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April 3, 2008
Op-Ed Columnist

A Not-So-Fine Romance

In the aftermath of the Tibet upheavals, the complicated romance between America and China is degenerating into mutual recriminations, muttering about Olympic boycotts and tensions that are likely to rise through the summer.

It would be convenient if we could simply denounce the crackdown in Tibet as the unpopular action of a dictatorial government. But it wasn’t. It was the popular action of a dictatorial government, and many ordinary Chinese think the government acted too wimpishly, showing far too much restraint toward “thugs” and “rioters.”

China and the U.S. clash partly because of competing interests, but mostly because of competing narratives. To Americans, Tibet fits neatly into a framework of human rights and colonialism. To Chinese, steeped in education of 150 years of “guochi,” or national humiliations by foreigners, the current episode is one more effort by imperialistic and condescending foreigners to tear China apart or hold it back.

So what do we do? A boycott of the Olympic Games themselves is a nonstarter. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has raised the possibility of a boycott of the opening ceremony, and that is plausible.

The best answer is: Postpone the decision until the last minute so as to extort every last ounce of good behavior possible out of the Chinese government — on Darfur as well as Tibet. But at the end of the day, if there have been no further abuses, President Bush should attend — for staying away would only inflame Chinese nationalism and make Beijing more obdurate.

If President Bush attends the ceremonies, however, he should balance that with a day trip to a Tibetan area. Such a visit would underscore American concern, even if the Chinese trot out fake monks to express fake contentment with fake freedom.

President Bush and other Western leaders should also continue to consult with the Dalai Lama, even though this infuriates Beijing. The Dalai Lama is the last, best hope for reaching an agreement that would resolve the dispute over Tibet forever. He accepts autonomy, rather than independence, and he has the moral authority to persuade Tibetans to accept a deal.

The outlines of an agreement would be simple. The Dalai Lama would return to Tibet as a spiritual leader, and Tibetans would be permitted to possess his picture and revere him, while he would unequivocally accept Chinese sovereignty. Monasteries would have much greater religious freedom, and Han Chinese migration to Tibet would be limited. The Dalai Lama would also accept that the Tibetan region encompasses only what is now labeled Tibet on the maps, not the much larger region of historic Tibet that he has continued to claim.

With such an arrangement, China could resolve the problem of Tibet, improve its international image, reassure Taiwan and rectify a 50-year-old policy of repression that has catastrophically failed.

But don’t hold your breath. Instead, President Hu Jintao — who made his reputation by crushing protests in Tibet in 1989 — will make up for failed policy within Tibet by trying to stir up Chinese nationalist resentments at nosy foreigners.

America and China get on each other’s nerves partly because they are so similar. Both are big, self-absorbed, and insular nations; both are entrepreneurial overachievers; both are infused with nationalism and yet tread clumsily on the nationalism of others — whether in Vietnam or Iraq, or Tibet and the Muslim region of Xinjiang.

Both the United States and China also hurt themselves by petulantly refusing to engage leaders they don’t like. The U.S. shrinks from talking with Iranian and Cuban leaders, and China refuses to negotiate directly with the Dalai Lama, whom it recently denounced as “a jackal wrapped in a habit, a monster with human face and animal’s heart.”

That refusal to talk is stunningly foolish. Nearly every Tibetan I’ve ever spoken to in Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan or Gansu has been loyal to the Dalai Lama — except those who think he’s too gentle and accommodating toward China. After the Dalai Lama dies, there will be no one to hold Tibetans back, and more militant organizers in the Tibetan Youth Congress and other organizations will turn to violence, and perhaps terrorism.

The only other Tibetan who could fill that vacuum is the Panchen Lama, the No. 2 Tibetan leader, who turns 19 later this month. But the Chinese government kidnapped the Panchen Lama when he was 6 years old and apparently has kept him under house arrest ever since.

Americans sometimes think that the Tibetan resentments are just about political and religious freedom. They’re much more complicated than that. Tibetan anger is also fueled by the success of Han Chinese shop owners, who are often better educated and more entrepreneurial. So Tibetans seek solace in monasteries or bars, and the economic gap widens and provokes even more frustration — which the spotlight of the Olympics gives them a chance to express.

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Major cyber spy network uncovered

An electronic spy network, based mainly in China, has infiltrated computers from government offices around the world, Canadian researchers say.

They said the network had infiltrated 1,295 computers in 103 countries.

They included computers belonging to foreign ministries and embassies and those linked with the Dalai Lama - Tibet's spiritual leader.

Researchers say they have no conclusive evidence China's government was behind. Beijing has also denied involvement.

The report comes after a 10-month investigation by the Information Warfare Monitor (IWM), which comprises researchers from Ottawa-based think tank SecDev Group and the University of Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies.

They were acting on a request from the Tibetan spiritual leader's office to check whether the computers of his Tibetan exile network had been infiltrated.

Researchers found that ministries of foreign affairs of Iran, Bangladesh, Latvia, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei, Barbados and Bhutan, appear to had been targeted.

Hacked systems were also discovered in the embassies of India, South Korea, Indonesia, Romania, Cyprus, Malta, Thailand, Taiwan, Portugal, Germany and Pakistan.


The researchers said hackers were apparently able to take control of computers belonging to several foreign ministries and embassies across the world using malicious software, or malware.

"We uncovered real-time evidence of malware that had penetrated Tibetan computer systems, extracting sensitive documents from the private office of the Dalai Lama," investigator Greg Walton was quoted by the Associated Press news agency as saying.

They say they believe the system, which they called GhostNet, was focused on governments in Asia.

By installing malware on compromised computers, hackers were able to take control of them to send and receive classified data.

In this case, the software also gave hackers the ability to use audio and video recording devices to monitor the rooms the computers were in. But investigators said they did not know whether or not this element had been used.

According to the New York Times, the spying operation is the largest to have been uncovered in terms of the number of countries affected.

In an abstract for the report entitled The Snooping Dragon: Social Malware Surveillance of the Tibetan Movement - posted on the IWM website - investigators said while such attacks were not new, these particularly stood out for their ability to collect "actionable intelligence for use by the police and security services of a repressive state, with potentially fatal consequences for those exposed".

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"'官方式意见表达'是指宣传单、宣传电影,一切都是为了帮中国政府做宣传",二年级学生彼得说:"我的意思是,这儿的'学生政治'和'官方政治'完全是两回事。除非英国政府愿意付我钱,否则我根本不可能站在摊位前为他们发宣传单。" 一些西方学生看来,一群中国学生持同一政见出现,只能说明他们完全没有自己的头脑,代表的无非是政府的声音。


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This week marks the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising which led to the exile of the Dalai Lama. Tibet's exiled leader has described the situation in his homeland as "hell on earth" - a characterisation rejected by China.

At the moment, China has stopped foreigners from travelling into Tibet, but many Tibetans also live in neighbouring Chinese provinces on the Tibetan plateau. These are the only Tibetan areas that we can try to visit.

But in recent days, the Chinese authorities have detained (and sometimes harassed) many foreign reporters who have tried to get to these areas.

Still, a few days ago, a colleague and I managed to get in and out of the Tibetan plateau without being arrested. Here's what we found.

At the main gate to a monastery on the plateau, a monk in red robes sits behind a counter. My colleague and I buy two tickets and walk into the grounds - a valley full of temples surrounded by hills and prayer flags. (In order to protect the identity of the monks we spoke to, we have decided to withhold the name of this monastery.)

There is a number of men in well-pressed trousers standing around the grounds. Experience in China suggests that these men may be undercover Chinese policemen - determined to make sure there's no repeat of last year's Tibetan protests.

My colleague and I walk freely through the monastery - into prayer halls and debating chambers. We meet a Tibetan monk standing alone. No-one appears to be watching us. We've travelled almost a thousand miles for this one opportunity.

"We heard that last year there were some problems around this area. Are things quiet now?" we ask him.

"Nothing will happen," the monk says quietly, "we're all being suppressed."

"Is there lots of surveillance at the moment?"

"Yes. Control."

"Who is controlling you?"

"The government."

"Do you think the Dalai Lama will ever come back?"

The monk nods.

"He should come back," he whispers, "he should come back."

The whisper of a single monk is as loud as support for the Dalai Lama can get in this monastery. To China, the Dalai Lama is a corrupt, violent, feudal overlord who has spent 50 years trying to split Tibet from the motherland.

dalai lama image

A little later, we visit a second Tibetan monastery. Two young monks escort us into a temple. They show us a framed photo of the Dalai Lama on an altar - a picture they have to hide away whenever the Chinese police come to visit.

"They come quite often, to tell us not to make any trouble," one of the monks says. "So we have to hide his picture, or else we will get fined. The police don't usually search the place. So, as long as we hide it well, we will be okay."

We drive on through frosty hillsides towards the village in which the Dalai Lama was born in 1935. We stop at a house by the side of the road. A gray metal door is half open.

Dalai Lama's birth home

"This is the place in which he was born," a Tibetan woman standing outside the house tells us. "Last year, they refurbished the whole place again, so it's like it was before."

Beyond the door, we can see into a courtyard, where there is a Tibetan mastiff on a chain, and an ornate green and gold building. But we can't go inside. We learn that Chinese police officers from the Public Security Bureau come around every day. They make sure that foreigners don't go inside.

A taxi then pulls up at the door. Four middle-aged Tibetans get out. They bang on the door in a slight panic. They tell us that they've driven for hours from Qinghai Lake to visit the birthplace of the man they worship as a god. A person guarding the house lets them inside.

My colleague and I wait outside in the wind. China condemns the Dalai Lama as a terrorist with the heart of a beast. But in this remote village, China allows Tibetans to make discreet pilgrimages to the house in which he was born.

We'd like to stay around a little longer. But villagers tell us that the police are on their way. We drive off, leaving the grey metal door and the golden rooftop behind us.

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新华网北京3月11日电  外交部发言人马朝旭11日在答记者问时说,中方对美国白宫和国务院发言人涉藏言论表示强烈不满和坚决反对,并已向美方提出严正交涉。



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聲援西藏 德近千城鎮升雪山獅子旗
  • 2009-03-11
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中央社】


     發起這次行動的「德國支持西藏」(TibetInitiative Deutschland)組織表示,每年3月10日西藏抗暴紀念日舉辦的「為西藏亮出旗幟」活動,今年已經進入第14年,包括漢諾威(Hanover)、斯圖加特(Stuttgart)、波茨坦(Potsdam)等各邦的首府在內,今年全德國共有996個大小城市和鄉鎮響應。




     「德國支持西藏」組織今天還計劃在柏林、漢堡等24 個德國城市的中國駐外機構前和市中心廣場,舉行示威活動,呼籲北京面對西藏問題。980310

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中央社  0310








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Dalai Lama renews autonomy call
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2009/0310  BBC

The Dalai Lama has repeated his demand for "legitimate and meaningful autonomy" for Tibet.

His call came in a message on the 50th anniversary of a failed uprising against Chinese rule.

Tibet's exiled spiritual leader said independence from China was not the answer. He also accused China of creating a climate of fear in Tibet.

He said hundreds of thousands of Tibetans had been killed, and thousands of places of worship destroyed.

The Dalai Lama's message came five decades after a bloody uprising against Chinese troops in Lhasa that led, a week later, to his flight into exile in India.

China says its troops freed Tibetans from slavery in a feudal society. It is planning to mark 28 March - the day in 1959 on which the Communist Party dissolved the existing local government in Tibet - as Serfs' Emancipation Day.

The Dalai Lama said the two sides needed to work for "mutual benefit".

"We Tibetans are looking for legitimate and meaningful autonomy, an arrangement that would enable Tibetans to live within the framework of the People's Republic of China," the exiled leader said.

"I have no doubt that the justice of Tibet's cause will prevail."

'Constant fear'

The Dalai Lama paid tribute to all those who had died since 1959, including victims of last year's deadly protests in Lhasa that spilled over into other ethnic Tibetan regions.

  • China says Tibet was always part of its territory
  • Tibet enjoyed long periods of autonomy before the 20th Century
  • China launched a military assault in 1950
  • Opposition to Chinese rule led to a bloody uprising which began on 10 March 1959
  • Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, fled days later and crossed into India on 31 March 1959
  • "Even today Tibetans in Tibet live in constant fear and the Chinese authorities remain constantly suspicious of them," he said from his seat in exile in India's Dharamsala.

    Tibet's religion, culture, language and identity were "nearing extinction", he said, and Chinese development was devastating the Tibetan environment and way of life.

    He repeated an accusation that China has killed "hundreds of thousands of his people".

    "Many infrastructural developments... which seem to have brought progress to Tibetan areas were really done with the political objective of Sinicising Tibet," he added.

    China has always denied any mass killings of Tibetans.

    Referring to his "Middle Way approach" - offering to accept Chinese sovereignty in Tibet in return for genuine autonomy - the 73-year-old leader expressed disappointment that China had "not responded appropriately to our sincere efforts".

    But he said the two sides should "look to the future and work for our mutual benefit".

    "Fulfilling the aspirations of the Tibetan people will enable China to achieve stability and unity," he added.

    'Expected sabotage'

    The latest round of stop-start talks with Beijing last November concluded with China condemning the Tibetans' proposals as a bid for "disguised independence".

    And the BBC's James Reynolds in Beijing says it is very difficult to see where progress can happen at the moment.

    In a separate statement, the Tibetan government-in-exile pledged to continue to push the "Middle Way approach" but said the continuation of contact depended solely on China.

    Thousands of Chinese troops and paramilitary police are said to have been deployed in Tibetan-populated regions amid fears of fresh violence on the sensitive anniversary.

    Campaign groups have already reported some unrest in areas around Tibet. China does not allow foreign journalists unrestricted access to Tibet or restive areas surrounding it, making it extremely difficult to verify these reports.

    Beijing says it has tightened its border controls in preparation for "expected sabotage activities by the Dalai Lama clique".

    On Monday, in a sign that the Chinese government's stance on Tibet is unlikely to soften, President Hu Jintao called for a "Great Wall" against Tibetan separatism.

    "We must build up a Great Wall in our fight against separatism and safeguard the unity of the motherland, and push Tibet's basic stability toward long-term security," state television quoted him as saying.

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        国民党政权崩溃 美谋求支持“藏独”





        达赖哥哥牵线搭桥 暗中训练叛乱分子






      护送达赖出逃印度 为美搜集国内情报











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    一、    達賴專制的法理 








    二、    濃厚的神權統治、家族統治色彩

























        今年,達賴的活動多,講話多,給自己掙得了新的“名號”和評論。5月19日,德國《世界報》網站報道說,流亡僧人早已不都是達賴狂熱的追隨者,一些人還把達賴描述成“變色龍”、“獨裁者”和“披著僧侶外衣的政治家”,該報道進一步表示,“作爲宗教和政治領導,達賴擁有絕對的權力,並不允許不同意見,這絕不是好事”,矛頭直指達賴的獨裁專制統治。5月23日英國媒體紛紛評論達賴到英國議會的“作證”。《泰晤士報》形容達賴是一個偉大的“蹩腳演員”、一個“戲劇喇嘛”,達賴只是一個“票房”,是追星族爭相追捧的物件。《每日郵報》說,也許達賴是一個來自遙遠山地王國的流亡政治人物,但他是一隻“精明的鳥”(A Shrewd Bird),知道對於西方人而言,來自東方的宗教神秘色彩很受歡迎,達賴重復使用這一伎倆已長達數十年。10月9日,法國電視二台播放了題爲《達賴的軌迹》的專題報道,向法國觀衆揭露了達賴種種“鮮爲人知”的陰暗面,其中介紹了達賴對其他教派的壓制和排斥,展現了達賴遭受抗議的鏡頭,並援引一名女抗議者的話,指責達賴是兩面派的政治人物。此前,法蘭西24台也曾推出題爲《達賴喇嘛的魔鬼》的特別報道,爲觀衆“描述了”一個與他們想象中不同的達賴。




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