30 mega projects: China's pride, world's envy!
The United States no longer lords over the world's most prestigious infrastructure projects.
Some of the world's biggest and most expensive infrastructure projects are in China.
China, Brazil, the Middle East and other parts of the developing world, account for nearly half of the most expensive projects in the world.
Businessinsider says some of these mega projects in China are 'reshaping the world'. Here's a look at some of the biggest and expensive projects in China...
Read more:
03/04/2013 China’s mega projects Part 1- Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
03/05/2013 China's mega projects Part 2- Shanghai Tower
03/06/2013 China's mega projects Part 3- Beijing underground network
03/07/2013 China's mega projects Part 4- The giant offshore wind turbine
03/08/2013 China's mega projects Part 5- The mega LNG carrier
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