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2014-07-10 15:53:59
关键字 >> 阿富汗伊斯坦布尔进程伊斯坦布尔进程高官会伊斯坦布尔进程高官会外长级会议美国外交家杂志中国外交亚信峰会新丝绸之路






伊斯坦布尔进程创立于2011年, 是一个致力于推动阿富汗和其邻国在安全、经济和政治议题上的合作的区域性平台。该进程包括14个区域国家(其中包括阿富汗、中国、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、印度、巴基斯坦、伊朗和土耳其)和28个“支持伙伴”(包括16个域外国家比如美国和英国,以及联合国、上合组织等12个国际组织)。第四次外长级会议计划于8月底在天津举行,本周的会议(副外长级)是为8月底会议的准备会。













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China to turn Silk Road city into special economic zone

China hopes Kashgar, the crossroads of Europe and Asia, will become the launch pad for goods into South and Central Asia. But Uighur residents worry that the real goal is to weaken their identity.

November 17, 2010|By Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times

At the Sunday market in Kashgar, it isn't a wild stretch to imagine commerce as it might have been in the 13th century when Marco Polo passed through this Silk Road oasis: Smooth-faced boys wrangle with horses, sheep and camels. Mounds of melons and grapes are stacked on the bare wooden planks of mule-drawn carts. A wizened man wearing a skullcap sharpens knives on a lathe operated by foot pedals.

But modernity is catching up with a vengeance, as the Chinese government yanks the nation's westernmost city, despite the misgivings of many residents, into the 21st century.

Kashgar is slated to become a special economic zone, and the signs of change are already visible.

Developers from China's east coast are snapping up land in the area, residents say. Concealed behind a row of graceful poplar trees along the main road to the airport, newly erected green wire fences delineate plots of land slated for development: a factory that makes instant ramen noodles for export to Pakistan and Tajikistan, a warehouse for wheat also headed for central Asia.

Tents for construction workers are pitched near empty lots behind the Kashgar Central and Southern Asia Industrial Park, which according to the state press, is being expanded from two square miles to 60. Even on a Sunday afternoon, crews were leveling an access road.

"This land used to be desert. Nobody was interested in it," said a 35-year-old local businessman. "Now rich people from the east are coming and buying everything they can.... They buy the land. They put in roads. Then they put a wall around it."

Chinese officials hope the economic zone status will do for Kashgar what it did for Shenzhen, the South China Sea fishing village that 30 years ago launched China's transformation into a manufacturing superpower. Whereas Shenzhen's wares head by sea to Korea, Japan, Australia, Europe and the United States, Kashgar is viewed increasingly as the launch pad into Pakistan and India, as well as some of the former Soviet republics in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

"We want to restore Kashgar to the position it had in the days of the Silk Road," said Wang Ning, an economist with the government-run Academy of Social Sciences in Xinjiang, the far-western region where Kashgar lies.

"The plan is that by 2020 we should close the gap between east and west and allow the west to share in the prosperity of the east," said Wang, who is based in Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi.

But Kashgar residents are suspicious of such claims, knowing that economic development in China often involves policies that allow outsiders to grab most new wealth. Until a decade ago, 90% of Kashgar's 355,000 permanent residents were Uighurs, a Turkic people whose language, appearance and Islamic faith more closely link them to Central Asia than to Beijing. New census data won't be available until next year, but activists suspect that the Uighur population has dropped to 70% with the migration of of about 150,000 Han Chinese to Kashgar.

Ignoring protests from preservationists abroad, the Chinese government last year bulldozed most of Kashgar's historic old city, destroying 85% of the labyrinthine alleys of mud-brick houses in the name of earthquake safety. The ochre-colored alleys and archways were so evocative of Old Kabul that the old city was used as the setting in 2007 for the filming of "The Kite Runner." Only a small section is left today for tourists. About 200,000 people, almost all Uighurs, are being relocated to bland, modern apartment buildings in the suburbs.

"It is all part of a wholesale attack on the Uighur identity," said Nury Turkel, a Kashgar-born lawyer and activist who lives in Washington, D.C. He believes the economic zone will be more of the same, with the best opportunities accruing to Han Chinese outsiders. "The Uighurs can't even get loans from banks. How are they going to open businesses?"

Although the Uighurs, by dint of their location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, were traditionally traders, they have been squeezed out by tough Chinese policies that have made it difficult to obtain passports.

"If you go to Bishkek, you'll see maybe 50 Uighurs, but thousands of Chinese. They're making easy money," said the 35-year-old businessman, who like most Uighurs in Kashgar would not permit his name to be used because of the perils of criticizing the Chinese government. The economic zone, he said, may "help some of our young people get jobs in factories at low salaries, but the big money is not for us."

Other than Tibet, no region in China is more ethnically fraught than Xinjiang (Chinese for "new territory"). Sporadic bombings and attacks have included an incident two years ago in Kashgar in which two men rammed a dump truck into a crowd of police officers out on a jog.

The worst race riots in recent Chinese history, which left hundreds dead, erupted last year in Urumqi, about 700 miles away. The initiative for the economic zone grew in part from that unrest. Many economists, Han Chinese and Uighur alike, saw the roots of the violence in high rates of unemployment among young Uighur men.

And so in May, Chinese President Hu Jintao announced a $15-billion-a-year investment package at a special meeting of the Politburo on Xinjiang's economic future. The economic zone, like its inspiration, Shenzhen, will feature tax breaks, investment incentives and easing of regulatory requirements for new businesses. Along with the central government, the city of Shenzhen is sponsoring the Kashgar project, transferring $1.5 billion this year alone to support the new zone.

Much of the property in Kashgar is now owned by investors from Wenzhou, a city near Shanghai whose entrepreneurs are considered modern-day Marco Polos for their love of exploring and tapping the wealth of exotic realms.

Real estate agents from Kashgar were quoted by the Xinjiang Business Daily saying that prices for apartments went up as much as 30% and commercial property as much as 40% from March to July.

"Before locals bought apartments just for themselves. Now more and more speculators are coming in," one real estate sales manager told the newspaper.

Shortly after the article ran July 1, the General Administration for Press and Publications forced the newspaper and one other that reported on the real estate boom to run retractions and pay fines of $4,200 each for stories that "caused serious negative impact."

For China, Kashgar is a modern-day version of the wild west, a remote and exotic destination far closer to Afghanistan (160 miles) than to Beijing (2,100 miles). The first direct flights were introduced only in September.

The city is a convenient shopping hub for Central Asian businessmen, who arrive on tour buses and leave with vinyl shopping bags stuffed with Chinese-made wristwatches, DVD players, cellphones and athletic shoes to sell back home. With the exception of some artisanal knives and rugs, almost all the merchandise today is manufactured on China's east coast, something that should change with the economic zone status.

However, the Shenzhen phenomenon won't be easily replicated. The routes to western border crossings out of China run through harsh desert and wind-swept mountain passes frequently closed by weather and political turmoil.

Dru Gladney, an expert on Xinjiang at Pomona College, says Uighur economists believe job preference should be given to people with local hukous, or residency permits, so Kashgar's Uighurs as well as longtime Han Chinese residents get first crack at jobs. But he is pessimistic.

"If these guys are coming from Wenzhou to invest in Kashgar from outside, they're going to hire people from Wenzhou. That's how it works in China," Gladney said.

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2011年02月23日 07:15 AM




哈萨克斯坦总统努尔苏丹•纳扎尔巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev)周二在北京与中国国家主席胡锦涛会晤,双方签署了一系列协议,涵盖高速铁路、铀供应以及一笔50亿美元的能源基础设施贷款。




“中国已成为中亚地区真正的强国,”牛津能源研究所(Oxford Institute for Energy Studies)研究员沙米尔•米德卡托维奇•耶尼克耶夫(Shamil Midkhatovich Yenikeyeff)表示。“中国代表着未来,(而)俄罗斯代表过去……在资金实力和有效执行大规模项目方面,中国对俄罗斯具有优势。”



中国从上世纪90年代末开始在哈萨克斯坦收购石油资产,在自己的“家门口”获得了一个新的能源来源,以便促进经济增长,减轻对中东石油的依赖。哈萨克斯坦投行Visor Capital的研究称,如今中国企业对哈萨克斯坦大约四分之一的石油产量拥有股权。




2009年,中国向哈萨克斯坦国家石油和天然气公司(KazMunaigas)提供了一笔50亿美元贷款,以未来石油供应为抵押。同时,中国还向哈萨克斯坦开发银行(Development Bank of Kazakhstan)提供了50亿美元贷款,用于交通、电信和农业项目。

“哈萨克斯坦并不希望成为中国的原材料附庸,”咨询公司“控制风险”(Control Risks)研究主管迈克尔•丹尼森(Michael Denison)表示。

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Kabul's New Patron?


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The Growing Afghan-Chinese Relationship

Christian Le Mière
CHRISTIAN LE MIÈRE is Editor of Jane's Intelligence Review.



When Afghan President Hamid Karzai visited China last month, his hosts pulled out all the stops. During his three days in Beijing, Karzai met not only with Chinese President Hu Jintao but also with Premier Wen Jiabao and the Politburo Standing Committee member Wu Bangguo. Karzai signed agreements with Chinese leaders on economic cooperation, technical training, and preferential tariffs for Afghan exports.

It was Karzai's fourth trip to China as Afghanistan's president and the latest sign that, as Washington shows its impatience with the Karzai regime (pressuring it, for example, on electoral reform), Kabul is beginning to look for new supporters and patrons. As the regional hegemon, China is the obvious choice. Successfully courting Beijing, Kabul reasons, could yield benefits in terms of trade, economic assistance, and even military training.

The interest appears to be mutual. With U.S. President Barack Obama having set a deadline of July 2011 to begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, China is increasingly aware that it will soon have a pivotal role in Afghanistan's security and that of the whole region.

China's interests in Afghanistan are twofold: security and trade. Afghanistan remains a source of instability to China's west, particularly as it abuts the restless Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). Concerns about Islamist militancy on its western border have only heightened since the Uighur riots of July 2009 and are likely to increase as the United States withdraws. The Turkistan Islamic Party (formerly the East Turkistan Islamic Movement), which Beijing often blames for attacks within China, is based in Afghanistan and the borderlands of Pakistan. In September 2003, Hasan Mahsum, then the TIP's leader, was killed in South Waziristan by Pakistani security forces supported by Chinese intelligence officers. In February, a U.S. drone strike killed Abdul Haq al-Turkistani, the TIP's most recent leader, in North Waziristan.

As the United States begins its military withdrawal and such drone strikes become less frequent, China worries that the TIP will gain greater freedom of movement. Even if the group remains unable to launch cross-border operations into Xinjiang, the TIP's mere existence in Afghanistan and Pakistan (coupled with its increasing use of Uighur-language militant propaganda on the Internet) will continue to be a serious concern for China.

The reduced international presence in Afghanistan may also allow the heroin trade to continue unchecked. (Opium cultivation grew exponentially after the fall of the Taliban in 2001 but has decreased in the last year due to the U.S. troop surge. Questions remain, however, over whether this downward trend will hold as the Western presence in the country begins to shrink in the next couple of years.) In 2007, according to Li Xianhui, the director of drug prevention in China's Ministry of Public Security, 386 kilograms of heroin were smuggled into China from the so-called

Golden Crescent
of Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, a total that exceeds the cumulative figure for 2001 to 2004.

These various threats are not likely to result in the deployment of Chinese troops in combat missions or protective roles, since the Chinese government is well aware that if it were to base troops overseas unilaterally -- even in a humanitarian role -- alarm bells about a neo-imperial Chinese foreign policy would go off in capitals such as New Delhi and Tokyo.

But China has an active interest in ensuring that the Afghan military is effectively able to guard the border separating the two countries. This goal was underlined by the meeting in March between Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak and Chinese Minister of National Defense Liang Guanglie. China's Defense Ministry pledged to continue its low-key support of Afghan forces in the form of military supply and personnel training. Both governments aim to bolster the capabilities of Afghanistan's national army and police so that, in the words of Wardak, they will be "strong enough to defend the country against internal and external threats" in a post-NATO future.

Trade and development assistance form an even larger part of the burgeoning Afghan-Chinese relationship. Although the Afghan economy accounts for just one-tenth of one percent of China's overall trade portfolio, the possibility of cheap resources on its border is of significant interest to Beijing. China has already made the largest single foreign direct investment in Afghanistan: $3.5 billion in the Aynak copper field in Logar province. Under the terms of the deal, signed in May 2008, China will also build a 400-megawatt coal-fired power plant, a freight railway running from the XUAR through Tajikistan to Afghanistan, a hospital, and a mosque.

Such agreements also meet a secondary need for China: developing its western regions. Despite the ethnic violence last July -- or perhaps because of it -- Beijing has redoubled its efforts to boost the economies of its two western provinces, the XUAR and the Tibet Autonomous Region, which also recently witnessed ethnic riots in 2008. In March, Hu said that development of the western region is a priority of China's twelfth Five-Year Plan, which will run from 2011 to 2015.

These concerns are likely driving China's development of local infrastructure in the Wakhan Corridor, the thin strip of land that leads to the only direct border crossing between Afghanistan and China. Beijing is funding the construction of the new road, supply depot, and mobile communications center that will allow greater movement and trade across the border. It is even possible that China could open the Wakhjir Pass, a high-mountain crossing that was once part of the Silk Road, to further trade to the restive XUAR.

In January, at a conference on Afghanistan in Istanbul, China's foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, said that China has provided ¥900 million ($132 million) in reconstruction assistance to Afghanistan since 2002. In 2009, Beijing converted $75 million in concessionary loans into grant assistance -- effectively writing off the debt -- with the remaining $60 million to be delivered to the Afghan government in four installments by 2013.

Of course, this development assistance pales in comparison to the contributions of other countries, most notably the United States, which provided $5.87 billion between 2002 and 2007 and budgeted $3.77 billion for 2008 and 2009. The United Kingdom's Department for International Development spent £147.5 million ($220 million) in 2008-9 in Afghanistan. Even the International Committee of the Red Cross spends approximately $70 million per year in Afghanistan, more than half of China's budget over eight years.

China's growing interest in Afghanistan cannot be separated from its longstanding concern over spheres of influence. Beijing is uncomfortable with the idea of more than 100,000 U.S. troops stationed just across its border, and India's expanding presence in Afghanistan is similarly disquieting. India is among the top donors to Afghanistan, ranking fifth behind the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Canada. Overall, New Delhi has pledged $1.2 billion in reconstruction assistance, including funds for building a new parliament building in Kabul. In recent years, Beijing has deepened its relations with India's neighbors, including Bangladesh, Myanmar (also called Burma), and Pakistan, and sought to pull Nepal and Sri Lanka away from their traditional Indian-centric foreign policies. Now, from Beijing's perspective, India appears determined to leapfrog this cordon sanitaire by building up its ties with Afghanistan.

Ultimately, Beijing would like to see the influence of foreign powers in Afghanistan decrease so that it can continue its policy of noninterventionist intervention, building trade relationships and avoiding political interventions. China has followed this policy with regimes in countries such as Iran, Sudan, and Venezuela.

This sort of arrangement will increasingly suit the needs of both capitals. Beijing can pursue its agenda of promoting trade and combating insurgent groups, while Kabul will gain a reliable, long-term partner that makes few demands in regards to corruption and democratic governance. As U.S. and NATO military commanders consider pulling out beginning in 2011, they very well may leave behind a China that has stronger regional relations and influence. This may not have been China's primary goal -- it wishes to see little more than a stable Afghanistan and little disruption to Xinjiang -- but it is certainly a welcome side effect.
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Beijing’s Afghan Gamble 北京在阿富汗居於不敗之地?
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參考Stephen Walt對這篇文章的批評


IN Afghanistan’s Logar Province, just south of Kabul, the geopolitical future of Asia is becoming apparent: American troops are providing security for a Chinese state-owned company to exploit the Aynak copper reserves, which are worth tens of billions of dollars. While some of America’s NATO allies want to do as little as possible in the effort to stabilize Afghanistan, China has its eyes on some of world’s last untapped deposits of copper, iron, gold, uranium and precious gems, and is willing to take big risks in one of the most violent countries to secure them.

In Afghanistan, American and Chinese interests converge. By exploiting Afghanistan’s metal and mineral reserves, China can provide thousands of Afghans with jobs, thus generating tax revenues to help stabilize a tottering Kabul government. Just as America has a vision of a modestly stable Afghanistan that will no longer be a haven for extremists, China has a vision of Afghanistan as a secure conduit for roads and energy pipelines that will bring natural resources from the Indian Ocean and elsewhere. So if America defeats Al Qaeda and the irreconcilable elements of the Taliban, China’s geopolitical position will be enhanced.

This is not a paradox, since China need not be our future adversary. Indeed, combining forces with China in Afghanistan might even improve the relationship between Washington and Beijing. The problem is that while America is sacrificing its blood and treasure, the Chinese will reap the benefits. The whole direction of America’s military and diplomatic effort is toward an exit strategy, whereas the Chinese hope to stay and profit.

But what if America decides to leave, or to drastically reduce its footprint to a counterterrorism strategy focused mainly on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border? Then another scenario might play out. Kandahar and other areas will most likely fall to the Taliban, creating a truly lawless realm that wrecks China’s plans for an energy and commodities passageway through South Asia. It would also, of course, be a momentous moral victory achieved by radical Muslims who, having first defeated the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, will then have triumphed over another superpower.

And the calculations get more complicated still: a withdrawal of any kind from Afghanistan before a stable government is in place would also hurt India, a critical if undeclared American ally, and increasingly a rival of China. Were the Taliban to retake Afghanistan, India would face a radical Islamistan stretching from its border with Pakistan deep into Central Asia. With the Taliban triumphant on Pakistan’s western border, jihadists there could direct their energies to the eastern border with India.

India would defeat Pakistan in a war, conventional or nuclear. But having to do so, or simply needing to face down a significantly greater jihadist threat next door, would divert India’s national energies away from further developing its economy and its navy, a development China would quietly welcome.

Bottom line: China will find a way to benefit no matter what the United States does in Afghanistan. But it probably benefits more if we stay and add troops to the fight. The same goes for Russia. Because of continuing unrest in the Islamic southern tier of the former Soviet Union, Moscow has an interest in America stabilizing Afghanistan (though it would take a certain psychological pleasure from a humiliating American withdrawal).

In nuts-and-bolts terms, if we stay in Afghanistan and eventually succeed, other countries will benefit more than we will. China, India and Russia are all Asian powers, geographically proximate to Afghanistan and better able, therefore, to garner practical advantages from any stability our armed forces would make possible.

Everyone keeps saying that America is not an empire, but our military finds itself in the sort of situation that was mighty familiar to empires like that of ancient Rome and 19th-century Britain: struggling in a far-off corner of the world to exact revenge, to put down the fires of rebellion, and to restore civilized order. Meanwhile, other rising and resurgent powers wait patiently in the wings, free-riding on the public good we offer. This is exactly how an empire declines, by allowing others to take advantage of its own exertions.

Of course, one could make an excellent case that an ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan is precisely what would lead to our decline, by demoralizing our military, signaling to our friends worldwide that we cannot be counted on and demonstrating that our enemies have greater resolve than we do. That is why we have no choice in Afghanistan but to add troops and continue to fight.

But as much as we hone our counterinsurgency skills and develop assets for the “long war,” history would suggest that over time we can more easily preserve our standing in the world by using naval and air power from a distance when intervening abroad. Afghanistan should be the very last place where we are a land-based meddler, caught up in internal Islamic conflict, helping the strategic ambitions of the Chinese and others.

Robert D. Kaplan is a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security and a correspondent for The Atlantic.

A version of this article appeared in print on October 7, 2009, on page A29 of the New York edition.

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www.chinaequip.gov.cn 2009-04-30 来源:新华网  







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Pakistan has always supported China's point of view on the issues of Tibet and Xinjiang. Regarding the Xinjiang issue Pakistan always favored China and ensured that it will help China at every position to solve that problem. But in reality Xinjiang is a major point which poses a credible question mark on the friendship of both countries.  

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