万多名网友留言表示支持。 在前两天的冲突中已有至少5名示威者和1名警察不幸丧生,另有约250人受伤,其中包括85名警察。埃及内政部公布的消息称,截至26日埃及全国各地共有500人被捕,不过一个独立的律师协会则表示,被捕者的数量应该在1200人以上。 巴拉迪欲返回埃及 目前居住在奥地利首都维也纳的埃及改革派代表、下届总统大选的热门人物穆罕默德 巴拉迪26日在接受采访时表示,他希望尽快返回埃及加入这场声势浩大的抗议活动。 巴拉迪说:“我一定要返回开罗并走到大街上去,因为事实上我已别无选择。大量市民走上街头原本是希望事情能够变好而不是变坏,但可惜的是,政府至今似乎还没有弄清楚人们上街的原因。” 巴拉迪曾于1997至2009年间担任国际原子能机构(IAEA)总干事,并于2005年获得了诺贝尔和平奖,他在埃及内外都颇具声望,有分析人士认为,巴拉迪返回埃及后很可能会成为这场抗议活动的核心组织者和领导者。 总统儿子或已外逃 一家总部位于美国的阿拉伯语新闻网站26日爆料称,穆巴拉克的儿子贾迈勒已乘坐私人飞机前往英国首都伦敦,同行的还有贾迈勒的妻子和女儿。 报道还说,现年48岁的贾迈勒已经被穆巴拉克指定为接班人,他在逃亡时携带了将近100件行李,至于里面究竟装有何种重要物品则不得而知。 对此消息,埃及驻美国大使馆发言人卡里姆 哈格各进行了坚决否认,他说目前穆巴拉克和他的全部家人都在埃及国内,有关他们家中有人已经逃往他国的报道都是“毫无根据的”。 国际社会表达关注 美国白宫26日以总统奥巴马的名义发表了一份书面声明,在表示支持的同时呼吁埃及政府进行“顺应民意的改革”。 声明说:“埃及政府目前面临一个重要机会,它应该顺应人民的意愿,在政治、经济和社会等各方面进行改革,以提高他们的生活质量并实现埃及的长久繁荣。为了达到这些目标,美国政府决定和埃及政府及人民共同努力。” 英国外交大臣威廉 黑格也发表声明,敦促穆巴拉克向示威者“做出妥协”。 巴林国王哈马德给穆巴拉克打电话表达支持,他还呼吁阿拉伯国家的领导人们尽快举行会议,“采取一种着眼于阿拉伯国家未来和进步的战略措施,以便更好的维护阿拉伯人民的利益、安全和稳定”。
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新华网联合国2月4日电(记者白洁 顾震球)联合国安理会4日就叙利亚问题决议草案进行表决,俄罗斯和中国对决议草案投了否决票,决议草案未能获通过。 这是继2011年10月4日中俄共同否决涉叙决议草案后,安理会有关叙利亚决议草案再次未能获得通过。除俄罗斯和中国外,安理会其余13个理事国投了赞成票。 当天的表决原定于美国东部时间上午9时举行,由于安理会内部分歧明显,表决时间一再推迟,最终于美国东部时间11时50分举行。此前,安理会进行了近2个小时的闭门磋商。
http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2012-02/02/c_122647643.htm 联合国安理会行将就叙利亚问题投票。俄罗斯明确表示将投反对票,成为西方舆论的众矢之的。中国应支持俄罗斯,也投反对票。 由阿盟发起的安理会决议草案,受到西方的鼎力推动。它为外部军事干预叙利亚局势埋下伏笔。中国要考虑同阿盟的关系,投反对票有一定外交风险。尤其是叙利亚现政权被最终推翻的可能性相当高,中国为支持它而不顾其他,看上去不太值。此外拥有否决权的俄罗斯一旦投反对票,中国投弃权票并不影响投票结局。 但是中国投弃权票,会陷俄罗斯于孤立,而现在是莫斯科最需要外交支持的时候。中俄战略协作伙伴关系对两国的重要性都因西方的进逼,变得逐渐紧迫。叙利亚问题是中国以付出一定代价,主动给中俄战略关系加入一根钢筋的机会。北京应敢于同莫斯科结为在安理会的投票同盟。 中俄成为完全的盟友不现实,也没必要。但美国对中俄两国的态度,以及西方不断增加的压力,在逼中俄将彼此关系做实际的升级。两国必须在关键性国际问题上,特别是在安全问题上,形成准盟友的协调能力。这将是两国未来安全的基石。 叙利亚已是中东地区不受西方控制的孤岛,尽管它有可能被西方最终攻克,但叙局势远未走到尽头。安理会决议草案虽以阿盟名义提交,但阿盟内部的态度并非真正一致。此外,阿盟并无左右大国行为的野心,我们应有勇气在阿盟面前保持在安理会投票的自主性。 俄罗斯对中国的期待,远比阿盟的高,因为俄罗斯的朋友比阿盟的少。中国是否支持,对阿盟的意义是能否通过提案,对俄罗斯的意义则是是否能打破孤立。中国投什么票,必然影响莫斯科对俄中战略协作伙伴关系究竟有多少含金量的评估。 其实无论怎么投票都很难,中国只能两害相权取其轻。当权衡都不好做的时候,就应另换角度思考。 中国越难投,越说明我们这一票重要。重要的原因在于中国实力大。只要中国的实力越来越大,我们对各方的重要性今后只会增加,即使有谁今天对我们不悦。对中阿关系和中俄关系,道理是一样的。 莫斯科的特殊性是,中国今后有可能需要俄罗斯关键性的战略支持,甚至需要它在某个时刻同中国结为共同对付美国的力量。从现在开始,我们应当为那个时刻未雨绸缪。 国际政治的结构性宏观变数,说到底跟中国崛起有关。西方围绕中国的紧张,比围绕俄罗斯的紧张要深刻得多,未来西方围绕中国的战略布局,也会是最活跃的。中国今后需要战略上借重俄罗斯的时候会越来越多。 阿盟也是中国的朋友,对中国很重要。但中国投反对票是基于反对强行用外力改变一个国家基本政权的原则。中国的反对票不应是安理会的意外。 相信阿盟能够理解中国投反对票的外交合理性,世界也会因此对中国的自主外交有更多认识。说到底,中国无论怎么投,都谈不上它能决定我们的命运。我们是有力量并能制造各种回旋空间和机会的大国。我们别看轻自己。(海南海洋安全与合作研究院研究员 戴旭)
埃及國會大選 伊斯蘭黨派占7成 | | 【聯合報╱編譯陳韻涵/報導】 | 2012.01.23 09:09 am |
| | 埃及選舉委員會22日宣布前總統穆巴拉克下台後首次大選的最後結果,伊斯蘭兩大政黨獲得國會下議院七成席位,新國會將具有濃厚的伊斯蘭教色彩。 由基本教義派「穆斯林兄弟會」所領導的「自由及正義黨」(FJP)在498席國會中,獲得235席、約47%的席位,極端保守派「光明黨」(Al-Nour Party)則贏得121席、約24%的席位。由於主張實施嚴格伊斯蘭律法的光明黨,與較溫和的穆斯林兄弟會的意識型態大不相同,兩黨不太可能組成聯盟。這兩個政黨均因長期在貧窮地區從事慈善工作而廣受歡迎。反觀,帶領埃及革命的自由派政黨卻未受選民青睞。 新選出的議員將在23日集會,選出一名議長及兩名副議長。自由及正義黨高層卡塔特尼本周稍早同意提名穆斯林兄弟會成員擔任議長,這將是埃及國會幾十年來首次由伊斯蘭教派掌權。他發表聲明說:「新國會的要務是保障埃及的社會正義、報償殉難者,並完成革命的訴求與目標。」 至於上議院(協商會議,Shura Council)的選舉則定於下月舉行,整個國會將任命100人的評議小組,目的是撰寫新的埃及憲法。總統大選則定在6月舉行。 去年1月25日前總統穆巴拉克政權垮台後,埃及政府便一直由軍事領袖把持。軍政府表示,一旦新政府組成,便會和平移交政權。但是這種政權移轉對部分埃及人來說,仍然不夠迅速且透明化。這點由上個月發生在首都開羅的一連串暴力抗爭,及時常發生的軍民流血衝突便可略顯端倪。 【2012/01/23 聯合報】 |
26 January 2012 Last updated at 00:56 GMT UN concerns over Libya militias and secret detention Libyan militias are out of control and holding thousands of people in secret detention centres, while the weak interim government struggles to assert its authority, the UN has heard. The Security Council was told recent violence in Tripoli, Bani Walid and Benghazi highlighted the problem. More than 8,000 pro-Gaddafi supporters are being held by militia groups, amid reports of torture, UN officials said. Four died in clashes in Bani Walid, a former Gaddafi stronghold, on Monday. The UN's Libya envoy, Ian Martin, told the Security Council in New York on Wednesday that those clashes between armed residents of Bani Walid and revolutionaries had been misreported as pro-Gaddafi forces retaking the city. Nevertheless, he said, it highlighted the challenge of reconciling the former leader's supporters and the rebels that had defeated them. Militias were responsible for fatal clashes in Tripoli and fighting in other towns this month, he said. "The former regime may have been toppled, but the harsh reality is that the Libyan people continue to have to live with its deep-rooted legacy," said Mr Martin. He described that legacy as "weak, at times absent, state institutions, coupled with the long absence of political parties and civil society organisations, which render the country's transition more difficult". Mr Martin said some steps had been taken towards demobilising ex-combatants. But the government was struggling to establish its legitimacy, he added, with weapons freely available and various armed brigades having unclear lines of command and control. While authorities had so far successfully contained any outbreaks of violence, they could escalate and widen in scope, he warned. 'Alarming reports' UN human rights chief Navi Pillay meanwhile raised concerns about detainees being held by revolutionary forces, saying there were some 8,500 prisoners in about 60 centres. "The majority of detainees are accused of being Gaddafi loyalists and include a large number of sub-saharan, African nationals," she said. "The lack of oversight by the central authority creates an environment conducive to torture and ill treatment. "My staff have received alarming reports that this is happening in places of detention they have visited." She urged the authorities to take control of these informal jails, review the cases, and deal with the prisoners in a legal framework. Libyan Defence Minister Osama al-Juwali, who has been negotiating with militiamen in Bani Walid, told reporters on Wednesday that the situation was stable. As he arrived, National Transitional Council (NTC) forces - loyal to the new government - gathered outside the town. They were heavily armed and apparently poised to attack if talks failed, although one commander insisted they were there for "reconciliation". Fighters in the town have reportedly expelled NTC forces into the surrounding desert. Residents have told the BBC that 90% of the town was under militia control.
新华网的黎波里10月29日电(记者田栋栋)利比亚全国过渡委员会(过渡委)军方发言人巴尼29日在接受新华社专访时说,利比亚对联合国安理会有关取消禁飞区的决定表示欢迎,但不会允许任何外国军队驻扎利比亚。 巴尼说,北约在打击卡扎菲武装方面取得积极成果。随着卡扎菲政权的倒台,利比亚现在已经不需要在其领空设置禁飞区,过渡委对安理会取消禁飞区的决定表示欢迎。 安理会今年3月17日通过第1973号决议,授权“采取一切必要措施”以保护利比亚境内可能遭受袭击的平民和平民居住区,并同意在利比亚上空设立禁飞区。随后,美英法等多国联军对利比亚发动空袭。后来,北约接管军事行动指挥权,直接帮助过渡委武装在地面战场扭转战局,最终推翻卡扎菲政权。本月27日,安理会一致通过决议,决定于利比亚当地时间10月31日23时59分取消利比亚禁飞区,并终止北约在利比亚的军事行动。 巴尼说:“利比亚人现在有能力保卫祖国,我们现在比以前更强大了。”他同时说,利比亚将来不会允许任何外国军队驻扎,但有可能允许一些外国军事顾问帮助利比亚训练军队,实现军队现代化。 谈及战后重建,巴尼认为利比亚军方目前面临的最大挑战是如何收缴散落民间的武器以及重组过渡委军队。 新华网北京10月28日电 外交部发言人姜瑜28日证实,中国驻利比亚大使王旺生已于10月28日返回利比亚首都的黎波里。 在回答记者有关中方对未来中利关系发展有何期待的问题时,姜瑜说,中利两国人民有着传统友谊。当前利比亚迈入了新的历史时期,中方愿同利方一道,在相互尊重、平等互利的基础上,发展中利友好合作关系,造福两国人民,促进共同发展。
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"Wow", said Hilary Clinton as she was handed a Blackberry with the news out of Libya. Gaddafi's death will be a relief to President Obama and his administration. That's on the fairly simple grounds that he backed NATO action, called for him to go, and now he's gone. In an awkward phrase, coined by an anonymous official, the policy was "to lead from behind." Most Americans see Gaddafi as a villain. They too will be glad he has gone. Despite a brief rehabilitation when he chose to be on America's side during President George W Bush's war on terror, most will associate him with the Lockerbie bomb: a crazy, slightly sinister man, almost a caricature of a mad Middle Eastern dictator. The road that led us to this day tells us a lot about Barack Obama's foreign policy as a whole, and its sometimes uncomfortable mix of idealism and realism. A less assertive America Mr Obama's foreign policy is driven by a sense that, particularly in the Arab world, the US must step back a pace, not be seen as a bully, always hectoring or imposing its will using physical force. It seeks to ensure that the US crafts alliances, and does not tell friends to follow. This is reinforced by the pragmatic belief that America cannot afford to do everything, everywhere, and must choose to do only what matters most. Inside the White House they will be pleased that Muammar Gaddafi has gone and the regime has changed. But they will be delighted that it will be seen by the world as a victory for the Libyan people, not the American president. Obama deliberately took the back seat during the Nato action as well. He stressed that there would be no American troops on the ground and the French and British would be leading the air sorties. This was partly for those reasons of the perception of American power. But it was also because President Obama was repeatedly told by security advisors that Libya was not a vital national interest for the US, even if it was for Europeans. So Europeans were left to take the lead. For ages many Europeans have argued that the US should be less assertive, but when it happened it was uncomfortable for some. For more than 50 years "the West" has grown used to the US being out in front. It is odd when it doesn't happen. To cajole or to lead? But let's not go over the top. Even though they didn't shout about it from the rooftops, American forces were deeply involved. The total cost to the US so far stands at just over $1bn. There have been 7,725 US sorties including 145 predator drone strikes. Without American involvement behind the scenes it probably couldn't have been done. The perception of the American position wasn't all deliberate. There really was a good deal of muddle. As so often Obama took a while to decide what to do. Crucial allies like the UK and France were kept in the dark as some argued for intervention to prevent a humanitarian crisis, while others said that America could not afford, in any sense, another military adventure in the Arab world. In the end it was fear of being judged a moral failure that drove the decision. The president was told that thousands could die in a massacre in Benghazi and he wasn't going to be held responsible for that. But if President Obama's policy has been a success on its own terms, it leaves others in the US deeply worried. They don't think their country should encourage, cajole, help and guide. They think it should lead - that it should be seen to lead in fact and in deed. And if it doesn't it is not clever - it is defeatist, and will inevitably lead to a diminution of power. They may raise their voices, not today, but when the dust settles. There are others still who think that backing the people in the Arab world, however quietly, is paving the way for jihadist regimes that will be hostile to American interests. Making sure they are wrong is where the state department's focus is now. The coming weeks and months will not have the drama of the events that are unfolding. They may not even be reported in detail in much of the Western media. But the US state department is deeply involved in how Libya develops, and that will be the true test of the success or failure of Barack Obama's policy.
11 August 2011 Last updated at 13:57 GMT The government is exploring whether to turn off social networks or stop people texting during times of social unrest. David Cameron said the intelligence services and the police were exploring whether it was "right and possible" to cut off those plotting violence. Texting and Blackberry Messenger are said to have been used by some during this week's riots. Rights groups said such a measure would be abused and hit the civil liberties of people who have done nothing wrong. The prime minister told MPs the government was exploring the turn-off in a statement made to the House of Commons during an emergency recall of Parliament. Mr Cameron said anyone watching the riots would be "struck by how they were organised via social media". He said the government, using input from the police, intelligence services and industry, was looking at whether there should, or could, be limits on social media if it was being used to spread disorder. Under social media, Mr Cameron includes Facebook, Twitter and specific technologies such as text messaging. The semi-private BBM messaging system on the Blackberry is said to have been widely used during the riots. Home Secretary Theresa May is believed to be meeting representatives from Facebook, Twitter and RIM (maker of the Blackberry) to talk about their obligations during times of unrest. Civil liberty implications In the statement, Mr Cameron said law enforcement was considering "whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality". Continue reading the main story “Start QuoteThe only realistic answer is the courts must judge” End Quote Jim Killock Open Rights Group Questions about the technical feasibility and civil liberty implications of cutting off networks have been raised within the coalition, with many expressing scepticism about the proposal's workability. Rights campaigners also criticised the idea. Jim Killock, director of the Open Rights Group, said events like the UK riots were often used to attack civil liberties. He questioned who was going to decide whether texts or tweets were an incitement to disorder. "How do people 'know' when someone is planning to riot? Who makes that judgement?" he asked. "The only realistic answer is the courts must judge. If court procedures are not used, then we will quickly see abuses by private companies and police." Any government policy to shut down networks deprived citizens of a right to secure communication and undermined the privacy required by a society that valued free speech, he said. "David Cameron must be careful not to attack these fundamental needs because of concerns about the actions of a small minority," he said. John Bassett, a former senior official at GCHQ and now a senior fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, told Reuters that the government should resist a clampdown. "The use of social media in the unrest looks like a game-changer," he said. "But any attempt to exert state control over social media looks likely to fail." Far better, he said, would be to encourage community groups and individuals to report when they see disorder brewing online and ensure police have the tools to extract intelligence from social media.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13872674 Mr Frattini also said Nato must provide data on results of its bombing campaign and guidelines on targeting errors. Arab League Chairman Amr Moussa also urged a ceasefire on Tuesday, voicing reservations about the Nato campaign. On Sunday a Nato missile apparently misfired striking a residential area. The Libyan government said nine people including two young children were killed in the strike. The alliance acknowledged that civilian casualties may have resulted from it. Meanwhile Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi described Libya's opposition National Transitional Council as an "important dialogue partner" and an "important domestic political force". Rebel leader Mahmoud Jibril has been holding talks with the Chinese leadership in Beijing.
21 June 2011 Last updated at 05:46 GMT Libya: China welcomes opposition figure Mahmud Jibril The top foreign affairs official in Libya's opposition has arrived in China for talks with the Beijing government. Mahmud Jibril is expected to discuss bringing to an end the crisis in Libya, where China has oil interests. Beijing follows what it calls a policy of non-interference and neutrality in the domestic affairs of other nations. It abstained in the United Nations Security Council vote which led to the Nato military campaign and has since criticised air strikes. It has also not joined in calls for the Libyan leader, Col Muammar Gaddafi, to resign. However, the BBC's Beijing correspondent Martin Patience says Mr Jibril's visit will be seen as another blow to Col Gaddafi's rule. Beijing has recently been stepping up efforts to persuade the two sides to reach a political agreement. Chinese officials have already held two meetings with the head of the National Transitional Council, Mustapha Abdul-Jalil, the rebels' umbrella organisation. The Libyan Foreign Minister, Abdelati al-Obeidi, also spent three days in Beijing earlier this month, with China saying a ceasefire should be the "top priority" of both sides. Beijing may be asked to consider giving financial assistance to the rebels; Italy, France, Kuwait and Qatar have pledged money so far. Mr Jibril is scheduled to stay in China for two days. China has oil interests in the north African state and evacuated 30,000 of its workers at the start of the conflict in February.
15 June 2011 Last updated at 18:06 GM http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-13785954 Attempts by the UK and France to push through a UN Security Council resolution censuring Syria have faltered and this tells us much about the new realities of diplomacy in a "multi-polar" world. Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, earlier on Wednesday reiterated that his country would not allow such a vote to pass. The UK/French draft called for UN human rights monitors to be allowed into Syria, for humanitarian access to be allowed to some of the strife-torn areas, and for countries to stop supplying weapons to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Despite the non-binding nature of the proposed wording, it soon became apparent that Russia and China - both veto powers - would block it and that other countries on the council, including India also opposed it. You might say that the opposition came for predictable reasons - that Russia is a long term ally and weapons supplier to the Assad government and China is nervous about allowing too much international intervention in the affairs of sovereign states. All of this is true, just as it is also the case that the diplomatic factors that made UN Security Council Resolution 1973 possible - allowing air strikes against Libya - were very unusual, relying largely on the fact that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has behaved so oddly for so many years that he is pretty much friendless. There is, though, a deeper truth shown up by the failure of this Syrian resolution. It is a narrative of the declining power of the West and of the increasing confidence of those who dispute what are often labelled as "Western values". In global terms the "Brics" are newly empowered - Brazil, Russia, India and China. In the context of Syrian intervention the list is different: Russia and China are still there, but Iran and Turkey are also important. The Syrian opposition claims that Iranian advisers are active with Mr Assad's military units on the ground, helping to crush dissent. Whether or not this is true, it is certainly the case that the Iranian government has warned Western countries against interfering in Syria's internal affairs, and given diplomatic support to the government in Damascus. As for Turkey, it has received thousands of refugees from the districts near its border with northern Syria. Turkey is also reportedly considering sending its forces inside Syria to create safe havens there. There are plenty in the Arab world who believe the absence of a strong Western, and in particular US, lead on Syria has given latitude to Iran and Turkey to get more involved - and for Mr Assad to press ahead with repression. If that UK/French resolution of censure could not get through, they may reason, then the chances of more sanctions, let alone military intervention must be minimal. As for the West itself, it is divided on many issues concerning the Arab Spring and intervention. After the parting shots by Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, predicting a "dim and dismal" future for Nato if the other members of the alliance do not do more to defend their interests, it is apparent that extending the "Libyan model" of intervention elsewhere in the troubled region would be extremely hard. It is only fair to say that even this blueprint, which many people in Washington like because of the leading role taken by France and the UK has not yet proven itself a success - the bombing goes on. Talking today to Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, he feels that the answer both to the issue of alliance burden sharing, and maintaining influence in the Middle East, is for European members of Nato to "step up to the plate". He argues they have cut defence too deeply in recent years and that they need to produce more effective, deployable, forces. Implicitly, he suggests that it is up to Europe to check the decline of the West. The chances of European countries reversing defence cuts or being politically more interventionist seem remote though. While many chose to criticise US interventionism, particularly in the Bush era, it appears that many European countries prefer to avoid entangling themselves in foreign trouble spots unless the US is in the lead. As these industrialised countries, struggling with budget deficits and (in some cases) public war weariness chose to sit out foreign crises more often, the world seems to be becoming a less predictable and more volatile place.