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May You Be Blessed


The "May You Be Blessed" Movie


Created by Kate Nowak

Designed to be a meditative experience for the viewer, the May You Be Blessed movie is yours to use. It is my gift to you, from one heart to another, and I not only encourage you to view the movie frequently as a reminder of all the good in your own life, but to pass it along to others, so they, too, may be blessed.

It has been said that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Every time you remind yourself that you are, indeed, blessed — even in those times when you do not see or feel the blessings — you are figuratively lighting a candle in your world. By being reminded that you are blessed and that you are a blessing to others, you succeed in raising your own energy vibration. You feel lighter, freer and happier. And the better you feel, the better those around you feel. In essence, by raising your own vibration, you raise the vibration of others, blessing those around you by your presence and improving world conditions far more than you realize.

Now imagine if these feelings of well-being were experienced by millions of people world-wide, each succeeding in raising his or her own vibration and thus blessing all those with whom they come in contact, as well. The impact on the world could be nothing short of staggering.

To help create such an impact, you are invited to take part in our One Million Blessings in One Hundred Days Experiment.

To accept this invitation, simply fill in the form at right. You will receive a brief weekly message updating you on the project's progress and reminding you that you are blessed and that you are a candle in the darkness, blessing countless others by your presence.

May you be blessed with all things good,

©2006 by Kate Nowak. All rights reserved.

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