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一則中國媒體低調,西方頭條的新聞: 中東群眾紛紛掀起大規模反腐敗反獨裁示威

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Egypt has extended its curfew to all cities as anti-government demonstrators in Cairo besiege key buildings, including the foreign ministry and the state broadcaster.

The headquarters of the governing NDP party has been set ablaze.

President Hosni Mubarak, facing the biggest challenge to his authority of his 31 years in power, has ordered the army onto the streets of Cairo.

He is due to make a statement, his first since protests began on Tuesday.

Across the country, tens of thousands of protesters turned out after Friday prayers and clashed with police.

The curfew is now in effect, but live television pictures from Cairo continue to show large crowds on the streets.

BBC Arabic correspondent Khaled Ezzelarab, in Cairo, says despite the curfew, demonstrators are surrounding the building of Egyptian radio and television and trying to break into it.

The building is guarded by armed forces and the demonstrators are cheering for the army, while the latter is not getting into confrontations with the people, he says.








  目前居住在奥地利首都维也纳的埃及改革派代表、下届总统大选的热门人物穆罕默德 巴拉迪26日在接受采访时表示,他希望尽快返回埃及加入这场声势浩大的抗议活动。






  对此消息,埃及驻美国大使馆发言人卡里姆 哈格各进行了坚决否认,他说目前穆巴拉克和他的全部家人都在埃及国内,有关他们家中有人已经逃往他国的报道都是“毫无根据的”。




  英国外交大臣威廉 黑格也发表声明,敦促穆巴拉克向示威者“做出妥协”。


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Syria's slide towards civil war
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 The Free Syrian Army is now waging an escalating guerrilla war
    The BBC's Paul Wood has spent harrowing days under fire in the Baba Amr area of Homs and here reports on citizens subjected to a relentless artillery barrage by government troops.

Most of the people in the makeshift field hospital in Baba Amr did not want to be filmed.

They were too afraid of being arrested to show their faces. But not Abdel Nasr Zayed.

"I have lost 11 already and now I am willing to sacrifice everything for God," he told me, a large, bearded man, his voice booming down the hospital corridor.

Of the 11 members of his extended family who had been killed - by shells or sniper fire - five were children under 14.

It was a typical story. Often people would tell you they had lost not one but many of their relatives.

 Abu Suleiman's job at the hospital was to wrap bodies in their burial shrouds.

He had performed this service for his son, his son-in-law, his nephew, his neighbour and many of his friends.

Abu Sufyan, our host the last time we stayed in Baba Amr, had lost a brother, a nephew, an uncle and, most recently, his mother.

"Is this a civil war?" I was asked from London.

In Baba Amr, it certainly felt like one. But we were seeing a battle over one city. And Homs is not Syria. Not yet, perhaps.

Sectarian abductions

In Homs, the Sunni areas, such as Baba Amr, largely support the uprising. They were being shelled by the Syrian army, from the Alawite and Christian areas, which largely support the regime.

Yousseff Hannah was a prisoner of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) - the rebel fighters who have defected from government forces.

He was on a mattress, his thigh bandaged, in the basement of a house near the town of Qusayr, about 25 miles (40km) from Homs.

"Law and order," he told me, groaning from his wound, in reply to my question about his job.

One of his captors angrily interrupted: "No. You are mukhabarat (secret police). Tell them you are mukhabarat."

The FSA had snatched him a few days before from his home. He had been recovering there from the leg wound, received in Homs.

FSA fighters showed me a film taken from the mobile phone of a captured Shabiha. Prisoners lay face down on the ground, hands tied behind their backs. One-by-one, their heads were cut off ”

Aged 45, he was only a corporal, hardly a big fish. The rebels said they had taken him because his family had their own checkpoint in Qusayr that was harassing people.

They wanted it to stop. For too long, they said, people like him - protected by the regime - had felt they were untouchable, able to act with impunity.

Cpl Yousseff was a Christian. After he was taken, his relatives kidnapped six Sunnis, killing one in the process. In return, around 20 Christians were abducted.

"Some hotheads have been kidnapping Christians," one of the senior FSA commanders in the area told me. "We have got to calm this down."

After several days of stalemate, everyone was released, unharmed, including Corporal Yousseff. This was done as part of a deal for him and his family to leave Qusayr permanently.

Failed attack

Discussing the past tense few days, one of the Christian residents told me that Qusayr still had Christians who supported the uprising.

 FSA fighters were trained and disciplined during the attack - but eventually had to retreat

About a dozen attended the big Friday protest. In solidarity with them, the entire demonstration walked off when some at the front grabbed the microphone and started shouting Salafi (Islamist) slogans.

Everyone felt the town had come close to tipping over into serious sectarian bloodletting that week.

Is that the future for Syria? Much depends on the character of the FSA.

All of the fighters we met were Sunni. Perhaps that does not matter.

The commander near Qusayr told me they were fighting for all of Syria's religions and sects: Christian, Muslim, Alawite, Sunni, Druze, Shia.

"We are experiencing freedom for the first time," said Maj Ahmad Yaya.

But his next words left no doubt, either, that for many, this is a religious - and Islamic - struggle against the secular Baath regime.

"For the first time," he went on, "we are able to proclaim the word of God throughout this land."

 The official doctrine of the FSA is that it is there only to protect the unarmed demonstrators. In practice, the FSA is waging an escalating guerrilla war.

We followed Maj Yaya's group of fighters as they attacked an army base near the town.

The attack was big, more than 60 men. In contrast to the fighters in Libya, they were trained, disciplined and followed a plan.

One man said his brother was still serving in the area.

"What if he was in the base? What if he was killed?" I asked.

"I feel very bitter about my brother but what happens is in God's hands now. May God help me," he replied.

Inevitably, they failed. After an hour of firing on the base they had to flee when the government troops started using heavy weapons, dropping mortar shells on the hill.

Shabiha executions

Afterwards, one of the FSA fighters showed me a video he had filmed in December.

They had ambushed a convoy of armoured vehicles. Eight of the security forces were killed, 11 captured. The video showed the prisoners, in camouflage uniform, lined up facing a wall.

 Some were still bleeding after the battle. Their arms were raised.

One turned to the camera, looking petrified. The man who'd taken the pictures said that despite their army uniforms, their ID cards showed they were Shabiha (or ghosts) - the hated government paramilitary force.

"We killed them," he told me.

"You killed your prisoners?"

"Yes, of course. They were executed later. That is the policy for Shabiha."

These were Sunni Shabiha, he added; the only Alawite had escaped.

I checked with an officer. While soldiers were released, he said, members of the Shabiha were "executed" after a hearing before a panel of FSA military judges.

To explain, they showed me a film taken from the mobile phone of a captured Shabiha. Prisoners lay face down on the ground, hands tied behind their backs. One-by-one, their heads were cut off.

The man wielding the knife said, tauntingly, to the first: "This is for freedom."

As his victim's neck opened, he went on: "This is for our martyrs. And this is for collaborating with Israel."

Western dilemma

In Homs, after we left, there were reports from human rights activists that the Shabiha, going house-to-house, had murdered three families, men, women and children.

To most FSA fighters, "executing" the Shabiha seems only just.

Such things will give Western governments pause as they decide whether, or, increasingly, how to help the FSA.

Washington and London say they will not arm the rebels but they are thinking about how to assist in other ways. That might include giving advice and sending supplies, perhaps including flak jackets.

If they help the rebels, will they fuel a civil war, or worse, a sectarian civil war? If they do not, how can the killings in Homs, and elsewhere, be stopped?

The longer this continues, the more bodies pile up, the greater the desire for revenge on both sides. Civil war is not inevitable. But Homs today could be Syria tomorrow.

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Syria violence still unacceptable, says Kofi Annan
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1. Syrian-led political process to address the aspirations and concerns of the Syrian people

2. UN-supervised cessation of armed violence in all its forms by all parties to protect civilians

3. All parties to ensure provision of humanitarian assistance to all areas affected by the fighting, and implement a daily two-hour humanitarian pause

4. Authorities to intensify the pace and scale of release of arbitrarily detained persons

5. Authorities to ensure freedom of movement throughout the country for journalists

6. Authorities to respect freedom of association and the right to demonstrate peacefully

 The UN special envoy, Kofi Annan, has told the Security Council that Syria is still witnessing unacceptable levels of violence, despite a ceasefire being in place since 12 April.

Briefing diplomats in a closed-door session, Mr Annan said he was alarmed about surges in violence in Syrian cities after visits by UN monitors.

One activist group said 38 people were killed on Tuesday, mostly in Homs.

The UN wants to increase its observers in Syria from a handful to 300.

Mr Annan said the overall situation was "entirely contrary to the will of the international community".

He said he was "particularly alarmed" by reports of government forces firing on protesters in Hama.

"If confirmed, this is totally unacceptable and reprehensible," he said.

He also called for the rapid deployment of the observer mission.

Nationality dispute

The US permanent representative to the UN, Susan Rice, told a news conference that all Security Council members wanted the observers to be deployed more quickly.

Ms Rice said that it was hoped 100 observers would be in Syria within a month.

However, Ms Rice said Syria had refused at least one observer because of his nationality, and had made clear it would not admit UN staff from any country in the "Friends of Democratic Syria" group.

Meanwhile, Chinese state media reported that two Chinese observers had arrived in Syria on Tuesday.

The BBC's Laura Trevelyan at the UN says the US and its European allies are likely to question Mr Annan on how the shaky ceasefire can be safely monitored.

The Security Council remains divided on broader policy towards Syria. The Western powers are pushing for tougher action while Damascus's allies, Russia and China, say Mr Annan's six-point peace plan, which the Syrian government has agreed to, is sufficient.

Earlier Mr Annan's spokesman, Ahmed Fawzi, said satellite imagery showed the Syrian government was failing to withdraw heavy weapons from urban centres.

He also said there were credible reports that people who met monitors were then approached and sometimes killed by security forces.

Daily attacks

Earlier an activist in Hama told the Associated Press that dissidents had been punished for coming out to greet the visiting UN observers on Sunday, when they chanted "Long live Syria! Down with Assad!"

Syrian troops reportedly fired shells and automatic weapons in the northern Arbaeen and Mashaa al-Arbaeen districts on Monday. Some 40 people were said to have died.

Another activist, named as Samer, told the BBC there have been government attacks every day and the regime is constantly breaching the ceasefire.

"What happens is the observers visit neighbourhoods in the city, then once they leave, the shooting and shelling starts again," he said.

The government said security forces "pursued armed terrorist groups" which had been attacking and killing citizens in the area.

Syrian TV also reported a car bomb had exploded in the centre of the capital on Tuesday, injuring three people.

The Local Co-ordination Committees (LCC), an activist network, said 38 people had been killed by security forces across the country on Tuesday, including 16 in the city of Homs and 11 in the suburbs of Damascus.

The UN says about 9,000 people have died since pro-democracy protests began in March 2011. In February, the Syrian government put the death toll at 3,838 - 2,493 civilians and 1,345 security forces personnel.

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(2011)317日聯合國安理會通過制裁利比亞,並設置禁飛區的1973號決議迄今,正好一年有餘。一年來,由突尼西亞開始的「茉莉花革命」,在中東地區地區已經先後導致突尼西亞、埃及、利比亞和葉門政權的垮台。雖然許多評論認為,社群網站如臉書(Facebook)、推特(Twitter)是當地青年自發組織並最終推倒專制政府的主要力量,但如同英國廣播公司(BBC)所說,美國歐巴馬政府「幕後領導」(lead from behind)的戰略,相較於其前任小布希(George W. Bush)的單邊、先制作風,更是居功厥偉。歐巴馬去年519日在國務院的一場演講也不諱言,這些變革為美國外交開啟了「新篇章」(A new chapter in American diplomacy)


在導致利比亞政權垮台的安理會1973號決議中,中共與俄國都投下了棄權票,等於為西方軍事介入推翻格達費(Muammar Gaddafi)開了綠燈。雖然事後有許多推測,認為中共對格達費落井下石,是因為他數度冷言嘲諷「中非合作論壇」,又曾禮待陳水扁前總統專機。但早在格達費10月被殺前,中共外長楊潔篪便在621日承認反政府的「利比亞全國過渡委員會」(National Transition council)為「重要對話方」,北京且接待了該委員會首席外交代表。有趣的是,就在這項接見前兩週,格達費政府的外長奧貝迪(Abdul al Obeidi)才剛訪問北京。可見北京對於他國內戰、「人道危機」與核試問題早就不再是頑固堅持以前的「不干涉內政」立場。事實上,去年3月包括所有常任理事國在內,安理會就以阻礙和平、煽動暴力、拒不接受合法選舉結果、違反人權等理由,全票通過了1975號決議,定向制裁象牙海岸前總統葛巴伯(Laurent Gbagbo)等人,導致葛巴伯在總統官邸被支持當選人哈瓦塔(Allassane Ouattara)的武裝所逮捕。就在今(2012)年春,中共也首度派出裝備裝甲車的「工程兵」到脫離蘇丹獨立的南蘇丹維和。所以,「不干涉」已經不再是中共外交的唯一標準和原則了。

但是,針對去年10月與今年24日西方國家與阿盟接連提出的制裁敘利亞總統阿賽德(Bashar al-Assad)政權的決議,中共與俄羅斯兩度行使否決權,招致西方國家猛烈非議。美歐國家不甘示弱,216日又在不具拘束力的聯合國大會提案譴責阿賽德,獲得137國贊成(俄國、中國、委內瑞拉、白俄羅斯等12國反對,棄權17)的壓倒性通過,使得希拉蕊等美國政要以「卑鄙」(despicable)、孤立等強烈用語奚落俄中。截至325日,聯合國人權機構統計的敘利亞動亂死亡人數已經超過8千人。中共一改利比亞、南蘇丹、象牙海岸等問題之立場,甘冒被孤立之大不諱,反對安理會通過制裁敘利亞案,又應如何解釋?

事實上,隨著中共國際影響力的提高,大陸學者王逸舟等人早已提出北京應該,也正在試行「創造性介入」政策,以滿足中共外交之「多種需求及其平衡」。這些觀察交集之處,就是中共的「不干涉」原則不是鐵板一塊。只是筆者分析認為,中共不願照單全收「保護責任」(R2P)而進一步強調「負責任的」保護(responsible protection)的原因,主要在於第一、中共堅持正當保護主體只能是安理會;第二、軍事手段前必須窮盡一切政治手段;第三、行動要對受保護人民而非個別武裝集團負責;第四、「負責」要延伸到「後干涉時期」,而不能「打完就走」。


上面這幾點是中共兩度行使否決權,否決制裁敘利亞案的公開理由。同時,中共願冒一時被孤立的風險行使否決,還有以下的戰略考慮。首先,中共的立場已經不是無條件支持阿賽德政權。只是鑑於敘國反對派凝聚力與實力又比利比亞反對派零散、弱小,中共並無法確認一個可以在「後阿賽德時期」保證北京利益的對象。但即便如此,中共副外長翟隽在聯大會議後走訪敘利亞,仍會見了「有關反對派組織負責人」,要求敘方接受聯合國阿盟特使調停與紅十字會人道救助。目前,聯合國阿盟特使安南(Kofi Annan)已與敘方達成受監督之停火協議。中共外交部發言人也要求敘政府與反對派都得「信守承諾」。


第二、注意阿盟與國際社會內的分歧。各國在聯大的投票都是知道拘束力有限下,向西方的廉價表態。但即便是反阿賽德的「敘利亞之友」(Friends of Syria)大會,許多中東國家也反對「重演已失敗的軍事干涉悲劇」。尤其與利比亞不同,俄國與伊朗等實力派國家還願意支持阿賽德一段時間。複製利比亞模式到敘利亞,在阿拉伯國家共識不足。

第三、追隨俄國,避免直接承受美歐壓力。在敘利亞問題上,中共的立場都緊跟俄國,但表態又有些細膩的區別。特別是在俄國總理普京(V. Putin)競選總統必須表現強硬時,中共實際上是搭了俄國的順風車。在美國「重返亞洲」對華施壓的大局下,強化「中」俄戰略互信,對制衡美方壓力,又尤為重要。



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楊潔箎:China 'supports humanitarian aid for Syria'
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China backs international efforts to send humanitarian aid to Syria, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has said.

He was speaking to the head of the Arab League, Nabil Elaraby, over the phone.

Mr Yang said China was willing to work with the Arab nations for ''a peaceful and proper settlement of the Syria issue'', the official Xinhua news agency reported.

The comments came after France said the UN Security Council would work on a draft resolution on aid for Syria.

The United States has drafted an outline for a new resolution seeking access for humanitarian aid workers and an end to violence, United Nations envoys said on Tuesday.

The Chinese state media report on Wednesday did not mention the announcement made in Paris.

It said Mr Yang spoke to Mr Elaraby on Tuesday and had also had conversations with counterparts in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Algeria early this week.

Mr Yang said that it was ''an urgent task'' for opposing sides in Syria to halt violence in order to begin ''an inclusive political dialogue''.

"The international community should create favourable conditions in this regard and provide humanitarian aid to Syria," Xinhua news agency quoted him as saying.

On 4 February China and Russia blocked a UN resolution backing an Arab plan condemning the crackdown and calling on Mr Assad to step down.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week called that veto "despicable" - comments the Chinese foreign ministry said were not acceptable.

More than 7,500 people have died in Syria since security forces launched a crackdown on dissent last March, a senior UN official said on Tuesday.

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人民日報痛批美國: patronising and egotistical super-arrogance
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 China has hit out at comments by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on its stance on Syria.

A foreign ministry spokesman called the comments unacceptable, and the official Communist Party newspaper described the criticism as "super arrogant".

Mrs Clinton on Friday called China and Russia's veto of a UN resolution on Syria "despicable".

The Chinese criticism came a day after Syria held a national referendum on a new constitution, amid violent unrest.

The referendum calls for a multi-party parliamentary election within three months. The opposition has dismissed Sunday's vote as a farce, as at least 30 more deaths were reported around the country.


Ms Clinton made her remarks at the Friends of Syria conference in Tunisia, a meeting of diplomats boycotted by China and Russia that sought an end to the crisis.

The US Secretary of State said it was "quite distressing" to see two Security Council members using their vetoes "while people are being murdered".

"It is just despicable and I ask whose side are they on? They are clearly not on the side of the Syrian people."

Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily was more outspoken.

"The United States' motive in parading as a 'protector' of the Arab peoples is not difficult to imagine," it said in a commentary. "The problem is, what moral basis does it have for this patronising and egotistical super-arrogance and self-confidence?"

"Even now, violence continues unabated in Iraq and ordinary people enjoy no security. This alone is enough for us to draw a huge question mark over the sincerity and efficacy of US policy," it added.

While China is traditionally resistant to interference in other countries' affairs, it has come under intense pressure on Syria.

Beijing believes that Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assad should be allowed to carry out reforms to try and end the bloodshed, says the BBC's Martin Patience in Beijing.

But observers say the power to end the violence lies with Beijing and Moscow, which have so far provided the diplomatic support that has shielded Syria.

On 4 February they blocked a resolution in the UN Security Council backing an Arab plan condemning the crackdown and calling on Mr Assad to step down.

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敘利亞之友會議主席聲明: 反對外來干涉
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Anti-American Koran demos across Afghanistan
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Violent anti-American demonstrations over the burning of a Koran at a US base have spread across Afghanistan.

At least two people have been killed, and several others injured. Crowds have been throwing stones and setting fire to the US flag.

President Hamid Karzai is meeting tribal leaders and politicians in an effort to find ways to calm tensions.

Meanwhile the Taliban has called on Afghans to kill and beat all Westerners in revenge for "insulting" the Koran.

In a statement a Taliban spokesman said Afghans should "not stop at protesting" but instead target military bases and personnel to "teach them a lesson that they will never again dare to insult the Holy Koran".

On Wednesday seven people died and dozens left injured in protests over the burning.

Afghan security officials fear the protests could spread further, with social pressure in other towns and cities to show their outrage at the desecration of the Koran.

Obama effigy burnt

Emergency talks are being held in the capital Kabul to plan how to protect the city.

The BBC's Andrew North, who's in Kabul, says many officials sympathise with the outrage the US has provoked across the country.

He says Friday prayers may spark more tensions, depending on the tone set by religious leaders.

So far police and tribal elders have told the BBC there are at least seven major protests across the country, each involving many hundreds of people.

In the northern Baghlan province one civilian was killed and two others were injured, while two police were also hurt.

Another person was killed in Laghman province east of Kabul, where local police said several hundred people were chanting "Death to America".

In Mehterlam, the capital of Laghman province in the east, more than 3,000 have gathered, with some burning an effigy of Barack Obama.

Police say fights broke out as they stopped hundreds of protestors entering the centre of the capital Kabul.

And in Asadabad, around 1,500 demonstrators were said to be burning US flags and tyres and shouting anti-American slogans.

Earlier President Hamid Karzai called on Afghans "not to resort to violence" in their protests.

"Afghan security forces should not use violence... and protect civilian lives and property," Mr Karzai added in a statement.

In a statement after an emergency debate, Afghan MPs condemned what had happened.

They also called for punishment of those responsible and asked the Afghan government to send its own delegation to Bagram to establish exactly what happened and why.

Isaf spokesman Brig Gen Carsten Jacobson says the incident was an unfortunate mistake

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said he and the top commander of US and Nato forces in Afghanistan, Gen John Allen, had apologised to the Afghan people "and disapprove of such conduct in the strongest possible terms".

Muslims consider the Koran the literal word of God and treat each book with deep reverence.

The Nato-led Isaf force is now investigating the incident, a spokesman told the BBC.

"It was the local workers who discovered the nature of the material and therefore stopped worse things from happening," said Brig Gen Carsten Jacobson.

Last year, at least 24 people died in protests across Afghanistan after a hardline US pastor burned a Koran in Florida.

Are in Afghanistan? Are you planning to take part in protests? You can send us your comments and experiences using the form below.

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  Al-Qaeda's leader has backed the anti-government uprising in Syria, urging the opposition not to rely on the Arab League or the West for help.

In a video message, Ayman al-Zawahiri said the Syrian rebels had the right to use whatever means they saw fit to get rid of a "cancerous regime".

Egyptian-born Zawahiri, 62, took over as head of al-Qaeda after the death of Osama Bin Laden in May 2011.

The Syrian government blamed al-Qaeda for two blasts in Damascus in December.

That double suicide bombing killed 44 people.

'Muddy the waters'

Zawahiri, who has a $25m (£15m) US bounty on his head, addressed his video message to the "Lions of Syria".

He urged them to depend on their own efforts and sacrifices, and not on what he called the "failed states of the Arab League, the West, or Turkey".

"If we want freedom, we must be liberated from this regime. If we want justice, we must retaliate against this regime," he said in the video.

Arab League ministers are meeting in Cairo on Sunday to discuss the crisis in Syria, following the league's decision to suspend its observer mission in the country last month.

Zawahiri called on militants in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, to rise up and support what he called "their brothers in Syria".

There have already been reports of Islamic militants crossing into Syria from Iraq.

It is the clearest sign yet of involvement by al-Qaeda in the uprising in Syria, as it takes on increasingly an aspect of armed insurgency as well as popular protest, says the BBC's Jim Muir, in neighbouring Lebanon.

US officials are reported to believe the recent suicide car bombings in Damascus and Aleppo were the work of al-Qaeda.

Opposition activists have blamed the Syrian government itself for the attacks.

If violent Islamic extremists are becoming increasingly involved, it is going to muddy the waters of an already very complex situation, our correspondent says.

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新华网联合国2月4日电(记者白洁 顾震球 林琼)联合国安理会4日就叙利亚问题决议草案进行表决,俄罗斯和中国对决议草案投了反对票,否决了由摩洛哥提交的、西方国家及有关阿拉伯国家等共同起草的涉叙决议草案。











    新华网北京2月7日电(记者陈莹 张兰华)“中国在联合国安理会针对叙利亚问题决议草案的投票中行使否决权,是从叙利亚实际情况出发,以维护叙国家和人民的根本利益,”中国中东问题特使吴思科日前在接受新华社记者采访时说。








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从在联合国进行的辩论来看,在针对叙利亚问题的国际角力中,一方是阿拉伯国家联盟和西方国家,另一方是努力支持巴沙尔· 阿萨德政权的俄罗斯。可要是这么简单就好了。














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