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救援 人道志工周曉華小姐

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救援 人道志工周曉華小姐 


發生在東非肯亞的周曉華事件,震驚了全世界的人權救援組織。我們身為長期參與世界人權關懷工作的一份子,絕對不會冷漠地任憑比黑社會還要黑暗的肯亞警察栽贓污衊抹黑 TOTOS International Child Advocacy Group http://www.totos.org/ 的周曉華(Sherry Chou ),我們將盡全力救援周曉華,我們也誠懇的呼籲各方慈悲正義的力量自動上網絡尋找各種管道參加聲援以及救援的任務! 


周曉華 (Sherry Chou )1981  4 月出生於台灣中部,1988 年七歲時隨家人移民美國,剛開始過得很苦,但周家後來算是苦盡甘來,周 曉華並且唸到哈佛大學教育碩士。三年前她花掉大筆積蓄隻身遠赴肯亞,到肯亞擔任義工,並創辦以奈洛比及美國為基地的志願組織TOTOS International Child Advocacy Group。周 曉華  2005 12  29 日遭肯亞警方逮捕,隔了二天以後於31 日才被肯亞警察指控於 2004 年至 2005 年間,在奈洛比「巴哈蒂兒童收容中心」涉嫌猥褻性侵五名 18 歲以下男童。肯亞法院又故意必須延遲至 2006 4  18 日才要開庭審理,很明顯的是肯亞警察先粗暴的強制拘禁關押周曉華再製造誣陷她的犯罪證據。


在非洲黑暗大地的肯亞,我們永遠無法期盼肯亞政府會以現代文明的方式公平對待周曉華 (Sherry Chou ),所有可能獲得的媒體故事負面報導都是來自於肯亞警察誣陷抹黑的官方說法,周曉華是無法在自由的情況下獲得自由發言的機會,所以我們不必等待周曉華的辯解說詞,我們統統站出來,代替周曉華發出強烈譴責肯亞警察栽贓污衊抹黑的手段,並且強烈要求肯亞政府即時無條件釋放周曉華 (Sherry Chou )  


台灣人民力量組織    2006/02/12    ( 敬請關注人權的朋友轉貼廣發 謝謝 ) 




Support Ms.Sherry Chou



This news event, which occurred in East Africa recently, has shocked many humanity organizations around the world. We, the people, stand as a part of long term human rights worker will not tolerate Kenya government authority blotting and imputing to the leader of TOTOS International Child Advocacy Group ( http://www.totos.org/) Sherry Chou. We will use all necessary forces to rescue our Taiwan citizen Ms. Sherry Chou from the rotten bureaucratic Kenya government authority. We also would strongly encourage all our civil organizations joining the rescue force and seeking out all necessary channels to support this rescue mission as well.


Inside the black Africa Kenya, it is nearly impossible to expect that the Kenya government authority would treat Sherry Chou in fairly and civilize manner. All media in Kenya have been blocked out by the government authority; therefore, Ms. Sherry Chou does not have opportunity to speak to the general public about her situation freely. We truly believe that Ms. Sherry Chou is innocent in this distorted incident. We, the people, shell all stand out to defense for Sherry Chou to issue a tough statement that the Kenya government authority blots Taiwan citizen Ms. Sherry Chou as a guilty one and Ms. Sherry Chou should be released unconditionally from Kenya authority's custody immediately.


_________________________________ Feb/12/2006

救援 人道志工周曉華小姐 

請您 Copy英文信以後署名,請用您的E-Mail信箱直接寄給: 

正本:肯亞警察總部 Email: info@kenyapolice.go.ke

副本: 美國國際特赦組織 E- mail: aimember@aiusa.org 


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TOTO International Scholarship


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February 24, 2006

Dear Scholarship Students and Family, Participating Schools, and other Educators,

Currently, TOTOS International, Inc., based in California, USA, is sponsoring the following secondary school students who have shown not only exceptional academic ability, but personal integrity and commitment as well:

Bernard Oduor in Form 2 at Njoro Boys High School, PO BOX 40, Njoro
Mugo Wanjira in Form 2 at Machakos School, PO BOX 39, Machakos
George Wanyoro in Form 1 at Meru School, PO BOX 103, Meru
Eric Kirimi in Form 1 at Meru School, PO BOX 103, Meru

Unfortunately, the bulk of scholarship students from 2005 have been disqualified due to persistent and serious behavioral misconduct. In order to maintain the integrity of the scholarship program and commitment to our objective of supporting the education and development of future community leaders, we have had to stand firm against pressures and intimidations from corrupt and exploitative individuals and groups. We are struggling in an extremely difficult environment, politically, socially, and economically, which makes the task of supporting students with leadership potential from all backgrounds more important than ever.

Our organization generously and ambitiously tried to sponsor the entire KCPE candidate class of over 40 students from the Bahati Rehabilitation Center in 2005, many of whom had marks as low as 140 out of 500 on the KCPE and a history of severe behavioral problems. Unfortunately, our organization was ill-equipped to deal with the extreme challenges present in this very vulnerable population, and it is with great sadness that I inform you that they are still very much in need, more than ever, but our organization is no longer able to provide any assistance to them.

However, we recognize and applaud the three scholarship students from 2005 who have endured the numerous trials and have shown themselves to have strength in scholarship as well as in character. We also welcome the new scholarship recipient recommended by Principal Kariuki D.G. of Meru School. We look forward to a strengthened and renewed partnership that will help us identify new scholarship recipients in the future, and to working together to support them.

On a personal note of introduction, I hold two Bachelor of Arts degrees from the University of California Berkeley, in Mathematics and Physics, and a Masters of Education in International Education Policy from Harvard University. Due to other responsibilities, I cannot personally be in Kenya throughout the year, so I am asking for the schools and families to work closely with us to ensure that the students' academic, financial, as well as emotional needs will be met as they dedicate themselves to scholarship and personal growth.

We appreciate and applaud your tireless efforts in supporting students in education.

Sincerely yours,

Sherry Chou, Ed.M.
0723 388 179
PO BOX 2296-00200, Nairobi

PS. Due to unfortunate recent events caused by the weak and often corrupt infrastructure here on the ground in Kenya, I was arrested on January 29, 2006 and imprisoned until February 8. The charges are absolutely false and I believe firmly that if given a fair trial I will be promptly acquitted. The first court date will be April 18, 2006 and the trial is being keenly followed by the US Embassy here in Kenya.

If you would like more information or to offer your support, please send an email to info@totos.org. Thank you.

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