Costa Rica's President Oscar Arias has announced that his country has broken diplomatic ties with Taiwan after 60 years and formed relations with China.
Mr Arias said Costa Rica needed to develop closer ties with China in order to attract foreign investment.
Taiwan and China have been governed separately since the end of a civil war in 1949, and both still compete for diplomatic recognition.
Taiwan's foreign minister has offered to resign over the Costa Rican move.
The switch leaves Taiwan with just 24 allies, compared to China's 170.
China regards Taiwan as a breakaway province which it has vowed to retake. It refuses to have diplomatic ties with nations that recognise Taiwan.
"We will immediately end our ties with Costa Rica and terminate all co-operation programmes," said Taiwanese Foreign Minister James Huang.
Mr Huang said he believed Costa Rica to be an isolated case, but added that Taiwan must be careful to maintain its diplomatic links.
"I've asked our embassies to take extreme precautions against any further pressure by the Chinese communists," said Mr Huang.
Following suit
At a news conference, the Costa Rican president thanked Taiwan for its "solidarity and co-operation" but said he had taken the decision "thinking of all the Costa Ricans".
"We are looking to strengthen the commercial ties and attract investment. China is the most successful emerging economy in the world," said President Arias.
Analysts say Taiwan is fearful that Costa Rica's shift in allegiance to Beijing could prompt other Latin American nations such as Nicaragua and Panama to follow.
聲明指出,中華民國(台灣)與哥斯大黎加於1944 年建立外交關係以來,兩國一向理念相同,致力推展民主、自由及國際和平事業,中華民國(台灣)也始終積極協助哥斯大黎加從事各項基礎建設,及攸關哥斯大黎加國計民生的計畫,哥斯大黎加歷任政府及人民對兩國邦誼及各項合作亦深表滿意。
聲明表示,哥國現任阿里亞斯總統(Oscar Arias )自2006年5月上任以來,不顧兩國之共同價值及長久邦誼,與中國秘密進行多次建交談判;中華民國(台灣)政府基於珍視對台哥間超過一甲子邦誼,曾積極、持續與哥國政府溝通,展現最大合作誠意,但哥方仍一意孤行。
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